SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » Server Administrator's Guide

Setting up a Server and Spawner
Best Practices
Quick Start: Standard Workspace Server and Spawner
Quick Start: Load-Balancing Stored Process Server and Spawner
Summary of Setup Steps
Spawner Overview
Spawner Requirements
Planning the Configuration Metadata
Standard Workspace or Stored Process Server
Standard OLAP Server
Creating the Metadata Using SAS Management Console
Defining Servers
Modifying Servers
Workspace or Stored Process Server
OLAP Server
Configuring a UUID Generator
Configuring and Starting the Object Spawner on z/OS
Administering the Server and Spawner
Creating a Metadata Configuration File in SAS
Using ITConfig
Testing Server Connections
Using Telnet
Spawner Error Messages
Reference Materials
Fields for the Server Definition
Object Server Parameters
Fields for the Spawner Definition
IOM Bridge

Creating a Server Object with Java and the Connection Factory

If you are not using metadata server, you must use Java code to create a server definition in on each Java client machine. This is necessary in order to obtain a reference to an IOM object.

The following sample code creates a server definition in Substitute your server's DNS name and the TCP port number on which the spawner will be listening. If you supply login information, the values for the user ID and password should be the values that you want to use to launch the server.

// identify the server that uses an IOM Bridge connection
String classID = ConnectionFactoryConfiguration.CLSID_SAS;
String host = "";
int port = 5310;
BridgeServer server = new BridgeServer(classID,host,port);