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What new features are available in SAS Studio?

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New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2024.09 (November 2024)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2024.09 in November 2024. The 2024.09 long-term support release is based on the 2024.09 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases through 2024.09.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • There are several new and updated flow steps:
    • Enriching Data
      • Verify with Loqate Step. The Verify with Loqate step enables you to verify addresses, emails, and phone numbers that use the Loqate Verify API. This step replaces three previous steps: Verify & Geocode Addresses - Loqate, Verify Email Addresses - Loqate, and Verify Phone Numbers - Loqate. For more information, see Verify with Loqate.
    • Examining Your Data
      • Explore Data Step. The Explore Data step provides graphs that can be used to explore the relationships among selected variables. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Explore Data.
    • Integrating Data
      • Lookup Step. The Lookup step enables you to add information to your data by looking up data values in reference, or lookup, tables. You can add the lookup data, along with data from a source table, to a target table. The Lookup step also provides a means of protecting your data quality by enabling you to define actions, such as writing data to an exception table, when there is no match in a lookup table for data in the source table. The Lookup step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Lookup.
    • Generating Statistics
      • Analysis of Covariance Step. The Analysis of Covariance step fits a linear model that combines the continuous and categorical predictors of a continuous dependent variable. This step also produces graphical output to interpret the results. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Analysis of Covariance.
      • Decision Tree Step. The Decision Tree step produces tree-based statistical models called decision trees for nominal and interval targets. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Decision Tree.
      • Equivalence Tests Statistical Power Step. The Equivalence Tests Statistical Power step performs power analysis and sample size determination for equivalence tests of one-sample mean, paired means, two-sample means, and one proportion. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Equivalence Tests Statistical Power.
      • Estimate Within-Cluster Covariances Step. The Estimate Within-Cluster Covariances step uses the Art, Gnanadesikan, and Kettenring method to estimate within-cluster covariances. This approach might result in more spherical clusters when the resulting canonical variables are clustered. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Estimate Within-Cluster Covariances.
      • Linear Regression Step. Using the Linear Regression step, you can perform linear regression analysis on multiple dependent and independent variables. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Linear Regression.
      • Multiple Regression Statistical Power Step. Power and sample size analysis optimizes the resource usage and design of a study, which improves the chances of conclusive results with maximum efficiency. The Multiple Regression Statistical Power step calculates the power or sample size for multiple regression. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Multiple Regression Statistical Power.
      • Nonparametric One-Way ANOVA Step. The Nonparametric One-Way ANOVA step consists of nonparametric tests for location and scale differences across a one-way classification. The step also provides a standard analysis of variance on the raw data and statistics based on the empirical distribution function. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Nonparametric One-Way ANOVA.
      • One-Way ANOVA Step. The One-Way ANOVA step tests and provides graphs for differences among the means of a single categorical variable on a single continuous dependent variable. The One-Way ANOVA step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see One-Way ANOVA.
      • Summary and Level Statistics Step. The Summary and Level Statistics step computes level and descriptive statistics for variables in a data source. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Summary and Level Statistics.
      • Summary Tables Step. The Summary Tables step displays descriptive statistics in tabular format, using some or all of the variables in a data set. You can create a variety of tables, ranging from simple to highly customized. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Summary Tables.
    • Working with Econometrics
      • Hidden Markov Models Step. The Hidden Markov Models step analyzes the time series or panel data by using a statistical Markov model to infer hidden states through a Markov process. The Hidden Markov Models step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Hidden Markov Models.
    • Managing Models
      • Assess Model Step. The Assess Model step evaluates the performance of a predictive model by comparing the predicted and actual target values in a scored data set. Based on the type of target, performance measures such as ROC, lift, and fit statistics are available. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For information, see Assess Model.
    • Preparing Data
      • Imputation Step. The Imputation step replaces missing values in a data source with an estimate of the missing value. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Imputation.
      • Standardize Data Step. The Standardize Data step enables you to center or standardize one or more numeric variables by using a variety of methods. The Standardize Data step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Standardize Data.
      • Transform Columns Step. The Transform Columns step enables you to transform one or more variables in the input data set. These transformed variables are saved to an output data set. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Transform Columns.
    • Working with Machine Learning
      • Automated Feature Engineering Step. The Automated Feature Engineering step explores the variables in the input data and automatically performs feature engineering in a parallel, scalable way. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For information, see Automated Feature Engineering.
      • Bayesian Network Step. The Bayesian Network step trains a predictive model of a nominal target by using different types of Bayesian network structures, including parent-child Bayesian network (default), Markov blanket, naive Bayesian network, or tree-augmented naive Bayesian network. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Bayesian Network.
      • Factorization Machine Step. The Factorization Machine step combines the advantages of smart machine vision (SMV) with factorization models. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Factorization Machine.
      • Forest Step. decision trees for interval or nominal targets. It uses the Random Forest approach. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Forest.
      • Robust Principal Component Analysis Step. Robust Principal component analysis is a multivariate technique for examining relationships among several quantitative variables. Use principal component analysis if you are interested in summarizing data and detecting linear relationships. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Robust Principal Component Analysis.
      • Semi-supervised Learning Step. labeled data to the unlabeled data by computing the similarity measure between pairs of data. The Semi-supervised Learning step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Semi-supervised Learning.
      • Support Vector Data Description Step. The Support Vector Data Description step is a one-class classification machine learning technique. The Support Vector Data Description step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Support Vector Data Description.
      • Support Vector Machine Step. The Support Vector Machine step performs classification analysis for binary targets by using a support vector machine, which is a supervised machine learning method. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Support Vector Machine.
    • Optimization and Network Analysis
      • Biconnected Components Step. A biconnected component of an undirected graph is a connected subgraph that cannot be broken into disconnected pieces by deleting any single node (and its incident links). The Biconnected Components step finds all biconnected components of such a graph. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Biconnected Components.
      • Centrality Metrics Step. The Centrality Metrics step calculates several types of centrality metrics that indicate the relative importance of a node or link within a graph. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Centrality Metrics.
      • Community Detection Step. The Community Detection step partitions a graph into communities such that the nodes within the community subgraphs are more densely connected than the nodes from different communities. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Community Detection.
      • Connected Components Step. The Connected Components step finds all the connected components in a graph. A connected component in a graph is a set of nodes that have a path between them. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Connected Components.
      • Cycle Detection Step. The Cycle Detection step finds the elementary cycles of an input graph. An elementary cycle is a path in which the start node and the end node are the same, and no node appears more than once in the sequence. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Cycle Detection.
      • Linear Assignment Step. The Linear Assignment step assigns any objects from one group to objects in a second group at minimal cost. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Linear Assignment.
      • Maximal Cliques Step. The Maximal Cliques step finds the maximal cliques of a graph. A clique is an induced subgraph such that every node in that subgraph is connected to every other node. A maximal clique is a clique that is not a subset of the nodes of any larger clique. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Maximal Cliques.
      • Minimum Cost Network Flow Step. The Minimum Cost Network Flow (MCF) step is a fundamental problem in network analysis that involves sending flow over a network at minimal cost. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Minimum Cost Network Flow.
      • Minimum Cut Step. The Minimum Cut step finds a minimum cut of an undirected graph that has the smallest link metric. A cut is a partition of the nodes of a graph into two disjoint subsets. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Minimum Cut.
      • Minimum Spanning Tree Step. A spanning tree of a connected undirected graph is a subgraph. This subgraph is a tree that connects all the nodes. The Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) step finds the spanning tree, among all possible spanning trees, that has the minimum link cost. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Minimum Spanning Tree.
      • Network Summary Step. The Network Summary step calculates various summary statistics for a graph and its nodes. The Network Summary step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Network Summary.
      • Reach Network Step. The Reach Network step calculates the reach (ego) network of a graph. In the context of social networks, reach networks are often referred to as ego networks, because they focus on the neighbors of one particular individual (or more than one). This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Reach Network.
      • Shortest Paths Step. The Shortest Paths step calculates paths between sets of nodes in the input graph with the lowest total link weight. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Shortest Paths.
      • Transitive Closure Step. The Transitive Closure step calculates the transitive closure of a graph. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Transitive Closure.
      • Traveling Salesman Problem Step. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) finds a minimum-cost tour in a graph. A tour of a graph is a sequence of nodes where the start node and end node are the same, and every node in the graph is visited exactly once. In solving the TSP, the goal is to find a tour that minimizes the costs of the links. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Traveling Salesman Problem.
    • Controlling the Statistical Process
      • Capability Analysis Step. The Capability Analysis step compares the distribution of a process to its specification limits. The Capability Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Capability Analysis.
    • Visualizing Data
      • Mosaic Plot Step. Mosaic plots display tiles that correspond to the crosstabulation table cells. The areas of the tiles are proportional to the frequencies of the table cells. The column variable is displayed on the X axis, and the tile widths are proportional to the relative frequencies of the column variable levels. The row variable is displayed on the Y axis, and the tile heights are proportional to the relative frequencies of the row levels within column levels. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Mosaic Plot.
    • Analyzing Text
      • Segmentation Step. The Segmentation step segments text data using k-means clustering. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Segmentation.
      • Text Parsing and Topic Discovery Step. The Text Parsing and Topic Discovery step is used to parse documents into a term-by-document matrix and extract topics from the term-by-document matrix. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Text Parsing and Topic Discovery.
      • Text Scoring Step. The Text Scoring step scores a data table by using tables that are generated by another Text Analytics step. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Text Scoring.
      • Text Summarization Step. The Text Summarization step generates textual summaries of text data. The Text Summarization step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Text Summarization.
    • Query Step
      • Added Support for Explicit Pass-Through. If you are creating a query in a flow, you can now use explicit pass-through for queries that contain only SingleStore or only Snowflake tables. For more information, see Query: Step-by-Step Instructions.
  • The following updates are related to custom steps:
    • Enhancements to the Column Selector Control. When creating a custom step, you can specify whether the values for the column selector control come from an input table or from another column selector control. For more information, see Column Selector Control.
    • Option Table Control. Use the option table control to create a repeatable group of controls that is displayed in the user interface as a table. For more information, see Option Table Control.
  • Here are some general updates:
    • Flow Macro Variables. SAS Studio now generates these macro variables when you run a flow:
      • FLOW_ID contains the flow ID for a flow that is saved in a SAS Content location. This variable value is populated only if the flow has been saved.
      • FLOW_NAME contains the name of the flow.
      You can use these macro variables in other steps in the flow in which you write your own SAS code, including the SAS Program step and custom steps.

      To view the macro variables, click the Generated Code tab, and then expand the “Generated flow setup” region.

    • Specifying Which Row in a File Contains Column Names. A new option for File nodes enables you to specify which row in a file is the header row. This option does not apply to Microsoft Excel files. For more information, see Adding an External File to a Flow.
    • Running a Portion of a Program in a Flow. You can select a block of code to run in a SAS or Python program as part of a flow. For more information, see Developing Code in a Flow.
    • Copying the Full Path of a File of Folder to the Clipboard. You can now copy the full path of a file or folder to the clipboard from the Explorer pane. For more information, see Using the Explorer.
    • Git Profiles: Support for HTTPS Authentication and Password-Protected SSH Keys. When you are creating a Git profile, you can now configure SAS Studio to store and access HTTPS authentication criteria and password-protected SSH keys by using the SAS Environment Manager credential service. For more information, see Creating a Git Profile.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2024.03 (May 2024)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2024.03 in May 2024. The 2024.03 long-term support release is based on the 2024.03 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases through 2024.03.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • Important Change: System Options in SAS Studio
    • SAS Studio automatically sets several system options before each code submission. The list of system options on the SAS Viya 4 platform is different from the list in SAS 9.4 and SAS Viya 3.5. For information, see System Options in SAS Studio.
  • There are several new and updated flow steps:
    • Integrating Data
      • Load Table Step with SingleStore Data. If both the source and target tables are located in a SingleStore database, you can now use native SQL code for the Upsert rows technique. This option can improve performance. For more information, see Load Table: Step-by-Step Instructions.
    • Examining Data
      • Characterize Data Step. The Characterize Data step creates a summary report of tables and graphs that describe the variables in the input data set. This step can also create frequency and univariate output tables that describe the main characteristics of the data.The Characterize Data step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Characterize Data.
      • Describe Missing Data Step. The Describe Missing Data step displays the frequencies and percentages of missing values for each selected variable. If two or more variables are assigned to this step, the step displays the pattern of missing data across variables. The Describe Missing Data step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Describe Missing Data.
    • Visualizing Data
      • Bubble Map Step. The Bubble Map step creates a map that is overlaid with a bubble plot. The Bubble Map step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Bubble Map.
      • Bubble Plot Step. The Bubble Plot step explores the relationship between three or more variables. In a bubble plot, two variables determine the location of the bubble centers, and a third variable specifies the size of each bubble. A fourth variable can be used to determine the colors of the bubbles. The Bubble Plot step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Bubble Plot Step.
      • Choropleth Map Step. The Choropleth Map step creates a map of polygonal areas. The Choropleth Map step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Choropleth Map.
      • Heat Map Step. The Heat Map step displays the magnitude of the response based on two variables. The response is represented as a color value from a color gradient. The Heat Map step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Heat Map.
      • Histogram Step. The Histogram step creates a chart that displays the frequency distribution of a numeric variable. The Histogram step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Histogram.
      • Pie Chart Step. The Pie Chart step creates pie charts that represent the relative contribution of the parts to the whole by displaying data as wedge-shaped "slices" of a circle. Each slice represents a category of data. The size of a slice represents the contribution of the data to the total chart statistic. The Pie Chart step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Pie Chart.
      • Scatter Map Step. The Scatter Map step creates a map that is overlaid with a scatter plot. The Scatter Map step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Scatter Map.
      • Series Map Step. The Series Map step creates a map overlaid with a series plot. The Series Map step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Series Map.
      • Series Plot Step. The Series Plot step creates plots that display a series of line segments that connect observations of input data. The Series Plot step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Series Plot.
      • Text Map Step. The Text Map step creates a map that is overlaid with a text scatter plot. The Text Map step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Text Map.
    • Generating Statistics
      • Canonical Correlation Step. The Canonical Correlation step performs canonical correlation, partial canonical correlation, and canonical redundancy analysis. The Canonical Correlation step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Canonical Correlation.
      • Cluster Variables Step. The Cluster Variables step finds clusters of variables to use in additional clustering or to select non-redundant variables in further clustering. The Cluster Variables step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Cluster Variables.
      • Coin Toss Simulation Step. The Coin Toss Simulation task simulates the tossing of a specified number of coins. The results show the frequency and percentage of occurrences that the coin displays heads given a specified number of tosses. The Coin Toss Simulation step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Coin Toss Simulation.
      • Combinations Step. The Combinations step computes the possible combinations of the total number of objects into sets with a specified number in each set. The Combinations step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Combinations.
      • Compute Similarities and Distances Step. The Compute Similarities and Distances step computes various measures of distance, dissimilarity, or similarity between observations in an input table. This information can be used in hierarchical cluster analysis and in multidimensional scaling. The Compute Similarities and Distances step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Compute Similarities and Distances.
      • Correlation Analysis Step. Correlation is a statistical procedure for describing the relationship between numeric variables. The relationship is described by calculating correlation coefficients for the variables. The correlations range from –1 to 1. The Correlation Analysis step provides graphs and statistics for investigating associations among variables. The Correlation Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Correlation Analysis.
      • Correspondence Analysis Step. The Correspondence Analysis step performs simple or multiple correspondence analysis of qualitative data. You can specify either raw data or table data for the input data source. The Correspondence Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Correspondence Analysis.
      • Dice Roll Simulation Step. The Dice Roll Simulation step simulates rolling a specified number of dice. The results show the frequency and percentage of each possible roll given a specified number of throws. The Dice Roll Simulation step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Dice Roll Simulation.
      • Factor Analysis Step. The Factor Analysis step performs a factor analysis with a variety of available methods and rotations. The Factor Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Factor Analysis.
      • Multidimensional Preference Analysis Step. The Multidimensional Preference Analysis step performs a principal components analysis of rank-ordered data. The principal result is a plot of the scores. These scores are the objects that are being rated. In the plot, the scores are represented as points, and the structure (raters) are represented as vectors. The Multidimensional Preference Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Multidimensional Preference Analysis.
      • Permutations Step. The Permutations step computes the possible permutations of a given number of objects. The Permutations step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Permutations.
      • Poker Hand Probability Step. The Poker Hand Probability step calculates the frequency and probability of poker hands. The Poker Hand Probability step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Poker Hand Probability.
      • Same Birthday Probability Step. The Same Birthday Probability step computes the probability that two or more people in a room have the same birthday. The Same Birthday Probability step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Same Birthday Probability.
      • t Tests Step. The t Tests step enables you to perform a one-sample test, a paired test, or a two-sample test. The t Tests step is available in SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see t Tests.
    • Preparing Data
      • Binning Step. The Binning step divides the data values of a continuous variable into intervals. The values for each interval are replaced with a single value that is representative of the interval. The Binning step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Binning.
    • Transforming Data
      • Manage Columns Step.
        • Support for Creating Columns and Changing Column Properties. You can now create a column in the output table when you run the Manage Columns step. You can also update the name, label, data type, length, format, and informat of a column in the output table.
        • Creating a Data View from the Output Port. You now have the option to create a data view instead of a physical table from the output port of a Manage Columns node.

          For more information, see Manage Columns.

      • Remove Duplicates Step. You can now specify whether to write duplicate rows to the log or save duplicate rows to a table. For more information, see Remove Duplicates.
      • Stack Columns Step. By default, no case identifier is created by the step. You must specify whether to create a case identifier variable, or you can select identifier variables from the input table. The Stack Columns step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Stack Columns.
    • Enhancing Data Quality
      • Clean Data Step. The Clean Data step performs Standardization, Casing, Identification Analysis, Gender Analysis, and Pattern Analysis by using the QKB locale. The Clean Data step is available in SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Clean Data.
      • Licensing Change: Match Codes Step. The Match Codes step has been updated and is no longer available in SAS Studio Analyst. The Match Codes step is now available only in SAS Studio Engineer. If you added a Match Codes step to a flow when using SAS Studio Analyst, you must remove the deprecated step from the flow. Then you can use SAS Studio Engineer to add the Match Codes step back to the flow. For more information, see Match Codes.
      • Parse Data Step. The Parse Data step performs Parsing and Extraction by using the QKB locale. The Parse Data step is available in SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Parse Data.
    • Managing Models
      • Register Python Model Step. Using this step, you can register into SAS Model Manager your Python models that have been trained in SAS Studio. Then you can use the functionality in SAS Model Manager to manage and govern your trained models.This step is available only for classification models with a binary target. The Register Python Model step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Register Python Model.
    • Working with Econometrics
      • Causal Models Step. The Causal Models step uses the two-stage least squares method and the Heckman's two-step selection method. The Causal Models step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Causal Models.
    • Working with Machine Learning
      • Fast k-Nearest Neighbors Step. The Fast k-Nearest Neighbors step searches for the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) of the specified data. The Fast k-Nearest Neighbors step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Fast k-Nearest Neighbors.
      • Moving Window Principal Component Analysis Step. The Moving Window Principal Component Analysis step can be used to assess how principal components change over time. The Moving Window Principal Component Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Moving Window Principal Component Analysis.
    • Controlling the Statistical Process
      • Analysis of Means Step. Analysis of means is a method for simultaneously comparing treatment means with their overall mean. The Analysis of Means step is available in SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Analysis of Means.
      • Control Charts Step. The Control Charts step creates Shewhart control charts for deciding whether a process is in a state of statistical control. The Control Charts step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Control Charts.
      • Pareto Analysis Step. Pareto charts display the frequencies of quality-related problems in a process. The frequencies are represented by bars that are ordered in decreasing magnitude. Thus, you can use a Pareto chart to decide which subset of problems to solve first or which problem areas deserve the most attention. The Pareto Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Pareto Analysis.
    • Optimization and Network Analysis
      • Core Decomposition Step. The Core Decomposition step decomposes a graph into cohesive subgroups. The Core Decomposition step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Core Decomposition.
    • Implement SCD Step with SingleStore Data
      • Support for Generating Surrogate Keys. If you are using SingleStore data, you can now use a surrogate key that is generated elsewhere, or you can generate the surrogate key in SAS Studio.
      • Optional Flagging Method. The flagging method, which is used to identify the current row, is now optional if you are using SingleStore data.

        For more information, see Implement SCD: Step-by-Step Instructions.

  • The following updates are related to custom steps:
    • Link Control. Use the Link control to add hyperlinks to your custom steps. For security reasons, this feature must be enabled by your SAS administrator in SAS Environment Manager. For more information, see Link Control.
    • Converting SAS Tasks to SAS Custom Steps. The task functionality will reach end-of-life in the 2024.12 stable release and in the LTS 2025.03 release. SAS recommends users convert any existing tasks to custom steps as soon as possible. For more information, see What Is the Difference between SAS Studio Tasks and Custom Steps?.

      Starting with the 2024.07 stable release and the LTS 2024.09 release of SAS Studio, the Tasks pane will not be available from the SAS Studio workspace by default. To access the Tasks pane, select ViewThen select Navigation panesThen select Tasks.

    • Indenting Options and Sections in Custom Steps. When authoring a custom step, you can use the Indent option (which is available for all controls and sections) to specify whether to indent an option, text, or section in the user interface. Using indention enables you to visually show a hierarchy of sections, options, and text. It also enables to you to group options under a section heading. For more information, see Working with the Designer.
  • Here are some general enhancements:
    • Library for Temporary Output Files in Flows. You can use the new Default output library for intermediate tables option to change the default library for temporary output files in all flows or for a single flow. For more information, see Setting Tables Preferences.
    • New Git Functions. Use the new GIT_REF_LIST, GIT_REF_GET, and GIT_REF_FREE functions to list all references in a local Git repository and either display the information in the SAS log or create an in-memory data structure.
      • GIT_REF_LIST returns the list of reference objects that are associated with the local repository.
      • GIT_REF_GET returns the specified attribute of a reference object in the local repository.
      • GIT_REF_FREE clears the reference objects that are associated with the local repository.
    • New Data Quality Snippets. Here are several new Data Quality Snippets: Match Action Clustering, OPTNET Clustering, RTENG Clustering, and Survivorship. For more information, see Working with Snippets.
      • The Match Action Clustering snippet uses the Entity Resolution action set (entityres.match) to cluster data based on fuzzy matching. The output table contains the input columns and a cluster ID column that contains the cluster number.
      • The OPTNET Clustering snippet uses the DQCLNET macro to cluster matching records based on the specified match rules. Multiple match rules represent OR matching conditions. Multiple columns within a match rule represent AND matching conditions.
      • The RTENG Clustering snippet uses the DQCLRTNG macro to cluster data based on fuzzy matching. The macro uses the RTENG action set to perform exact matching and clustering. The output table contains the input columns and a cluster ID column that contains the cluster number.
      • The Survivorship snippet uses the DQSUVR macro to identify a surviving record from a group of records in a cluster. The output also shows different methods to compose and indicate the surviving record.
    • Adding Subflows to a Flow. You can now add subflows to your flow from a SAS server location. For more information, see About Subflows.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2023.10 (November 2023)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2023.10 in November 2023. The 2023.10 long-term support release is based on the 2023.10 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases through 2023.10.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • There are several new flow steps:
    • Bar Chart Step. The Bar Chart step creates horizontal or vertical bar charts that compare numeric values or statistics between different values of a chart variable. Bar charts show the relative magnitude of data by displaying bars of varying height. Each bar represents a category of data. For more information, see Bar Chart in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Bar-Line Chart Step. The Bar-Line Chart step creates a vertical bar chart with a line chart overlay. For more information, see Bar-Line Chart in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • List Data Step. The List Data step displays the contents of a table as a report. The List Data step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see List Data in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • List Table Attributes Step. The List Table Attributes step enables you to quickly see the date on which the table was created and last modified, the number of rows, the encoding, any engine-dependent or host-dependent information, and an alphabetical list of the variables and their attributes. You can also view any directory and host or engine information by using this step. The List Table Attributes step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see List Table Attributes in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Mask Data Step.Use the Mask Data step to perform data masking by using three different obfuscation methods: masking, hashing, or substitution. The Mask Data step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Mask Data in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Match Codes Step. Use the Match Codes step to create match codes that can be used as a basis for standardization or transformation. Using the Match Codes step, you can create a match code for a column that is based on a locale and a rule definition. The Match Codes step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Match Codes in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Register SAS Model Step. The Register SAS Model step imports a scoring model from SAS Studio into SAS Model Manager. A scoring model is an analytic object in a CAS table. The Register SAS Model step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Register SAS Model in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Scatter Plot Step. The Scatter Plot step creates plots that show the relationships between two or three variables by revealing patterns or concentrations of data points. The Scatter Plot step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Scatter Plot in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Split Columns Step. The Split Columns step creates an output table by splitting the unique combination of values of the selected columns in the input table into multiple columns. You can use the output table to individually analyze the columns that contain multiple rows of the input table. The Split Columns step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Split Columns in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Stack Columns Step. The Stack Columns step creates an output table by restructuring the selected columns in the input table so that these columns are transposed into observations. You can use the output table to analyze values across multiple columns of the input table. If you group the observations, the selected columns are divided into subgroups that are based on the unique combinations of the grouping values. Each subgroup forms a row of the output table. The Stack Columns step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Stack Columns in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Summary Statistics Step. The Summary Statistics step provides descriptive statistics for variables across all observations and within groups of observations. You can also summarize your data in a graphical display such as histograms and box plots. The Summary Statistics step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Summary Statistics in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Table Analysis Step. The Table Analysis step provides one-way to n-way frequency and contingency (crosstabulation) tables. This step also generates statistics about the association between rows and columns. The Table Analysis step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Table Analysis in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Union Rows Step. The Union Rows step enables you to combine data from multiple sources into a single target table. You can subset the source data and choose from multiple set operators to determine how to combine the data sources. For more information, see Union Rows in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
  • Here are some general enhancements:
    • You now have the option to create a data view instead of a physical table from the output port of a Query node. You can create a data view only when the query uses PROC SQL to generate the results. For more information, see Query in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • You can now create step prompts by using JSON code in job definitions. You can run these prompts in SAS Visual Analytics. For more information, see Step and Task Prompts in SAS Studio: Working with Jobs.
  • The following functionality was added to custom steps:
    • Enablement Property for Custom Steps.The custom step author can use the enabled property to create a dependency between two controls. When the dependency condition is true, the dependent option is enabled in the user interface, and the user of the step can specify a value. When the dependency condition is false, the dependent option is visible in the user interface but disabled. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling a Control in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • Using QKB Files in Custom Steps. The SASDQREF library contains several Quality Knowledge Base (OKB) data sets. The files in this library are intended to be used to create custom steps only. These data sets contain the metadata that is used to populate locale and definition controls in custom steps such as Mask Data and Match Codes. The use of these files eliminates the need to hardcode values for locale and rule definition. For more information, see Using QKB Files in Custom Steps in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2023.03 (May 2023)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2023.03 in May 2023. The 2023.03 long-term support release is based on the 2023.03 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases through 2023.03.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • Please note this critical change for users of persistent storage:
    • If your site is upgrading to 2022.10, your SAS administrator needs to be aware of new settings in identities services that impact persistent file storage.

      Because of new default settings in 2022.10, SAS Viya 4 uses auto-generated UIDs instead of user-defined UIDs. (In previous releases, SAS Compute, CAS, and DMBS servers accessed file storage locations by using user-defined UIDs.)

      To continue accessing persistent file locations by using user-defined UIDs, customers need to change the identifier.generateUids configuration property to false. For more information, see “Steps for the SAS Studio Administrator” in SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide.

      For more information about identities in SAS Viya 4, see What's New in SAS Viya Platform Administration.

  • There are several new flow steps:
    • Geocode Data Step. Geocoding is the process of adding geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude values) to an address. The Geocode Data step provides a way to convert address data into map locations. The Geocode Data step also enables you to add coordinates to IP addresses. (This is called geolocating.) For more information, see Geocode Data in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Implement SCD Step. The Implement SCD step enables you to use the slowly changing dimensions (SCD) process to load data into target dimension tables. The data changes slowly, rather than changing on a time-based, regular schedule. The target tables are structured so that they can retain a history of changes to their data. This record of data changes can provide a basis for analysis. You can also choose to overwrite your data with new values and not preserve the historical data. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Implement SCD in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • One-Way Frequencies Step. The One-Way Frequencies step generates frequency tables from your data. You can also use this step to perform binomial and chi-square tests. The One-Way Frequencies step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see One-Way Frequencies in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Rank Data Step. The Rank Data step computes ranks for one or more numeric variables across the rows in a table and includes the ranks in an output table. The Rank Data step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Rank Data in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Remove Duplicates Step. The Remove Duplicates node enables you to remove duplicates rows from an input data source. For more information, see Remove Duplicates in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • Transpose Data Step. The Transpose Data step turns selected columns of an input table into the rows of an output table. The Transpose Data step is available in SAS Studio Analyst and SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Transpose Data in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.

    There are several updates to custom steps:

    • Date and Time Control for Custom Steps. Using the datetime control, you can create a date, month, datetime, or time picker for your custom steps. For more information, see Date and Time Control in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • New Macro Variable for Column Selector Control. For a column selector control, SAS Studio generates a macro variable that lists all of the column names selected for that control. In this example, three columns are selected in the column step: Invoice, Sales, and Product: %let columnselector1=Invoice Sales Product;. For more information, see Understanding Macro Variables in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • Custom Steps in a Flow. When you add a custom step to a flow, the step becomes a node in the flow. Now when you view the properties of a step node, you can view the location of the file in SAS Content or on the SAS Server. For more information, see Custom Steps in Flows in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • Hardcoding the Value of the Input Table or Column in a Custom Step. When creating or editing a step, the step author can provide a hardcoded reference to a table or column. This hardcoded value is saved with the step. The step author can specify whether these hardcoded values are displayed as read-only values in the user interface or are hidden from the end user. In either case, the end user cannot change the saved values. When the steps runs, SAS Studio uses the values that are specified by the step author. For more information, see the documentation for the Input Table control and the Column Selector control in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • Column Exclusion in Custom Steps. You can exclude the selected values in a column selector from being reused in another column selector. The Exclude columns functionality is available from the Properties pane for the column selector control. For more information, see Column Exclusion in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.

    The following functionality was added to flows:

    • You can now use macro variables to represent table and library names in the Table and Load Table steps.
    • You now have the option to create a data view instead of a physical table when you connect a Table node to the output port of a Query node. You can create a data view only when the query uses PROC SQL to generate the results. For more information, see Query in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.
    • You can now use the SQL editor to create SQL code for your Merge Table expression. The SQL code is passed to the target database for processing using explicit pass-through, so you should use the SQL syntax of your data source. You can also preview the merge expression that is generated by SAS Studio if you have specified one or more key columns and at least one column to update or insert. For more information, see Merge Table in SAS Studio: Working with Flows.

    Here are some general enhancements:

    • If your query contains only tables from an Oracle database, you can now use explicit pass-through to pass your SQL code to the Oracle database for processing. If your data files are very large, this option can improve your performance because the files do not have to be copied to the SAS server for processing. For more information, see Specifying Pass-Through and Table Options in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • After saving a flow or program, you can deploy the flow or program as a job. Deployed jobs are available in SAS Studio and other SAS applications, such as SAS Environment Manager. After you deploy the flow or program, you can still make changes to the flow or program and then redeploy the job. For more information, see Deploying and Redeploying a Flow or Program as a Job in SAS Studio Developer’s Guide: Working with Jobs.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2022.09 (November 2022)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2022.09 in November 2022. The 2022.09 long-term support release is based on the 2022.09 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases through 2022.09.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality in flows:

  • You can create a subflow by adding a saved flow to your flow. A subflow can be useful if you have a group of nodes that you want to use in multiple locations. You can also use a subflow to reduce the complexity of a flow. For more information, see Creating a Subflow in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
  • When you are loading data that uses the Upsert Rows technique, you can now choose to automatically create a physical target table if one does not exist. For more information, see Load Table: Loading Rows from a Source Table into a Target Table in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
  • The Load Table step now supports the ability to load data into a Snowflake, Azure Synapse, or Singlestore target table. For more information, see Load Table: Loading Rows from a Source Table into a Target Table in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
  • In a Python Program node, your Python program can either be embedded in the flow or reference an external program file. An externally referenced program is saved in an external location such as a SAS Content or SAS server folder. For more information, see Understanding Embedded and Externally Referenced Programs in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
  • In a SAS Program node, your SAS program can either be embedded in the flow or reference an external program file. An externally referenced program is saved in an external location such as a SAS Content or SAS server folder. For more information, see Understanding Embedded and Externally Referenced Programs in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
  • There are several new flow steps:
    • You can use the Merge Table step to make changes to columns in a target table based on values from a source table. Rows in the source and target columns are matched using one or more key columns. The Merge Table step enables you to combine update and insert operations in one step. This step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Merge Table: Updating and Inserting Rows in a Target Table in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • You can now connect SAS to the Loqate API. The Verify & Geocode Addresses - Loqate step enables you to verify address information and obtain geocode coordinates from the Loqate Verify Address API. The Verify Phone Numbers - Loqate step enables you to verify phone numbers from the Loqate Verify Phone Numbers API. The Verify Email Addresses - Loqate step enables you to verify email addresses by using the Loqate Verify Email Addresses API. For more information, see Enriching Your Data in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
  • There are several updates to custom steps:
    • You can now access custom steps that are saved to your SAS Server. You can also access custom steps that are saved to your local network, Git, or shared mounted system within SAS Studio. For more information, see What Is a Custom Step? in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • You can now run a custom step in a stand-alone tab in the SAS Studio workspace. For more information, see Working with Stand-Alone Custom Steps in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • In custom steps, you can use prompt hierarchies to create data dependencies between controls. The new Cascading Prompts sample task helps show how you can use cascading prompts in your custom tasks. For more information, see Working with Prompts in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • The color picker control enables step users to select a color in a custom step. Custom steps are available if you license SAS Studio Analyst or SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Color Picker Control in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • A migration tool is available so that you can convert your custom tasks from previous releases of SAS Studio to custom steps. For more information, see Migrating Custom Tasks to Custom Steps (Experimental) in SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide.
  • Here are some general enhancements:
    • The ODS statements, %LET statements, and any other code that is automatically generated by SAS are now included in a collapsed region in both stand-alone and flow log files. You can view the automatically generated code by expanding the appropriate region in the log file. The Show generated SAS code in the SAS log option has been removed from the Code and Log preferences.
    • You can sort columns in the Libraries pane by ascending, descending, or data order. By default, the columns are sorted in data order. For more information, see Working with Libraries in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • The log for background submissions now includes regions for the autoexec, preamble, and postamble code. The regions are collapsed by default.
  • A public API is now available to identify a SAS program or flow and return the SAS code that is generated by the program or flow. The API includes options to specify whether to include the code that SAS Studio generates automatically.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2022.1 (May 2022)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2022.1 in May 2022. The 2022.1 long-term support release is based on the 2022.1.4 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases 2022.1.1 through 2022.1.4.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • SAS Studio Engineer is now available. SAS Studio Engineer includes all the functionality in SAS Studio, SAS Studio Analyst, and advanced data management steps for the data engineer or ETL developer. For more information, see What Version of SAS Studio Are You Running? in SAS Studio: Administrator’s Guide.
  • The application themes have been changed. For more information, see Specifying the General Settings in SAS Studio: Administrator’s Guide.
    • The Inspire application theme has been removed. If a user previously selected the Inspire theme, the default application theme is displayed the next time they sign in to SAS Viya.
    • The Illuminate theme is now called the Light theme.
    • The Ignite theme is now called the Dark theme.
  • You can create a workspace configuration file so that your SAS Studio session starts with one or more open files. For more information, see Using a Workspace Configuration File to Customize Your Start-up in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • There are several updates to custom steps:
    • New File or Folder Selector (path) Control. The file or folder selector (path) control enables users to specify the file or folder path that you want to use in the custom step. The specified path must be in a URL format. The path must include whether the file or folder is in SAS Content or on the SAS server. For more information, see File or Folder Selector (path) Control in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • New List Control. The list control enables you to select multiple items from a list of values. Using the list control, you can now create two types of lists. A static list is populated with a predefined set of values. A dynamic list is populated with a set of values from a selected column. The user can select this column at run time, so the list of values changes based on user input. For more information, see List Control in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • Create a Dynamic Drop-Down List. Using the drop-down list control, you can now create two types of drop-down lists. A static drop-down list is populated with a predefined set of values. A dynamic drop-down list is populated with a set of values from a selected column. The user can select this column at run time, so the list of values changes based on user input. For more information, see Drop-Down List Control in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
    • Copy and Paste Available in the Designer Workspace. You can now copy and paste controls within the same Designer workspace or between Designer workspaces. For more information, see Using the Designer to Add Controls in SAS Studio: Working with Custom Steps.
  • There are two new flow steps that are available if your site licenses SAS Studio Engineer.
    • Execute Decisions Step. You can use the Execute Decisions step to add a published decision from SAS Intelligent Decisioning to your flow. Decisions enable you to create a database of rules, combine those rules into decisions, and publish the decisions for use by other applications such as SAS Studio. To use a decision in SAS Studio, the input table must be a CAS table. The output table can be either a CAS table or a SAS table. This step is available only from SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Execute Decisions: Running a Published Decision in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • Load Table Step. The Load Table step enables you to load a source table into a target table. When you use the Load Table step, you can control how data is loaded into the target table. You can choose to insert new source rows into the target table, update existing rows in the target table, or both. You can also control how existing rows in the target table are removed before new rows are inserted. This step is available only from SAS Studio Engineer. For more information, see Load Table: Loading Rows from a Source Table into a Target Table in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • The following functionality was added to flows:
    • You can now specify additional options to apply when an output table in your flow is created or updated. The syntax for the advanced options can vary depending on the code that is generated for the step. Often, the advanced options are used to improve performance. For more information, see Working with Data in a Flow in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • If you are running an operational node that creates CAS output data, you can specify whether the table is a session-scope table or a global-scope table, and you can save the table to the CAS server. For more information, see Setting Options for CAS Output Data in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • You can annotate your flow by adding notes to the flow canvas. Notes that are added to the flow are not associated with a specific node. For more information, see Adding a Note to a Flow in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can add notes to a specific node in a flow by using the Note tab in the node details. When you add a note to a node, a note icon is displayed with the node on the flow canvas. For more information, see Adding Notes to a Flow Node in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • Here are some general enhancements:
    • You can run a region of code in a SAS program. Regions of code are identified in the code editor as blocks of code that can be collapsed and expanded. For more information, see Running a Program in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can use the Sort output data sets in creation order option to sort your output data sets in the order in which they were created. This option is selected by default and can affect your performance if you are generating a large number of output data sets. If you clear this option, the output data sets can be sorted only in ascending or descending order. For more information, see Setting General Preferences in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can use the new Display labels on application navigation pane option to display labels on the application navigation pane in addition to the icons. see Setting General Preferences in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2021.2 (November 2021)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2021.2 in November 2021. The 2021.2 long-term support release is based on the 2021.1.6 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases 2021.1.1 through 2021.1.6.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • SAS Studio can be installed as a Progressive Web App (PWA), which enables you to use the product as a desktop app instead of in a web browser. Only Chromium-based browsers support PWA. For more information, see Installing SAS Studio as Progressive Web App in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • SAS Studio now includes a color-coded editor for editing new or existing Python programs (*.py). With the Python code editor, you can write, run, and save Python programs without explicitly using PROC PYTHON. Many of the features that are available for SAS programs are also available for Python programs, including the ability to schedule a Python program and run a Python program as a job or a background submission. For more information, see About the Python Code Editor in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • A custom step enables you to create a user interface for users at your site to complete a specific task. Custom steps are saved to SAS Content so that they can be shared with others at your site.
    The easiest way to create a custom step is to use the new Designer. If you are a programmer, you can write JSON code to create a step. For more information, see Working with Custom Steps.
  • The following functionality was added to flows:
    • You can optimize the performance of your flow by combining the code generation of adjacent nodes. When you combine the code generation of the nodes, the table that is associated with the output port of the first node is not created.
      The following step combinations can be optimized:
      • Query node connected to an Insert Rows node
      • Filter Rows node connected to a Sort node

        For more information, see Optimizing Steps in a Flow in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

    • You can use the Manage Columns step to select a subset of columns from an input table and write the columns to an output table. You can also use the Manage Columns step to change the names, labels, and order of columns in the output table. The Manage Columns step can be combined with other steps in which you want to work with only a subset of the columns in a table. For more information, see Manage Columns Step: Subsetting Columns from an Input Table into an Output Table in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can use the Calculate Columns step to create an output table that is based on the input table and can include replaced and new columns. By default, the output table includes all of the columns from the input table. You can replace columns in the output table by applying functions to the corresponding column in the input table. You can also create additional columns that are based on columns from the input table. For more information, see Calculate Columns: Creating a Table from an Existing Table in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can use the Python Program step to add a Python program to your flow and run Python code without explicitly using PROC PYTHON. SAS Studio automatically uses your Python code to generate a SAS program by using PROC PYTHON. You can combine the Python Program step with other steps in a single flow. For more information, see Python Program Step: Writing Python Code in a Flow in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can now import fixed-width files. You can use the new Load Structure functionality to load the column structure for a file from an external CSV or TXT file. For more information, see Import an External File in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can now export data to a fixed-width file. You can automatically generate a CSV file that contains the column structure metadata for the exported file. For more information, see Exporting Data to an External File in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can control the execution order of your flow by grouping nodes into swimlanes and specifying the order in which the swimlanes are run. For more information, see Controlling the Submission Order of a Flow in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • SAS Studio flows are now automatically indexed in SAS Information Catalog and SAS Lineage Viewer. For more information, see SAS Information Catalog and SAS Lineage Viewer Integration in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • The following functionality was added to content migration:
    • SAS Enterprise Guide built-in tasks, referenced programs, program nodes, query builder tasks, data nodes (for tables and registered tables in your metadata), the Append Tables task, the Filter and Sort task, and information map nodes are now supported for content migration.
    • SAS Data Integration Studio jobs are now supported for content migration.

      For more information, see Transitioning to SAS Studio in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

  • Two new configuration properties were added:
    • The configuration property specifies the time-out for abandoned sessions in SAS Studio and on the SAS Compute Server. The default value is 5 minutes. For more information, see Configuration Properties for SAS Studio in SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide.
    • The new configuration property enables you to specify a time-out when you are running SAS Studio as a Progressive Web App. For more information, see SAS Studio as a Progressive Web App in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • Here are some general enhancements:
    • You can use the new View output data in a pane option to display the list of output data for programs, tasks, and flows in a collapsible pane. For more information, see Viewing Output Data in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • When you are specifying a format or informat for a column, the values are now filtered so that only valid formats and informats for the column data type are displayed. In addition, numeric formats and informats are now displayed by category: Numeric, Date, Time, Datetime, Currency, and User-defined.
    • The Document Recovery feature now automatically saves flows. For more information, see Using the Document Recovery Window in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • When you are creating a quick filter on data or adding a filter to a query, you can filter on formatted numeric values by clearing the Use raw values option. For more information, see Creating a Quick Filter or Creating a Filter in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • The Published Columns tab of table nodes includes a new Edit structure button. The Edit structure button enables you to add and delete columns and change the properties of existing columns in a table node. For more information, see About the Table Node in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can cut, copy, and paste nodes within a flow and between flows. When you cut or copy nodes, the properties and values that are associated with the nodes are retained. For more information, see Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Nodes in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can now access your recently opened items and items that you mark as favorites from the Start page. For more information, see Accessing Recently Opened and Favorite Items in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can use the overview map to view your entire flow in a small window on the flow canvas. For more information, see Using the Overview Map in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can rename files and folders in the Explorer section of the navigation pane. For more information, see Using the Explorer in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • When you create a library, you can test whether the connection to the new library is valid. For more information, see Working with Libraries in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2021.1 (May 2021)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2021.1 in May 2021. The 2021.1 long-term support release is based on the 2020.1.4 stable release. It includes all features in the stable releases 2020.1.1 through 2020.1.4.

Note For information about new features in the stable releases of SAS Studio, see What's New in SAS Studio.

With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • SAS Studio is currently available in two licenses. To determine your license, see the About box for SAS Studio. SAS Studio is the base product with a set of foundational features. SAS Studio (Analyst) contains the base product and some additional features. For more information, see What Version of SAS Studio Are You Running? in SAS Studio: Administrator’s Guide.
  • Please note these critical changes:
    • Any file that is referenced by a File node must be located in SAS Content or on the file system for the current SAS Compute Server.
    • On all the SAS Compute Servers that are launched, LOCKDOWN is enabled by default. This lockdown functionality enables you to limit access to files and specific SAS features. For more information, see Understanding the Lockdown Functionality on the SAS Compute Server in SAS Studio: Administrator’s Guide.
  • There are several new flow steps that are available if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst.
    • Insert Rows step. In flows, you can use the Insert Rows step to insert the rows from an input table into an output table. All of the columns in the output table must have corresponding columns in the input table with matching names and data types. SAS Studio automatically generates PROC SQL or PROC FEDSQL code when the step is run.

      The Insert Rows step enables you to add rows to an output table in any of the following ways:

      • append the rows in the input table to existing rows in the output table
      • replace the existing rows in the output table with the rows from the input table
      • add the rows from the input table to a new output table
      For more information, see Insert Rows Step: Insert Rows from an Input Table into an Output Table in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

      Note The Insert Rows step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst.
    • Branch Rows step. The Branch Rows step splits a table into two output tables based on conditions that you specify by using column values. The conditions that you create do not need to be mutually exclusive: a row can be written to more than one output table. For more information, see Branch Rows Step: Split an Input Table into Output Tables in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

      Note The Branch Rows step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst.
    • Filter Rows step. In flows, you can use the Filter Rows step to select a subset of rows from an input table and write the rows to an output table. The Filter Rows step can be combined with other steps in which you want to work with only a subset of the data in a table. For example, you can create a flow that uses the Filter Rows step to create a table that contains only baseball players who have had more than 10 home runs, and then you can use the Branch Rows step to split the filtered data into separate tables for each team.

      For more information, see Filter Rows Step: Subsetting Rows from an Input Table into an Output Table in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

      Note The Filter Rows step is available only if your site licenses SAS Studio Analyst.
  • The following functionality was added to flows:
    • You can convert a SAS program file to a flow. The input tables, procedures, and output tables in the program are used to create nodes in the flow. For more information, see Creating a Flow from a SAS Program in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • Use the Export node to save data to an external text file, a delimited file, or a Microsoft Excel file. For more information, see Exporting Data to an External File in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • By default, the flow properties are collapsed on the right side of the canvas. When you expand the Properties pane, you can edit the Description property to specify information about the flow. For more information, see Understanding the Flow Tab in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • Depending on the file type, the File node options enable you to download and view the file and update some of the data that is associated with the node. For more information, see Adding an External File to a Flow in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
  • SAS Studio administrators can use the new globalShortcuts configuration property in SAS Environment Manager to create global shortcuts for users at their site. These shortcuts to the file system or SAS Content appear in the Explorer pane in SAS Studio. For more information, see Configuring Global Folder Shortcuts in SAS Studio: Administrator’s Guide.
  • Here are some general enhancements:
    • In the New Library window, the Preassign library for all users of the current compute context option has been renamed Make data sources available to all users.
    • The Document Recovery feature now automatically saves additional file types, including queries and tasks. For more information, see Using the Document Recovery Window in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.
    • You can now specify a format for a column in a stand-alone query that is generated using PROC FEDSQL. For more information, see Generating a FedSQL Query in SAS Studio: User’s Guide.

New features in SAS Studio for Long-Term Release (LTS) 2020.1 (November 2020)

SAS Studio on SAS Viya was released for long-term release 2020.1 in November 2020. With this release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • Please note these critical changes:
    • When you initially install SAS Studio, the file system is temporary, so users do not see a file system in the Explorer section of the navigation pane. The SAS Studio administrator and the Kubernetes administrator need to create persistent file storage. For more information, see Creating Persistent File Storage in SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide.
    • In this release of SAS Studio, the context root has changed from StudioV to Studio. Therefore, your site's URL uses Studio rather than StudioV.

  • You can now select and move multiple adjacent columns on the Select, Filter, and Sort tabs of your query.

  • You can edit libraries that you have created by right-clicking the library and selecting Edit library. For more information, see Working with Libraries in SAS Studio: User's Guide.

  • Flows are a metadata-driven design tool that support a sequence of operations on data using nodes to represent the data and operations. Nodes are created by adding "steps" to your flow.

    Flows are designed to enable you to manage complex processes by creating a generalized flow of data without hardcoding references to tables, columns, and operations ahead of time. You can update the specific attributes of any node in the flow by using the node properties. Ports represent the input source and output target of an operation node and can be accessed programmatically by the macro variables that are associated with each port. Nodes and ports can be used to provide metadata-based definitions of data and operations so that you have greater flexibility in defining the content of your flow.

    The types of nodes that are available to use in a flow can be accessed from the Steps section of the navigation pane. As the nodes become available, additional steps are added to the Steps section with each new release of SAS Studio.

    For more information, Working with Flows in SAS Studio: User's Guide.

  • In the Econometrics category, the Aggregate Loss Models task is new. The Aggregate Loss Models task computes an estimate of the probability distribution model of the aggregate loss. This estimate is based on the knowledge of the distribution of loss count and loss severity. For more information, see Aggregate Loss Models in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.

  • If you develop SAS tasks, note these changes:
    • In the Tasks element, the revision attribute is new. Task authors are responsible for maintaining this value.
    • In the Registration element, the Version element is deprecated.

  • Here are some general enhancements:
    • In this release of SAS Studio, the import functionality that was available in previous releases is now called Quick import. An Import node has also been added to the flow functionality in this release. For more information, see Importing Data in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • Snippets are now available for many SAS Data Quality functions. For more information, see Working with Snippets in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • If you have access to more than one compute context, you can change the context that SAS Studio uses. For more information, see Changing Your Compute Context in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • You can switch between using PROC SQL and PROC FEDSQL in a new or existing query. For more information, see Generating a FedSQL Query in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • You can now refresh a single library or table in the Libraries section of the navigation pane. Working with Libraries in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • When you create or edit a library, you can specify the SAS library engine that you want to use. The library engines that are available depend on your deployment. Working with Libraries in SAS Studio: User's Guide.
    • There are several updates to the Submission Status window:
      • You can now view the server context in which the item was run.
      • You can subset items by submission status.
      • You can specify filter criteria for the Name column.

      For more information, see Using the Submission Status Window in SAS Studio: User's Guide.

New features in SAS Studio 5.2

SAS Studio 5.2 was released in November 2019 on SAS Viya 3.5. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

New features in SAS Studio 3.8

SAS Studio 3.8 was released in November 2018. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • ability to append and clear the log. You can now append new log information to the existing logs for programs and tasks. You can also automatically clear the log each time you submit code. For more information, see Setting the Code and Log Preferences.
  • access to the Git family of SAS Data Step functions and Git integration user interface. Git is a version control system for tracking changes in files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. You can now use the Git family of SAS Data Step Functions in SAS Studio. You can also use the user interface that integrates some of the most common Git features into SAS Studio. You can stage changes and create commits, create and switch branches, and resolve merge conflicts from within SAS Studio. For more information, About Git Integration in SAS Studio.
  • support for VALIDMEMNAME system option. You can now use the SAS member name policy preference to specify a set of rules for SAS data set names, SAS data view names, and item store names. For more information, see Setting Table Preferences.
  • new preferences to control the number of rows and columns in the table viewer. You can now specify the number of rows to display per page of data and the maximum number of columns to display in the table viewer. For more information, see Setting Table Preferences.
  • state of trees in the navigation pane or an open window persists after a refresh. The state of SAS Studio library, file, and folder trees persists after any activity that causes the tree to refresh in the navigation pane or an open window.
  • several new tasks. The new tasks include several new map tasks, a combine data task, econometric tasks, and multiple SAS Viya tasks. To use the new SAS Viya tasks, you must license and install SAS Viya 3.4.
  • new SAS Studio tasks.
    Data tasks Combine Tables
    Map tasks Bubble Map, Choropleth Map, Scatter Map, Series Map, Text Map
    Econometrics tasks Severity Models, Spatial Regression Models
    SAS Viya Evaluate and Implement Register
    SAS Viya Supervised Learning Bayesian Network
    SAS Viya Text Analytics Segmentation, Text Scoring, Text Parsing and Discovery
    SAS Viya Network Analysis and Optimization Summary Statistics
    SAS Viya Econometrics Aggregate Loss Models, Spatial Regression Models, Hidden Markov Models, Severity Models

  • enhancements to existing tasks.
    • In the Line Chart task, you can now include error bars in the chart when you calculate the mean of a variable. For more information, see Line Chart in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Time Series Analysis task has been divided into these two tasks:
      • The Univariate Time Series Analysis task analyzes a single time series where the values are equally spaced. This task provides analysis for these model types: ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving-average), ARIMAX, unobserved components, and regression with autocorrelated and heteroscedastic errors. For more information, see Univariate Time Series Analysis in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
      • The Multivariate Time Series Analysis task analyzes a vector of time series that are equally spaced. For more information, see Multivariate Time Series Analysis in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • In the Neural Network task, you can now specify up to 10 hidden layers. In the Code Generation options, you can use the NNET procedure or the CAS procedure to run the task. For more information, see SAS Viya: Neural Network in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • In the Decision Tree task, the default value for the Maximum depth of a tree option is 10. In the Code Generation options, you can now use the TREESPLIT procedure to run the task. For more information, see SAS Viya: Decision Tree in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Severity Models task now includes an output option to create a table in an item store format. You can use this table in the new Aggregate Loss Models task. For more information, see SAS Viya: Severity Models in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • In the Time Series Exploration task, creating output data tables is now optional. For more information, see Time Series Exploration in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.

New features in SAS Studio 3.71

SAS Studio 3.71 was released in December 2017. SAS Studio 3.71 includes several new tasks. These tasks are part of SAS Viya, so you must license and install SAS Viya 3.3 to access these tasks in SAS Studio 3.71.

In SAS Studio 3.71, the new SAS Viya Text Analysis category contains these tasks:

  • The Text Summarization generates textual summaries of text data. For more information, see SAS Viya: Text Summarization in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
  • The Text Parsing and Topic discovery task is used to parse documents into a term-by-document matrix and extract topics from the term-by-document matrix by singular value decomposition. For more information, see SAS Viya: Text Parsing and Topic Discovery in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
  • The Boolean Rules task extracts Boolean rules from text data. For more information, see SAS Viya: Boolean Rules in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.

Note: To run these tasks, you must license and install SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning and SAS Visual Text Analytics, which are available with SAS Viya 3.3.

The new SAS Viya Forecasting category contains these tasks:

  • The Time Series Data Preparation task turns time-stamped transactional data into equally spaced time series data. For more information, see SAS Viya: Time Series Data Preparation in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
  • The Time Series Exploration task creates graphs and statistics that enable you to view and analyze your time series data. For more information, see SAS Viya: Time Series Exploration in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
  • The Modeling and Forecasting task creates forecasting models that use your time series data. For more information, see SAS Viya: Modeling and Forecasting in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.

Note: To run these tasks, you must license and install SAS Visual Forecasting, which is available with SAS Viya 3.3.

New features in SAS Studio 3.7

SAS Studio 3.7 was released in September 2017. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • support for SAS Viya programming. In SAS Studio 3.7, the code editor supports both syntax from SAS 9.4 and syntax for SAS Viya programming. The availability of specific procedures and functionality depends on what is licensed at your site. To learn more about programming in SAS Viya, see An Introduction to SAS Viya Programming.

  • new snippets for SAS Viya. In SAS Studio 3.6, the snippets in the SAS Viya Cloud Analytic Services group used SAS/CONNECT to connect to SAS Viya. Starting in SAS 9.4M5, SAS/CONNECT is no longer a requirement. As a result, the snippets in the SAS Viya Cloud Analytic Services group have been rewritten for SAS Studio 3.7 and a new Create CAS Connection snippet has been added.

    SAS Studio 3.7 also includes two new groups of snippets:

    • The snippets in the SAS Viya Image Processing category enable you to manage graphic images in a SAS Viya environment.
    • The snippets in the SAS Viya Machine Learning category enable you to perform data analysis.
    These snippets are available only if you license and install SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning.

    For more information, see Working with Code Snippets.

  • SAS Viya tasks. SAS Studio 3.7 provides more integration with SAS Viya. Starting in SAS 9.4M5, SAS/CONNECT is no longer required to connect to a SAS Viya environment. As a result, the SAS Machine Learning tasks that were available in SAS Studio 3.6 have been removed.

    In SAS Studio 3.7, these task categories are available:

    • SAS Viya Prepare and Explore
    • SAS Viya Unsupervised Learning
    • SAS Viya Supervised Learning
    • SAS Viya Evaluate and Implement
    • SAS Viya Network Analysis and Optimization
    • SAS Viya Econometrics
    Note Included in your SAS 9.4M5 order are procedures that enable you to take advantage of additional functionality that is provided by SAS Viya products. You must have a SAS Viya license to run the SAS Studio tasks for these products:
    • SAS Econometrics Procedures
    • SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning Procedures
    • SAS Visual Statistics Procedures
    Note To run the SAS Viya Optimization tasks, you must license and install SAS/OR and license SAS Optimization.

    If you have used SAS Studio 4.2 (which runs on SAS Viya 3.2), you might recognize most of these tasks. However, these tasks were added to the SAS Viya Network and Optimization group in SAS Studio 3.7:

    • The Centrality Metrics task calculates several types of centrality metrics that indicate the relative importance of a node or link within a graph. For more information, see SAS Viya: Centrality Metrics in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Community Detection task partitions a graph into communities such that the nodes within the community subgraphs are more densely connected than the nodes from different communities. For more information, see SAS Viya: Community Detection in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Core Decomposition task decomposes a graph into cohesive subgroups. Although this method is generally not as powerful as community detection for extracting a detailed community structure, it can provide a coarse approximation of cohesive structure at a very low computational cost. For more information, see SAS Viya: Core Decomposition in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Reach Network task calculates the reach (ego) network of a graph. For more information, see SAS Viya: Reach Network in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.

  • new SAS Studio macro variables. These macro variables are new for SAS Studio 3.7:
    • _CLIENTAPPABREV specifies the abbreviated name of the client application.
    • _CLIENTMACHINE specifies the node name of the client machine.
    • _CLIENTMODE specifies the type of SAS Studio deployment: Mid-Tier (enterprise), Single-User, or Basic.
    • _CLIENTVERSION specifies the application version, including build number.
    • _SASHOSTNAME specifies the server node name (IP address or DNS name).
    • _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST specifies the server node name on which the current SAS program is being run.
    • _SASWORKINGDIR specifies the current working directory.
    • SASWORKLOCATION specifies the location of the Work library.
    For more information, see Using Macro Variables.

  • ability to open a SAS Enterprise Guide project in SAS Studio. You can open your existing SAS Enterprise Guide projects in SAS Studio. SAS Enterprise Guide projects are converted to a process flow in SAS Studio. For more information, see Converting SAS Enterprise Guide Projects to SAS Studio Process Flows.

  • new streaming log preference. In SAS Studio 3.7, you can choose to display log updates as a procedure is processed. If you do not select the Stream log updates while a procedure is running option, the log is displayed when the procedure has finished running. This option is selected by default and might have a slight effect on performance. For more information, see Setting General Preferences.

  • new SAS Studio tasks for a SAS 9.4 environment. These new tasks are available in SAS Studio 3.7:
    • The Custom Tests task calculates power or sample size for test statistics from the chi-square, Pearson correlation, normal, F, and t distributions. For more information, see Custom Tests in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Equivalence Tests task performs power analysis and sample size determination for equivalence tests of one-sample, paired, and two-sample means and mean ratios, and one proportion. For more information, see Equivalence Tests in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Heat Map task displays the magnitude of the response based on two variables. The response is represented as a color value from a color gradient. For more information, see Heat Map in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Recode Values task enables you to change the values of character and numeric variables. With this task, you can specify single values to be recoded as other values that you specify. For example, if your data contains a column named Gender with possible values of "M" and "F," you can substitute "Male" for values of "M" and "Female" for values of "F" in your output data set. For more information, see Recode Values in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Recode Ranges task enables you to specify a range of numeric values and change all of the values in the range to another value. For example, you could replace test scores from 90 to 100 with a letter grade of "A," scores from 80 to 89 with a grade of "B," and so on. For more information, see Recode Ranges in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Severity Models task estimates parameters of any arbitrary continuous probability distribution that is used to model the magnitude (severity) of a continuous-valued event of interest. For more information, see SAS Viya: Severity Models in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.

  • enhancements to SAS Studio tasks. These tasks were enhanced in SAS Studio 3.7:
    • The user interfaces for all of the graph tasks (Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot, and so on) have been redesigned.
    • In the Tests of Proportions task, you can now select the binomial proportion test to use (equality, noninferiority, or superiority) when creating a one-proportion test. For more information, see Create a One-Proportion Test in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.

New features in SAS Studio 3.6

SAS Studio 3.6 was released in November 2016. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

New features in SAS Studio 3.5

SAS Studio 3.5 was released in February 2016. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • a new batch submit feature. You can run a saved SAS program in batch mode, which means that the program can run while you continue to use SAS Studio. When you run a program in batch mode, you can view the status of programs that have been submitted, and you can cancel programs that are currently running. For more information, see About the Batch Submit Feature.

  • SAS Studio repositories. SAS Studio repositories are an easy way to share tasks and snippets with users inside and outside your organization. To view the contents of a repository, the SAS Studio user simply sets a preference in their SAS Studio session. If the developer of the repository adds content to the repository, the SAS Studio user simply needs to refresh the content of the Task and Utilities and Snippets sections to view the changes. For more information, see SAS Studio: Developer's Guide to Repositories.

  • global settings for SAS Studio. You might want to define a list of folder shortcuts for all SAS Studio users at your site. Administrators can now define these options by using global settings. For more information about global folder shortcuts, see SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide.

  • a new Messages window that displays information about the programs, tasks, queries and process flows that you run. For more information, see Using the Messages Window.

  • enhancements to the table viewer. You can automatically resize the column widths to fit the current size of the column content in the table viewer. You can also change the order of the columns For more information, see Opening and Viewing Data.

  • new table of contents in results. The Results tab includes a new table of contents that you can use to navigate the different sections in your results. For more information, see Viewing Default Results.

  • new keyboard shortcuts for your snippets. You can now use keyboard shortcuts to create a snippet and save it to your My Snippets folder.
    • To create the snippet, select the code in the code editor and press Alt + A (Windows environments) or Command + Alt + A (Macintosh environments).
    • To insert an existing snippet from your My Snippets folder, press Alt + I (Windows environments) or Command + Alt + I (Macintosh environments).

      For a list of the keyboard shortcuts in SAS Studio, see Keyboard Shortcuts.

  • new Open button on the SAS Studio toolbar. You can now open files from your folders and folder shortcuts by clicking Open button on the SAS Studio toolbar.

  • new SAS Studio tasks
    Graph tasks Mosaic Plot
    Statistics tasks Mixed Models, Partial Least Squares Regression
    Power and Sample Size tasks Pearson Correlation, Multiple Regression, Confidence Intervals, Tests of Proportions, t Tests, Cox Regression
    Multivariate Analysis tasks Principal Components Analysis, Factor Analysis, Canonical Correlation, Discriminant Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Multidimensional Preference Analysis

  • enhancements to existing tasks.
    • In the Bin Continuous Data task, you can now compute the weight of evidence and information value. For more information, see Bin Continuous Data in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • In the Binary Logistic Regression task, you can now create strata variables. You can also specify whether to label the points in the influence or ROC plots. By default, the points are not labeled. For more information, see Binary Logistic Regression in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • In the Filter Data task, you can specify which variables to include in the output data set. For more information, see Filter Data in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • In the High-Performance Generalized Linear Model task, the LASSO selection method is now available. For more information, see High-Performance Generalized Linear Models in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The user interface for the Select Random Sample task has been simplified. For more information, see Select Random Sample in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • In the Stack/Split Columns task, you can now create multiple stacked or split variables. For more information, see Stack/Split Columns in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
    • The Standardize Data task now includes these standardization methods:
      • Maximum absolute value
      • Median absolute deviation
      • Minkowski
      • Art, Gnanadesikan, and Kettenring estimate
      • Minimum spacing
      For more information, see Standardize Data in SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide.
  • enhancements to the Common Task Model
    • Using multiple DataSource elements, you can now define multiple data sources for a task. In previous releases, a maximum of one data source was allowed. The new where attribute enables users to filter the input data source before using the data in the task.
    • The modelbuilder control will be removed in a future release. All SAS Studio tasks that contained the modelbuilder control have been revised to use the mixedeffects control.

      For more information about the common task model and writing your own custom tasks for SAS Studio, see SAS Studio: Developer's Guide to Writing Custom Tasks.

  • documentation enhancements
    • The new SAS Studio: Task Reference Guide contains documentation for all the tasks that are shipped with SAS Studio. All of these tasks might not be available at your site. The tasks that are available at your site depend on whether you license and install other SAS products.
    • The new SAS Studio: Developer's Guide to Repositories describes how to work with SAS Studio repositories to share tasks and snippets with other users at your site.
    • The new SAS Studio: Writing Your First Custom Task guides you step-by-step through creating a custom task for your site.
    • The SAS Studio: User's Guide now includes appendixes that list the keyboard shortcuts for SAS Studio and all of the preferences for SAS Studio.
    • The SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide now includes an appendix that lists all the configuration properties for SAS Studio.

New features in SAS Studio 3.4

SAS Studio 3.4 was released in July 2015. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • support for z/OS files. SAS Studio 3.4 provides native file support for z/OS environments. Using SAS Studio 3.4, you can easily access any of your existing z/OS files. You can also use the interface to create sequential and partitioned z/OS data sets.

  • an import data tool. You can easily import delimited files (such as CSV), other DBMS file types, and data from Microsoft Excel into SAS Studio. If you are using the Visual Programmer perspective, imported data can be a node in your process flow. For more information, see Importing Data.

  • enhancements to file navigation. In SAS Studio, the navigation tree has been enhanced to make it more clear where your files actually reside. If you are running the SAS Studio Enterprise Edition or the SAS Studio Basic Edition, your SAS Studio administrator can control the starting point of the navigation tree. For more information, see SAS Studio: Administrator's Guide.

  • new location for output data. When you import data or run a query in SAS Studio, an output data set is created. Some predefined tasks (such as the Rank task) also create output data sets. In SAS Studio, these output data sets open on the Output Data tab.

  • new programming functionality. In the code editor, autocomplete is now available for librefs and table names. For more information, see Using the Autocomplete Feature.

  • enhancements to process flows. Process flows are available if you are using the Visual Programmer perspective. Starting with SAS Studio 3.4, you can drag a data set from the Libraries pane to a process flow. For more information, see Add Data to the Process Flow.

  • new text viewer. You can now open any file in the Text Viewer, which enables you to quickly see the data or code in a file. This functionality might be useful if you are trying to determine the delimiter used in a TXT file.

  • new SAS Studio tasks.

    Data tasks Describe Missing Data, Filter Data, Partition Data, Stack Columns, Standardize Data, Transform Data
    Forecasting tasks Time Series Data Preparation, Time Series Exploration, Modeling and Forecasting
    Data Mining tasks SAS Rapid Predictive Modeler

  • simplified existing tasks. The user interface for these tasks has been simplified, so you can more quickly generate results:
  • updates to the Common Task Model. If you create custom tasks for your site, here are the changes to the Common Task Model (CTM) in SAS Studio 3.4.
    • The combobox control has a new editable attribute, which enables users to enter a value in the combobox control.
    • In the numstepper control, you can now define customized messages by using the new promptMessage and rangeMessage attributes.
    • In the Velocity code, the new getRowsCount method and columnExists method enable you to learn more about the Datasource object.
    • A Velocity variable is now created for the string input type.

      For more information, see SAS Studio: Developer's Guide to Writing Custom Tasks.

  • documentation enhancements. The SAS Studio: User's Guide now includes a “Customized Output Environment” appendix. You must customize the SAS Studio output environment when you want to perform any of these tasks:
    • generate output for other output destinations
    • send results to another location
    • use a custom style for your output
    • use an image format other than the default
    • create a drill-down graph
    • create an animated GIF or SVG image
    For more information, see Customized Output Environment.

New features in SAS Studio 3.3

SAS Studio 3.3 was released in February 2015. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

  • enhancements to existing tasks. The following tasks have been updated:
    • In the High-Performance Generalized Linear Model task, you can now specify an offset variable to use as an offset to the linear predictor. The new Dispersion parameter option enables you to specify a fixed dispersion parameter for distributions that have a dispersion parameter. For more information, see Generalized Linear Models.
    • The One-Way ANOVA task now includes these comparison methods: Dunnett two-tail, Dunnett lower one-tail, and Dunnett upper one-tail. For more information, see One-Way ANOVA Task.

  • updates to the Common Task Model. If you create custom tasks for your site, here are the changes to the Common Task Model (CTM) 3.3.
    • The new dualselector input type creates a control that displays a list of default values for the option. However, the user can change the list of values by selecting from a list of values that appear in a separate window. The dualselector input type can use the OptionChoice element in the user interface.
    • The new outputdata input type creates a text box where the user can specify the name of the output data set that is created by the task.
    • The required attribute is now available for the combobox, distinct, color, and numstepper input types. Now for these input types, you can specify whether an option is required to run the task.
    • For the combobox and distinct input types, the new selectMessage attribute specifies the message to display when a value is required for the combobox control, and no default value has been set. The default message is Select a value.
    • For the multientry input type, the new reorderable attribute specifies whether the user can reorder the values in a list.

      For more information, see SAS Studio: Developer's Guide.

  • New variable name and encoding options. The new SAS variable name policy option enables you to specify the set of rules that you want to use for SAS variable names. The Default text encoding option specifies the character-set encoding that is used when text files are read or written. For more information, see Setting General Preferences.

  • New features in SAS Studio 3.2

    SAS Studio 3.2 was released in August 2014. With this new release of SAS Studio, you can find the following new functionality:

    • new SAS Program Package file. A SAS Program Package is a file that contains a snapshot of a SAS program along with its log and HTML results. You can create a program package from code that you have written as well as from code that is automatically generated when you run a task. When you open a program package in SAS Studio, you can access the code, log, and results without running the program again. For more information, see Creating a SAS Program Package.

    • new autosave feature. By default, SAS Studio automatically creates auto-saved copies of each previously saved program file that you are editing so that you can recover the files if your browser closes unexpectedly. For more information, see Customizing the Code Editor.

    • Program Summary page. You can create a summary page for code that you have written as well as for code that is automatically generated when you run a task. The Program Summary page is an HTML file that opens in a separate browser tab and includes information about the program execution, the complete SAS source code, the complete SAS log, and the results. For more information, see Creating a Program Summary.

    • new code snippets. There is a new category of Catalog code snippets to help you manage your SAS catalogs. There are also new macro snippets that give you examples of how to use specific macros. For more information, see Why Use Code Snippets?.

    • new macro variables. There are new macro variables that you can use to obtain information when a program or task is run, such as the name and version number of the application. For more information, see Using Macro Variables.

    • the ability to send results to another user. You can send a copy of your results and the associated code and log files to another user through electronic mail. You can send results in HTML, RTF, and PDF formats, as well as a Program Summary file. For more information, see Sending Your Results to Another User.

    • access to FTP folders. You can access files on an FTP server by creating a folder shortcut to the FTP server. After you create the FTP folder shortcut, you can open files that are saved on the FTP server. You can also create file shortcuts and search for files on the FTP server. For more information, see Working with Folders.

    • new location for My Tasks folder. The My Tasks folder is now available when you first open the Tasks section in the navigation pane. You can create categories to organize your tasks.

    • new SAS Studio tasks.
      Graph tasks Box Plot task
      Statistics tasks Data Exploration task, Linear Regression task, Binary Logistic Regression task, Predictive Regression Modeling

    • enhancements to existing tasks.
      • The Linear Regression task has been changed significantly to reflect the addition of other regression tasks. For more information, see Linear Regression Task.
      • In all of the graph tasks, you can now specify the font size for the title of the graph and the footnote. You can also specify the size of the graph in inches, centimeters, or pixels. For more information, see Graph Tasks.
      • The response axis in the Bar Chart task and Line Chart task has these new options:
        • The new Show label option enables you to suppress the label for the response axis.
        • The new Drop statistics suffix option removes the name of the statistic from the axis label. By default, the statistic that is used to calculate the values on this axis appear in the axis label.
          For more information, see Bar Chart Task and Line Chart Task.
      • In the Bar Chart, Bar-Line Chart, and Simple HBar tasks, you can now apply a gradient to the bars. In the Histogram task, you can apply a gradient to the bins. For more information, see Bar Chart Task, Bar-Line Chart Task, and Simple HBar Task.
        Note These options are available only if you are running the second maintenance release for SAS 9.4 or later.
      • In the High-Performance Generalized Linear Model task, the Tweedie distribution is now available. Also by using the new Reference category option, you can now specify a reference category if you are creating a binary response model or a nominal multinomial model. For more information, see Generalized Linear Models.
      • In the Two-Sample t Test task, the new Wilcoxon box plot option enables you to display a box plot of the Wilcoxon scores in the results. For more information, see Two-Sample t Test Task.

    • updates to the Custom Task Model
      If you create custom tasks for your site, here are the changes to the Common Task Model (CTM) for SAS Studio 3.2:
      • You can now create dependencies for roles. You can specify whether a role should be enabled, disabled, or hidden.
      • You can now create dependencies for an option group. You can specify whether the group should be enabled, disabled, or hidden.
      • datepicker, distinct, multientry, numbertext, select, and textbox are new input types for the Option tag.
      • Using the MathTool from Apache Velocity, your mathematical expressions are evaluated by the Velocity context. With this tool, you can perform floating or double math.
      • Attributes of the role variable can be obtained using the Velocity variable’s GET method. The GET method is a string parameter and accepts the format, informat, length, and type attributes.
      • The new predefined $CTMUtil variable provides access to common utilities.
        For more information, see SAS Studio: Developer's Guide.

    New features in SAS Studio 3.1

    SAS Studio 3.1 was released in March 2014 and is a development application for SAS that you access through your web browser. With SAS Studio, you can access your data files, libraries, and existing programs, and you can write new programs. You can also use the predefined tasks in SAS Studio to generate SAS code. When you run a program or task, SAS Studio connects to a SAS server to process the SAS code. The SAS server can be a hosted server in a cloud environment, a server in your local environment, or a copy of SAS on your local machine. After the code is processed, the results are returned to SAS Studio in your browser.

    SAS Studio supports multiple web browsers, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome.

    In addition to writing and running your own SAS programs, you can use the predefined tasks that are included with SAS Studio to analyze your data. The tasks are based on SAS System procedures and provide access to some of the most commonly used graph and analytical procedures. You can also use the default task template to write your own tasks.