Interface used by all complex components that either use several styles or a composite component that
are made up of multiple components. The Map returned in this case is a
which implements java.util.Map. The MapWithDefaults when return by the getStyleMap Method contains
a defaultMap, which is a static Map that contains default objects. The
defaultMap is shared by all instances, to override the default you create a new StyleInfo object and use
the put(String key) to set the new StyleInfo object on the map. This technique is being employed to save
memmory since only 1 copy of the defaultMap is maintained.
java.util.Map myMap = getStyleMap();
//Override a paticular key si = new StyleInfo("myClassid");
You should NOT try to modify a StyleInfo object in this manor, doing so may modify the StyleInfo object
in the static map, thus changing the default StyleInfo for all object instances that use the static map.
java.util.Map myMap = getStyleMap();
StyleInfo si = myMap.get("ROW_TITLE_STYLE");