Jim Grayson

Jim Grayson is a Professor of Management Science and Operations Management in the Hull College of Business Administration at Georgia Regents University. He teaches quantitative courses including MBA courses in operations management and business analytics for managers and undergraduate courses in operations management, business analytics, and spreadsheet modeling. Grayson's research interests are diverse and range from unique approaches to organizational structure, applying management science methods, financial planning, plus operations management and quality. Grayson brings to the classroom and his research considerable industry experience, including about twelve years at Texas Instruments contributing in quality, supplier and subcontractor management, and statistical consulting. He has a PhD in management science with an information systems minor from the University of North Texas, an MBA in marketing from the University of North Texas, and a BS from the United States Military Academy at West Point.

By This Author

Building Better Models with JMP® Pro

By Jim Grayson, Sam Gardner, and Mia Stephens

This book provides an example-based introduction to business analytics, with a proven process that guides you in the application of modeling tools and concepts. It gives you the "what, why, and how" of using JMP® Pro for building and applying analytic models. This book is designed for business analysts, managers, and practitioners who may not have a solid statistical background, but need to be able to readily apply analytic methods to solve business problems.