***  This package contains classes that are subject to change.  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

Package com.sas.servlet.tbeans

Provides classes and interfaces for the Transformation Beans.


Interface Summary
AlternateTextInterface The interface that may be implemented by Transformation Beans that have a alternateText attribute.
BaseListEditorKeysInterface This interface provides the keys used by both the composite component manager and the template support classes.
ComplexStyleInterface Interface used by all complex components that either use several styles or a composite component that are made up of multiple components.
CompositeComponentInterface Interface used by all composite components that are made up of multiple components.
DisabledImageInterface The interface that may be implemented by Transformation Beans that have a image attribute.
EnabledInterface The interface that may be implemented by Transformation Beans that have an enabled attribute.
ExpandCollapseKeysInterface Component keys used for com.sas.servlet.tbeans.html.ExpandCollapse These keys also correspond to the keys in the template.
HttpConstants A collection of constants generally used for positioning and orienting TableView components on the screen.
ImageInterface The interface that may be implemented by Transformation Beans that have a image attribute.
ImagePositionInterface The interface that may be implemented by Transformation Beans that have an imagePosition attribute.
LabelInterface The interface that may be implemented by Transformation Beans that have a label attribute.
RenderableInterface The RenderableInterface class provides a common interface for tranformation beans that can be rendered by another transformation bean.
StyleInterface The StyleInfoInterface is implemented by all simple tbean components.
TemplateInterface Interface used by all complex components that either use several styles or a composite component that are made up of multiple components.
TransformationInterface The interface that must be implemented for all Transformation Beans.
URLInterface The interface that may be implemented by Transformation Beans that have a URL attribute.

Class Summary
BaseButton The BaseButton is an abstract TransformationBean™ used to create different types of button looks using images and a label.
BaseCompositeTransformation The base object for all Composite Transformation Beans.
BaseExpandCollapse The BaseExpandCollapse is an abstract TransformationBean™ for creating an ExpandCollapse area.
BaseImage The BaseImage is an abstract TransformationBean™ used to create an Image.
BaseLabel The BaseLabel is an abstract TransformationBean™ used to create a label.
BaseListEditor The BaseListEditor class provides the base class for a generic "list editor" component.
BaseTransformation The base object for all Transformation Beans.
BaseTreeView The BaseTreeView is an abstract TransformationBean™ used to create a TreeView.
StyleInfo The StyleInfo object holds the name of the CLASSID and/or STYLE information for a specified area of a tbean.
StyleMap A Map of StyleInfos with defaults, returned by most getStyleMap methods.

Package com.sas.servlet.tbeans Description

Provides classes and interfaces for the Transformation Beans.

***  This package contains classes that are subject to change.  ***

Extension of the classes in this package is prohibited unless otherwise documented. Similarly, extension or implementation of the interfaces in this package is prohibited except as documented.

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