GANNO Procedure

Example 1: Scaling Data-Dependent Output


PROC GANNO statement options ANNOTATE= and DATASYS

Sample library member: GANSCALE
This example uses an Annotate data set to scale data-dependent output with the DATASYS option and create a vertical bar chart of sales for each of six sites. The values that determine the height of each bar range from 137 to 999. The range of values is so large that the GANNO procedure cannot fit all of the bars in the output area without scaling the output. This program uses the DATASYS option to scale the data values so that the bars fit in the graphics output area.
Scaled GANNO Output
Scaled GANNO Output


goptions reset=all border;
data wrldtotl;
   length sitename $ 10;
   input sitename $ 1-10 mean 12-15;
Paris      999
Munich     571
Tokyo      137
London     273
Frankfurt  546
New York   991
data wrldanno;
   length function color $ 8 text $ 20;
   retain line 0 xsys ysys "2" hsys "3" x 8;
   set wrldtotl end=end;
   function="move"; x=x+8; y=20; output;
   function="bar"; y=y+(mean); x=x+9;
      style="empty"; color="red"; output;
   function="label"; y=0; x=x-4; size=3.5;
      position="E"; style="swiss";
      color="blue"; text=sitename; output;
   function="move"; y=y+(mean)-3; output;
   function="label"; x=x-1; text=left(put(mean,3.));
      position="5"; style="swiss"; size=3; output;
   if end then do;
      function="move"; x=10; y=20; output;
      function="draw"; x=90; y=20; line=1;
         size=.5; color="blue"; output;
      function="label"; x=50; y=95; text="Projected Sales";
         xsys="3"; ysys="3"; position="5"; style="swissb";
         size=5; color=" "; output;
         x=92; y=5; size=3; style="swiss"; text="GANSCALE"; output;
      function="frame"; color="blue"; when="b";
         style="empty"; output;
proc ganno annotate=wrldanno

Program Description

Set the graphics environment.
goptions reset=all border;
Create the data set WRLDTOTL. WRLDTOTL contains sales data for six sites. SITENAME contains the names of the sites. MEAN contains the average sales for each site.
data wrldtotl;
   length sitename $ 10;
   input sitename $ 1-10 mean 12-15;
Paris      999
Munich     571
Tokyo      137
London     273
Frankfurt  546
New York   991
Create the Annotate data set, WRLDANNO. XSYS and YSYS specify coordinate system 2 (absolute data values) for X and Y. HSYS specifies coordinate system 3 (percent of the graphics output area) for SIZE. The SET statement processes every observation in WRLDTOTL.
data wrldanno;
   length function color $ 8 text $ 20;
   retain line 0 xsys ysys "2" hsys "3" x 8;
   set wrldtotl end=end;
Draw the bars. The MOVE function defines the lower left corner of the bar. The BAR function draws the bar. Bar height (Y) is controlled by MEAN.
   function="move"; x=x+8; y=20; output;
   function="bar"; y=y+(mean); x=x+9;
      style="empty"; color="red"; output;
Label the bar with the name of site.
   function="label"; y=0; x=x-4; size=3.5;
      position="E"; style="swiss";
      color="blue"; text=sitename; output;
Move to the top of the bar and write the value of MEAN.
   function="move"; y=y+(mean)-3; output;
   function="label"; x=x-1; text=left(put(mean,3.));
      position="5"; style="swiss"; size=3; output;
After all the observations are processed, add an axis line, title, footnote, and frame. The MOVE and DRAW functions draw the axis line. The LABEL function writes the title and the footnote. The FRAME function draws a border around the output.
   if end then do;
      function="move"; x=10; y=20; output;
      function="draw"; x=90; y=20; line=1;
         size=.5; color="blue"; output;
      function="label"; x=50; y=95; text="Projected Sales";
         xsys="3"; ysys="3"; position="5"; style="swissb";
         size=5; color=" "; output;
         x=92; y=5; size=3; style="swiss"; text="GANSCALE"; output;
      function="frame"; color="blue"; when="b";
         style="empty"; output;
Display the annotate graphics. The ANNOTATE= option identifies the data set that contains the graphics commands. DATASYS tells the procedure to use the maximum and minimum data values to construct the output environment. In addition, the values of X and Y are scaled to fit the environment and all of the bars display on the graph.
proc ganno annotate=wrldanno