Getting Started
Setting up Workspace Pooling
You can use the Integration Technologies Administrator to create a workspace pool. See
Using the Integration Technologies (IT) Administrator. To create a workspace pool, perform the following steps:
Display or create the definitions for the SAS servers that will host the workspaces
in the pool.
Select the Workspace Pool tab. In the Maximum Workspaces per Workspace
Pool field, enter the maximum number of workspaces that you want to allocate
to each workspace pool on that server. Factors you should consider when
determining a value for this field include the number and type of processors on
the machine, the amount of memory present, the type of clients that will be
requesting workspaces, and the number of different pools the server
participates in.
In the Recycle Activation Limit field, specify the number of times a
server is used before the process is disposed of and a new process is
used in pooling. A value of 0 indicates that the process will have no limit.
The default value is 0.
In the Server Process Shutdown pane, specify whether an idle server should
be shut down or remain running (including the number of minutes
before the server shuts down).
Display or create a definition for a SAS login to access the server.
This login will supply the credentials necessary to connect to the
workspace pool. On the SAS login definition, specify
the following:
- Domain name: The domain name must be the same as that
specified on the definition for the SAS server that contains the
workspace pool.
- Logical name: The logical name on the SAS login definition must
be the same as the logical name on the definition for the SAS server.
- Client DN: The pool administrator may supply the client's distinguished
name as part of its request for a workspace. The request will be granted only
if the client's distinguished name either
- Matches exactly the Client DN for the pool, specified in this field
- Is a member of the group whose distinguished name is specified in this field
This field is optional.
- Min Workspace Size: The minimum number of workspaces (total of active and
idle) that should be present in the pool at any time. Note that the workspaces
may be distributed among several SAS servers. This value cannot exceed the total
of the Maximum Workspaces per Pool for all the servers with which this login
can connect.
This field is optional.
- Min Available Workspaces: The minimum number of workspaces that
should be idle and available in the pool at any time. As with the Min Workspace
Size field, this value cannot exceed the total
of the Maximum Workspaces per Pool for all the servers with which this login
can connect.
This field is optional.