Interface TreeNodeInterface

All Superinterfaces:
ComplexStyleInterface, javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode, NodeInterface, javax.swing.tree.TreeNode
All Known Implementing Classes:
JDBCToTreeViewModelAdapter.LevelTreeNode, TreeNode

public interface TreeNodeInterface
extends NodeInterface, ComplexStyleInterface

TreeNodeInterface is an interface for creating a tree node. These nodes can be used in the TreeModel used by the TreeView, which in turn can be used to display things such as organizational charts or other hierarchical structures.

See Also:
TreeView, TreeNode

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAccessKey()
          Returns the accesskey for URL accessibility.
 java.lang.String getDefaultImage()
          Returns the name of the default image.
 java.lang.String getDefaultImageAltText()
          Returns the text which is to be used as alternate to an image.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Returns the description of this node.
 java.lang.String getDeselectNodeFunctionName()
          Gets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to deselect a node.
 java.lang.String getDisabledImage()
          Returns the name of the image to be displayed when the node is disabled.
 java.lang.String getDisabledImageAltText()
          getDisabledImageAltText returns the text which is to be used as alternate to an image.
 java.lang.String getExpandedImage()
          Returns the name of the expanded image.
 java.lang.String getExpandedImageAltText()
          Returns the alternate text to the expanded image.
 java.lang.String getImageLocation()
          If present this property overrides the imageLocation property of the TreeView.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the name of the node.
 java.lang.String getPostSelectNodeFunctionName()
          Gets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called after the normal select behavior executes when a node is selected.
 java.lang.String getPreSelectNodeFunctionName()
          Gets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called prior to normal select behavior when a node is selected.
 java.lang.String getRendererFunctionName()
          Gets the name of the JavaScript function which will be called to render a node.
 java.lang.String getSelectNodeFunctionName()
          Gets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to select a node.
 TreeNodeInterface getSourceParent()
          Return the source parent of the node, which is the parent in a source tree where it originally came from if it was moved.
 java.lang.String getStyleClassPrefix()
          If present this property overrides the styleClassPrefix property of the TreeView.
 int getTabIndex()
          Returns the tab order value of the node.
 java.lang.String getTarget()
          Returns the value of the target= argument used on the anchor tags generated.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Returns the text associated with the node.
 java.lang.String getTitle()
          Returns the title to the URL link in the viewer, usually shown as a tooltip.
 java.lang.String getURL()
          Returns the url associated with the node.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Get the enabled state of the node, which determines the icon and style used for the node.
 boolean isExpanded()
          Returns the boolean value which indicates whether a node is expanded.
 boolean isLastNode()
          Returns the boolean value which determines if a node is the last node in a set of children.
 void setAccessKey(java.lang.String accessKey)
          Sets the accesskey if a URL link is being used.
 void setDefaultImage(java.lang.String Image)
          Sets the name of the default image.
 void setDefaultImageAltText(java.lang.String defaultImageAltText)
          Sets the text which is to be used as alternate to an image.
 void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
          Sets the description associated with this node.
 void setDeselectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String deselect)
          Sets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to deselect a node.
 void setDisabledImage(java.lang.String image)
          Sets the name of the image to be displayed when the node is disabled.
 void setDisabledImageAltText(java.lang.String disabledImageAltText)
          setDisabledImageAltText sets the alternate text to the disabled image in the viewer.
 void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Set the enabled state of the node, which will change the icon and style used for a disabled node.
 void setExpanded(boolean expanded)
          Sets the expanded state of the node.
 void setExpandedImage(java.lang.String Image)
          Returns the name of the expanded image.
 void setExpandedImageAltText(java.lang.String expandedImageAltText)
          Sets the alternate text to the expanded image in the viewer.
 void setImageLocation(java.lang.String imageLocation)
          If present this property overrides the imageLocation property of the TreeView.
 void setLastNode(boolean lastNode)
          Sets a flag to determine if a node is the last node of a set of children.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the name of the node object.
 void setPostSelectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String postSelectFunctionName)
          Sets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called after the normal select behavior executes when a node is selected.
 void setPreSelectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String preSelectFunctionName)
          Sets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called prior to normal select behavior when a node is selected.
 void setRendererFunctionName(java.lang.String renderer)
          Sets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to render a node.
 void setSelectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String select)
          Sets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to select a node.
 void setSourceParent(TreeNodeInterface sourceParent)
          Set the source parent of the node, which is the parent in a source tree where it originally came from if it was moved.
 void setStyleClassPrefix(java.lang.String styleClassPrefix)
          If present this property overrides the styleClassPrefix property of the TreeView.
 void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)
          Sets the tabbing order for access in viewer.
 void setTarget(java.lang.String target)
          Sets the value of the target= argument used on the anchor tags generated.
 void setText(java.lang.String text)
          Sets the text associated with the node.
 void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
          Sets the title to the URL link in the viewer, usually shown as a tooltip.
 void setURL(java.lang.String url)
          Sets the url associated with node.
Methods inherited from interface
getNodeExpandedText, getNodeText, getNodeType
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


java.lang.String getDefaultImage()
Returns the name of the default image. This should not be the fully qualified name such as http://myWebServer/gifs/imageName.gif Specify only the name of the file, in this example imageName.gif. The TreeView will supply the location of the images. If no image is specified the TreeView will determine the image name.

the name of the default image.


void setDefaultImage(java.lang.String Image)
Sets the name of the default image. This should not be the fully qualified name such as http://myWebServer/gifs/imageName.gif Specify only the name of the file, in this example imageName.gif. The TreeView will supply the location of the images. If no image is specified the TreeView will determine the image name.

image - - the name of the default image.


java.lang.String getExpandedImage()
Returns the name of the expanded image. This should not be the fully qualified name such as http://myWebServer/gifs/imageName.gif Specify only the name of the file, in this example imageName.gif. The TreeView will supply the location of the images. If no image is specified the defaultImage will be used. If the defaultImage and the expandedImage are null the TreeView will determine the image name.

the name of the expanded image.


void setExpandedImage(java.lang.String Image)
Returns the name of the expanded image. This should not be the fully qualified name such as http://myWebServer/gifs/imageName.gif Specify only the name of the file, in this example imageName.gif. The TreeView will supply the location of the images. If no image is specified the defaultImage will be used. If the defaultImage and the expandedImage are null the TreeView will determine the image name.

image - the name of the expanded image


java.lang.String getURL()
Returns the url associated with the node. This URL may be used as the href attribute on an anchor tag for this node.

the url link associated with the node
See Also:
setURL(String), BaseTreeView.setUsingURLLinks(boolean)


void setURL(java.lang.String url)
Sets the url associated with node. This URL may be used as the href attribute on an anchor tag for this node.

url - the url link associated with the node
See Also:
getURL(), BaseTreeView.setUsingURLLinks(boolean)


void setText(java.lang.String text)
Sets the text associated with the node. This is the text that will be displayed next to the image on the node.

text - the text string that is to be displayed next to the node.


java.lang.String getText()
Returns the text associated with the node. This is the text that will be displayed next to the node image.

text the string value which is the text displayed on the node.


void setExpanded(boolean expanded)
Sets the expanded state of the node. True if the node is to be expanded and show it's children. This will also determine if the ExpandedImage or DefaultImage is to be used as the image. Default value is false. True indicates the image is expanded.

expanded - boolean value which determines if a node is expanded.


boolean isExpanded()
Returns the boolean value which indicates whether a node is expanded.

expanded boolean value which determines if a node is expanded.


void setName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the name of the node object.

name - string name of the node.


java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of the node.

name String


void setLastNode(boolean lastNode)
Sets a flag to determine if a node is the last node of a set of children. Defaults to false.

lastNode - boolean value lastNode, true if node is the lastNode, false otherwise.


boolean isLastNode()
Returns the boolean value which determines if a node is the last node in a set of children.

lastNode boolean value, true if node is last node, false otherwise.


void setAccessKey(java.lang.String accessKey)
Sets the accesskey if a URL link is being used. This allows the user to access the link via the keyboard. For example, if the accesskey is set to "C", a user can use the Alt-C combination to go to the link text and press enter to activate the link. This is only available in PROGRESSIVE mode.

accessKey - key entry used as access key for link.


java.lang.String getAccessKey()
Returns the accesskey for URL accessibility. This allows a user to access a link using the Alt-'key' combination to access a link. This is only available in PROGRESSIVE mode.

key entry used as access key for link.


void setTabIndex(int tabIndex)
Sets the tabbing order for access in viewer. This is only available in PROGRESSIVE mode.

tabIndex - the numeric order in which the tab key is used.


int getTabIndex()
Returns the tab order value of the node. The tab order is the order in which the tab key will follow when tabbing in the viewer. This is only available in PROGRESSIVE mode.



void setDefaultImageAltText(java.lang.String defaultImageAltText)
Sets the text which is to be used as alternate to an image.

defaulImageAltText - alternate text for the image displayed in the viewer.


java.lang.String getDefaultImageAltText()
Returns the text which is to be used as alternate to an image.

text used as an alternative to the image.


void setExpandedImageAltText(java.lang.String expandedImageAltText)
Sets the alternate text to the expanded image in the viewer.

expandedImageAltText -


java.lang.String getExpandedImageAltText()
Returns the alternate text to the expanded image.



void setTitle(java.lang.String title)
Sets the title to the URL link in the viewer, usually shown as a tooltip. This title should be a short but descriptive title to where the URL link will take them.

title - descriptive title of the URL link.


java.lang.String getTitle()
Returns the title to the URL link in the viewer, usually shown as a tooltip. This title should be a short but descriptive title to where the URL link will take them.

title descriptive title to the URL link


void setDescription(java.lang.String desc)
Sets the description associated with this node.

desc - The description of the node


java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the description of this node.

the description of the node


java.lang.String getTarget()
Returns the value of the target= argument used on the anchor tags generated. This value determines where/how the links associated with the nodes on the tree are displayed.

target= argument of each folders anchor tag.


void setTarget(java.lang.String target)
Sets the value of the target= argument used on the anchor tags generated. This value determines where/how the links associated with the nodes on the tree are displayed.


void setSourceParent(TreeNodeInterface sourceParent)
Set the source parent of the node, which is the parent in a source tree where it originally came from if it was moved.


TreeNodeInterface getSourceParent()
Return the source parent of the node, which is the parent in a source tree where it originally came from if it was moved.

sourceParent the node's parent in a source tree.


void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
Set the enabled state of the node, which will change the icon and style used for a disabled node.


boolean isEnabled()
Get the enabled state of the node, which determines the icon and style used for the node.


java.lang.String getDisabledImage()
Returns the name of the image to be displayed when the node is disabled. The image name must be an absolute or relative URL.

Image - the URL for defaultImage.


void setDisabledImage(java.lang.String image)
Sets the name of the image to be displayed when the node is disabled. The image name must be an absolute or relative URL.

Image - the URL for defaultImage.


java.lang.String getDisabledImageAltText()
getDisabledImageAltText returns the text which is to be used as alternate to an image.

defaultImageAltText text used as an alternative to the image.


void setDisabledImageAltText(java.lang.String disabledImageAltText)
setDisabledImageAltText sets the alternate text to the disabled image in the viewer.

disabledImageAltText -


java.lang.String getRendererFunctionName()
Gets the name of the JavaScript function which will be called to render a node. If present this property overrides the nodeRendererFunctionName property of the TreeView. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL.

the name of the JavaScript function to render a node
See Also:
setRendererFunctionName(String), BaseTreeView.getNodeRendererFunctionName()


void setRendererFunctionName(java.lang.String renderer)
Sets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to render a node. If present this property overrides the nodeRendererFunctionName property of the TreeView. The function should look similar to <script> function nodeRenderer(node) { return node.text; } </script> The returned value is set on the innerHTML of the HTML element. In addition to the default node renderer, one simple node renderer is provided which allows the node text to include HTML. It may be used by setting the node renderer as follows: treenode.setRendererFunctionName("sas_TreeView_HTMLNodeRenderer");

the - name of the JavaScript function to render a node
See Also:


java.lang.String getSelectNodeFunctionName()
Gets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to select a node. If present this property overrides the selectNodeFunctionName property of the TreeView. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL.

the name of the JavaScript function called when node is selected.
See Also:
setSelectNodeFunctionName(String), BaseTreeView.getSelectNodeFunctionName()


void setSelectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String select)
Sets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to select a node. If present this property overrides the selectNodeFunctionName property of the TreeView. This function should update the style of the selected node to differentiate it from nodes which are not selected, for example by highlighting it. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL. The function should look similar to function selectNodeFunction(node,el) { if (node.text == "test";) el.className = "selectedTestStyle"; else el.className = "selectedNormalStyle"; } The first parameter is the node being selected. The second parameter is the HTML element representing the node.

the - name of the JavaScript function called when the node is selected
See Also:
getSelectNodeFunctionName(), BaseTreeView.setSelectNodeFunctionName(String)


java.lang.String getDeselectNodeFunctionName()
Gets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to deselect a node. If present this property overrides the deselectNodeFunctionName property of the TreeView. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL.

String The name of the JavaScript function called when node is deselected.
See Also:
setDeselectNodeFunctionName(String), BaseTreeView.getDeselectNodeFunctionName()


void setDeselectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String deselect)
Sets the name of a JavaScript function which will be called to deselect a node. If present this property overrides the deselectNodeFunctionName property of the TreeView. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL. The function should look similar to function deselectNodeFunction(node,el) { if (node.text == "test";) el.className = "deselectedTestStyle"; else el.className = "deselectedNormalStyle"; } The first parameter is the node being selected. The second parameter is the HTML element representing the node.

the - name of the JavaScript function called when the node is deselected
See Also:


java.lang.String getImageLocation()
If present this property overrides the imageLocation property of the TreeView.

See Also:


void setImageLocation(java.lang.String imageLocation)
If present this property overrides the imageLocation property of the TreeView.

See Also:


java.lang.String getStyleClassPrefix()
If present this property overrides the styleClassPrefix property of the TreeView.

See Also:


void setStyleClassPrefix(java.lang.String styleClassPrefix)
If present this property overrides the styleClassPrefix property of the TreeView.

See Also:


java.lang.String getPreSelectNodeFunctionName()
Gets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called prior to normal select behavior when a node is selected. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL.

the name of the user-supplied JavaScript function called prior to normal select behavior when a node is selected.
See Also:


void setPreSelectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String preSelectFunctionName)
Sets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called prior to normal select behavior when a node is selected. This function should return a boolean indicating success. A return value of FALSE will stop normal behavior from processing. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL. The function should look similar to function preSelectNodeFunction(node,el) { ...some user-defined action; return true; } The first parameter is the node being selected. The second parameter is the HTML element representing the node.

the - name of the JavaScript function called prior to normal select behavior when the node is selected
See Also:


java.lang.String getPostSelectNodeFunctionName()
Gets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called after the normal select behavior executes when a node is selected. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL.

the name of the user-supplied JavaScript function called after the normal select behavior when a node is selected.
See Also:


void setPostSelectNodeFunctionName(java.lang.String postSelectFunctionName)
Sets the name of a user-supplied JavaScript function which will be called after the normal select behavior executes when a node is selected. This function should return a boolean indicating success. A return value of FALSE will NOT stop normal behavior from processing as the normal behavior has processed prior to this function being called. Only available when nodeLoading is set to FULL. The function should look similar to function postSelectNodeFunction(node,el) { ...some user-defined action; return true; } The first parameter is the node being selected. The second parameter is the HTML element representing the node.

the - name of the JavaScript function called prior to normal select behavior when the node is selected
See Also:

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