SAS® Foundation Products

To locate your SAS site number (or Technical Support site number), instructions are provided for three different situations that you might experience. Click the link below that applies to your situation:

You Can Launch SAS®

If you can launch SAS, you have three options for locating your site number. SAS Technical Support recommends Option 1.

Option 1:

Launch SAS and browse the notes at the top of the SAS log. The site number appears in the second note, as shown in this example:

   NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2011 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
   NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M5)
   Licensed to Sample Company, Site 0000000001. 

Option 2:

  1. In the SAS editor, enter the following %PUT statement:

      %put &syssite;

  2. Select Run ► Submit. Your site number appears in the SAS log window, as shown in this example:

      1 %put &syssite;

Option 3:

  1. Select Help ► About SAS X  (X specifies the SAS release).
  2. Click the Siteinfo button to display the Siteinfo dialog box. The dialog box contains your site number.

SAS® Is Installed, But You Cannot Launch It

In this situation, you have four options.

Option 1:

If you start SAS by clicking SAS 9.x (English) , you receive the following message in the SAS log. Your site number appears in this message.

   ERROR: The current date of is past the final expiration
   ERROR: date for your SAS system, which is . Please
   ERROR: contact your SAS Installation Representative to obtain your updated
   ERROR: SAS Installation Data (SID) file, which includes SETINIT information.
   To locate the name of your SAS Installation Representative go to and provide your site number xxxxxxxx and
   your-company-name  as . On the SAS REP list provided,
   locate the REP for operating system X64-or-32-bit-operating-system .
   ERROR: Initialization of setinit information from SASHELP failed.
   NOTE: Unable to initialize the options subsystem.
   ERROR: Unable to initialize the SAS kernel.

Option 2

Browse your license file. Search for the text site in the license file, as shown below:

   proc setinit release='9.4'
   siteinfo name=Sample-Company
   osname='winxxx ' recreate warn=45 grace=45
   birthday='31JAN2018'd expire='31DEC2018'd password=your-password;
   cpu model=' ' modnum=' ' serial=' ' name=CPU000; expire 'prodnum000' 'prodnum001'prodnum002'
   'prodnum003' 'prodnum004' 'prodnum005' 'prodnum006' 'prodnum007' 'prodnum008' 'prodnum010'
   'prodnum012' 'prodnum013' 'prodnum015' 'prodnum016' '31dec2018'd / cpulist = cpu00;
   save; run;

The location and precise name of the license file varies according to your operating system and SAS release, as documented below:

  • Microsoft Windows: SAS® 9.4, 9.3, 9.2, 9.1, and SAS®9

    The sid.txt file (or the setinit.sss file) is located in the !sasroot\core\sasinst folder. Here are the default locations for the \!sasroot directory:

    • For SAS 9.4: C:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4
                            C:\program files\SASHome\x86\SASFoundation\9.4
    • For SAS 9.3: C:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.3
                            C:\program files\SASHome\x86\SASFoundation\9.3
    • For SAS 9.2: C:\program files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2
                            C:\program files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2(32-bit)
    • For SAS 9.1: C:\program files\SAS\SAS 9.1
  • Windows: SAS® 8.2, 8.1, 8, 7, 6
        The file (or the setinit.sss file) is located in the !sasroot\core\sasinst folder.
        The default location for the !SASROOT directory in SAS 8.2 is C:\program files\SAS Institute\SAS\v8.
  • UNIX
        The file is located in the !SASROOT directory.
  • IBM z/OS
        To locate the site number, browse the RENEWPRM member of the Installation CNTL library, and search for the site=.
  • VMS Software OpenVMS
        After you open OpenVMS, the file is located under the SAS$ROOT:[TOOLS] directory.
  • Apple Macintosh
        The setinit file is located in the SAS612\TOOLS folder.
        To locate the setname SAS file, enter the following CMS command:

        filel setname sas *

Option 3:

For SAS®9 releases, browse the title and the body of the SAS Software Order email that was sent to your SAS Installation Representative. To find your site number, search for the text Tech Support Site Number.

Option 4:

For SAS 8 releases, browse the setinit license-file code that was sent o your SAS Installation Representative by email. To find your site number, search for text site=.

You Are Installing SAS®

If you are installing SAS, you have four options for locating your site number.

Option 1 (for SAS 9.4, 9.3, 9.2)

  1. On the DVD-disk1 or in the SAS Software Depot folder, obtain the numbers from the order_data folder.
  2. Navigate to the sid_files folder and locate the filename with the matching order number. The site number follows the order number. Alternatively, you can open the soi.html file (located in the install_doc\order-number\directory) file and search for the text Tech Support Site Number.

Option 2 (SAS®9)
For SAS®9 releases, search for the text Tech Support Site Number in the title and the body of the SAS Software Order email that was sent to your SAS Installation Representative.

Option 3
For SAS®9 releases, locate the original SAS installation data file (SID file) and search the filename or the file for the text Site Number or site=. The default filenames are as follows:

  • SAS94_order-number_site-number_host-platform.txt 
  • SAS93_order-number_site-number_host-platform.txt 
  • SAS92_order-number_site-number_host-platform.txt 
  • SAS91_order-number.txt

Option 4
For SAS releases that are provided on CD or DVD, search for the site number in the Software Order Information page that is in your SAS Installation Kit.

SAS® Clients and Portals

SAS clients and portals are used to access SAS servers and solutions for data submission or administrative tasks. You have options within each client or portal for locating your SAS site number, as described below.

SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office

  1. Launch your Microsoft Office software (Excel, Word, or PowerPoint). 
  2. Click the SAS tab and select Help►About SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. An information dialog box with the site number appears.

SAS® BI Dashboard

Option 1: If your Base SAS® software is accessible, launch SAS and browse the contents of your SAS log. The site number appears in the second note.

Option 2: Search for the site number in the logs of either a metadata server, a workspace server, or a stored-process server.

Option 3: If you do not have access to a server log file, or if the server log file does not contain the site number, contact the SAS Installation Representative at your site or contact SAS Technical Support.

SAS® Data Integration Studio

  1. Launch SAS Data Integration Studio.
  2. Select Tools►Code Editor. Type the following code in the editor window

      %put &syssite;

  3. Click the Running Man icon on the toolbar to submit the code.
  4. Click the Log tab at the bottom of the Source Editor window.
  5. Search for Site: to locate the text string Site your-site-number.

SAS® Enterprise Guide®

Option 1

  1. Launch SAS Enterprise Guide.
  2. Select Help ► About SAS Enterprise Guide. An information dialog box appears, which includes the site number.

Option 2

  1. Launch SAS Enterprise Guide.
  2. In the code window, type in the following code:

      %put &syssite;

  3. Select Run ► Submit. Your site number appears in the SAS log window that is displayed.

SAS® Environment Manager

  1. Log on to SAS Environment Manager with an administrative account.
  2. Click Licensed Products.
  3. Under Products in the Licensed Products window, search for Site ID: to locate the text string Site your-site-number.

SAS® IML® Studio

  1. Click File ► New ► Workspace for SAS.
  2. Type the following code in the Workspace for SAS window:

       %put &syssite

  3. Click the Run icon (or press F5).
  4. Press F8 to view the error log. The site number appears in this log. 

SAS® Information Delivery Portal

Option 1: If your Base SAS software is accessible, launch SAS and browse the contents of your SAS log. The site number appears in the second note.

Option 2: Search for the site number in the logs of either a metadata server, a workspace server, or a stored-process server.

Option 3: If you do not have access to a server log file, or the server log file does not contain the site number, contact the SAS Installation Representative at your site or contact SAS Technical Support.

SAS® Information Map Studio

Option 1: If your Base SAS software is accessible, launch SAS and browse the contents of your SAS log. The site number appears in the second note.

Option 2: Search for the site number in the logs of either a metadata server, a workspace server, or a stored-process server.

Option 3: If you do not have access to a server log file, or the server log file does not contain the site number, contact SAS Installation Representative at your site or contact SAS Technical Support.

SAS® OLAP Cube Studio

Option 1: If your Base SAS software is accessible, launch SAS and browse the contents of your SAS log. The site number appears in the second note.

Option 2: Search for the site number in the logs of either a metadata server, a workspace server, or a stored-process server.

Option 3: If you do not have access to a server log file, or the server log file does not contain the site number, contact SAS Installation Representative at your site or contact SAS Technical Support.

SAS® Report Viewer

  1. Log on to SAS Report Viewer.
  2. Click the ? icon in the upper-right corner of the interface.
  3. Click About. Your site number appears in the About information.

SAS® Studio

Option 1

  • Open a web browser and launch SAS Studio.
  • Enter the following %PUT statement in the code editor:

      %put &syssite;

  • Click the Running Man icon on the toolbar to submit the code. Your site number appears in the SAS log window, as shown in this example:

      1 %put &syssite;

Option 2

  1. Launch SAS Studio.
  2. Click Help ► About SAS Studio.
  3. Search for Site: to locate the string Site your-site-number.

SAS® Web Report Studio

Option 1: If your Base SAS software is accessible, launch SAS and browse the contents of your SAS log. The site number appears in the second note.

Option 2: Search for the site number in the logs of either a metadata server, a workspace server, or a stored-process server.

Option 3: If you do not have access to a server log file, or the server log file does not contain the site number, contact the SAS Installation Representative at your site or contact SAS Technical Support.

SAS® Solutions

Options 1 and 2 below apply to many solutions. Alternatives are listed after that for their respective solutions.

Option 1: Administrators

  1. Navigate to the compute tier on which the solution is installed in the licenses directory.
  2. Click the SAS installation data file.
  3. Search for the text Site to locate the string Site your-site-number.


Option 2: Non-administrators

  1. Launch the SAS Program Editor on the compute tier where the solution is installed.
  2. Enter the following SETINIT procedure in the code editor:

       proc setinit;

  3. Click the Running Man icon on the toolbar to submit the code.
  4. Search for the text Site: to locate the string Site your-site-number.


SAS® Cloud Analytic Services

Option 1

  1. Open a web browser and launch SAS Studio by using a URL similar to the following:

  2. Log on with administrator privileges.

    Note: Before you can access the monitor, you must have an active CAS server session. If you already have a CAS server session, skip to step 3. Otherwise, perform the following steps:

    1. On the Code tab, start a CAS Server session by entering the following CAS statement:

         cas my_session;

    2. Click the the Running Man icon to submit the code. This step displays output. From here, continue to step 3.
  3. On the Code tab, enter the following CAS statement:

       cas my_session listabout;

  4. Click the Running Man icon.

  5. In the output that is displayed, search for text siteNum to locate the string Site your-site-number.

Option 2

If your site does not have SAS Studio, you can locate your license information by submitting the following curl command on your CAS controller machine as a user with SASAdministrators membership:

   curl -n -X PUT http://cascontroller-name-host-name:http-port/cas/actions/serverStatus


   curl -n -X PUT

The curl command expects the user to be defined in the ~/.netrc directory. For more information, see the curl man page, which is available at

SAS® Customer Intelligence Suite 

The SAS Customer Intelligence Suites is composed of the following products:

  • SAS® Campaign Management
  • SAS® Digital Marketing
  • SAS® Marketing Automation
  • SAS® Marketing Operations Management
  • SAS® Marketing Optimization
  • SAS® Real-Time Decision Manager

In the SAS Customer Intelligence suite, there are three options for locating your site number.

  • Option 1: In SAS Marketing Automation, SAS Campaign Management, and SAS Real-Time Decision Manager, you can find your site number as follows. After you perform any task in the solution, search for the text Site <70000000> in the DEBUG level (trace-level high) of the SASCustIntelCore6.5.log file.
  • Option 2: Administrators: See these steps for solutions.
  • Option 3: Non-administrators: See these steps for solutions.

For SAS Marketing Operations Management, administrators can determine the site number in one of two ways:

  • Navigate to the licenses directory and inspect the SAS Marketing Operations Management license file.
  • Navigate to the SASHOME/MktgOperationsMgmt/Configuration/XML directory and inspect the Assetlink.xml file.

Dataflux® Software

  • Option 1: To locate your site number, search for the text site= in your license file. Here is an example of the contents in a license file:

SITEINFO NAME=’Sample-Company'
SITE=000000001 OSNAME=’winxxx’ RECREATE WARN=45 GRACE=45
BIRTHDAY='31DEC2014'D EXPIRE='01JAN2000'D PASSWORD=797847412;
EXPIRE 'PRODNUM000' '01JAN2000'D / CPU=CPU000;
'31DEC2014'D / CPU=CPU000

  • Option 2: Browse the title and the body of the SAS Software Order e-mail that was sent to your SAS Installation Representative. To find your site number, search for the text Tech Support Site Number.

SAS® Enterprise Miner

For SAS Enterprise Miner 7.1 or later, SAS Enterprise Miner 6.x and earlier, and SAS Enterprise Miner thin clients:

  1. Select View ► Program Editor.
  2. Enter the following SETINIT procedure:

       proc setinit;

    Your site number is listed in the PROC SETINIT output.

SAS® Episode Analytics

  1. Launch SAS Episode Analytics.
  2. Select Help ► About Episode Analytics. Your site number is listed in the dialog box that is displayed.

SAS® Life Sciences Framework (formerly SAS® Drug Development)

On the initial launch of a SAS session in SAS Life Sciences Framework, the site number appears at the top of the log.

SAS® Model Studio

SAS® Real World Evidence

  1. Launch SAS Real World Evidence.
  2. Click Help ► About Real World Evidence. Your site number appears in the dialog box that is displayed.


SAS® Visual Analytics

  1. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics.
  2. Click the icon that represents your ID in the upper-right corner. 
  3. Select About. Your site number appears in the information that is displayed. 

SAS® Viya®

  1. Open a web browser, launch SAS Studio, and logon using the sasdemo ID.

    Here is an example of the URL for accessing SAS Studio:

  2. Click the Code tab.
  3. Enter and submit the following code in a code window:

       proc setinit;

    Output appears on the Log tab

  4. Search the output for Site: to locate the string Site your-site-number.

SAS® Visual Investigator

To locate the site number, follow the same steps as in the SAS Viya section.

Other SAS® Products

SAS® AppDev Studio

For SAS AppDev Studio, there are three options (SAS Technical Support recommends Option 1).

  • Option 1
  1. Launch SAS.
  2. Browse the notes at the top of the SAS log. The site number appears in the second note, as shown in this example:

NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2011 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.3 (TS1M1)
Licensed to Sample-Company, Site xxxxxxxxxx.

  • Option 2
  1. Launch SAS.
  2. In the SAS Editor window, enter the following code:

        %put &syssite;
  3. Select Run ► Submit. Your site number appears in the SAS Log window, as shown in this example:

      1 %put &syssite;



  • Option 3
  1. Select Help ► About SAS X (X is the version of SAS).
  2. Click the Siteinfo button. The Siteinfo information box appears, which contains the site number.

SAS® Clinical Standards Toolkit

  • If you run SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit from the SAS Enhanced Editor, you can find the site number by selecting Help ► About SAS 9.4 ► Site Info.
  • If your run the toolkit from SAS Enterprise Guide, you can find the site number by selecting Help ► About.

SAS/C® Compiler

To find your site number, see to the first page of a compiler listing in SYSPRINT, just before the list of compiler options that are in effect.

SAS/C® Cross-Platform Compiler for UNIX, Linux, and Windows

Execute the dset utility as described in Appendix A of the installation instructions. 

The format for the dset utility command is as shown here: 

   dset license_data_file

SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server®

Locate the original SAS installation data file (SID file) and search the filename for the site number. The syntax for the default filename is as follows:


SYSTEM 2000® Data Management Software

Browse the S2K.SOURCE data set in the member SETBTEXT. This data set contains the site number.

Blue Color Pop

Have additional questions about licenses, invoices or licensing terms?