SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Server Administrator's Guide

Pooling and Load Balancing
Planning and Configuring Pooling
Load Balancing
Planning and Configuring a Load-Balancing Cluster
Planning the Load-Balancing Algorithm
Reference Materials
Fields for the Server Definition
Fields for the Pooling Logical Server Definition
Fields for the Load-Balancing Logical Server Definition
Pooling and Load Balancing

Fields for the Pooled Logical Server and Puddle Definitions

You can only convert SAS Workspace Servers to pooled logical servers.

The pooled logical server definition contains information for an instance of a pooled logical server. The pooled logical server is defined using the fields listed in the following table. For each field, the table shows the following information:

  • the name that identifies the field in SAS Management Console. Under each field name, the table shows the location of the corresponding properties tab and field name in the SAS Management Console application.

  • "Required" or "Optional" to indicate whether the field is required.

  • a definition of the field.

For general information about the use of logical servers, refer to Overview of Pooling.

Fields for Pooled Logical Server Definitions
Field Name Required/
In SAS Management Console:
General  arrow  Name
Required Name of the pooled logical server.
In SAS Management Console:
General  arrow  Description
Optional Text to summarize why this definition exists. This field is not used by the logical server.
In SAS Management Console:
Pooling  arrow  Puddles
Required The puddles used for pooling. Click New to define a new puddle.

The puddle definition contains information for an instance of a puddle. The puddle is defined using the fields that are listed in the following table.

Note: For COM connections, only one puddle can be defined.

Fields for the Puddle Definition
Field Name Required/
In SAS Management Console:
Pooling  arrow  Puddles  arrow  Name
Required Name of the puddle.
Minimum Available Servers

In SAS Management Console:
Pooling  arrow  Puddles  arrow Minimum Available Servers
Required The minimum number of connections using this login definition that need to be available. This value includes only idle connections.
Minimum Number of Servers

In SAS Management Console:
Pooling  arrow  Puddles  arrow  Minimum Number of Servers
Required The minimum number of connections using this login definition that are created when the pool is created. This value includes both connections that are in use and connections that are idle. The default value is 0.

In SAS Management Console:
Pooling  arrow  Puddles  arrow  Login
Required The user ID associated with the puddle. The user or group metadata identity that owns this login can also access the puddle.

Note: The login field is used with IOM Bridge connections only.

Grant Access to Group

In SAS Management Console:
Pooling  arrow  Puddles  arrow  Grant Access to Group
Optional The group metadata identity that can access this puddle. The user or group metadata identities (and their associated logins) that are members of the group can also access this puddle.