Interface NodeInterface

All Superinterfaces:
javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode, javax.swing.tree.TreeNode
All Known Subinterfaces:
MenuBarNodeInterface, SelectorMenuItemNodeInterface, TreeNodeInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
JDBCToTreeViewModelAdapter.LevelTreeNode, MenuBarNode, MenuItemNode, MenuNode, Node, SelectorMenuItemNode, SimpleMenuItemNode, TreeNode

public interface NodeInterface
extends javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode

NodeInterface is implemented by objects contained in a hierarchical structure that provide textual descriptions. NodeInterface provides an abstraction that allows the data source to remain distant from an associated viewer.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getNodeExpandedText()
          Returns the value of the nodeExpandedText property.
 java.lang.String getNodeText()
          Returns the value of the nodeText property.
 java.lang.String getNodeType()
          Returns the type of the current node.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getNodeExpandedText()
Returns the value of the nodeExpandedText property. The expanded text is usually a more descriptive version of the nodeText property. For example, a node that represents a file can return the file name for the nodeText property and the full path name for the nodeExpandedText property.

the nodeExpandedText property


java.lang.String getNodeText()
Returns the value of the nodeText property.

the nodeText property


java.lang.String getNodeType()
Returns the type of the current node. The type is a text string which allows the user of a node hierarchy to add more information to nodes. For example nodes in a file system viewer could use "file" or "directory" as the type to distinguish between nodes representing files and directories.

the type of the current node

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