
Problem Note 67734: Unexpected behavior occurs when you execute the ROLLBACK statement from the SPDS library using the FEDSVR engine

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Unexpected behavior occurs when you disconnect from the SPDS library using the FEDSVR engine. You encounter this issue when you run code similar to the following:

Note: The code should contain your connection information for HOST=, SERV=, DBQ=, SCHEMA=, and UID=.

proc sql noerrorstop;
(NAME=schema-name;DBQ=dbq-name;);SERV=serv-name;UID=uid-name;CATALOG=CATALOG_SPDS;)" autocommit=yes);
execute( create table duopts01(a INTEGER not null primary key, X CHAR(10), Y INTEGER NOT NULL ) )
by sasts;
execute( insert into duopts01 values(1, 'SunnyDay', 20 ) ) by sasts;
execute( insert into duopts01 values(2, 'TGIFriday', 0 ) ) by sasts;
execute( ROLLBACK ) by sasts;
title 'sunnyday/tgifriday';
select * from connection to sasts (select * from duopts01 order by a);
disconnect from sasts;

When you run code similar to this, you might encounter any of the following types of errors:

  • Your system could stop responding and return the following: "Exception Handler ERROR: CLI execute error: Driver does not support this function"
  • You might see the following: "ERROR: CLI execute error: Unable to retrieve error message
  • Or, you might see the following: "ERROR: CLI execute error: General Error"

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Federation ServerMicrosoft® Windows® for x644.24.49.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
64-bit Enabled AIX4.24.49.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
64-bit Enabled Solaris4.24.49.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
HP-UX IPF4.24.49.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Linux for x644.24.49.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Solaris for x644.24.49.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.