
Problem Note 67793: Rule sets and decisions fail to transfer in SAS® Intelligent Decisioning

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You can transfer package either via SAS® Environment Manager or via the command-line interface for SAS Intelligent Decisioning. When you have a rule set or decision with many legacy versions, a transfer might fail during the import step if it exceeds the five-minute time-out limit.   

If the rule set fails, you might see the following error:

EDTERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "rule_set_pk"
EDTDETAIL: Key (rule_set_id)=(xxx) already exists.
EDTSTATEMENT: insert into dcm_rule_set (folder_type_txt, rule_set_create_dttm, rule_set_create_user_nm, rule_set_mod_dttm, rule_set_mod_user_nm, rule_set_nm, rule_set_type_cd, rule_set_long_desc, rule_set_short_desc, rule_set_id) values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10)

If the decision fails, you might see this error:

EDTERROR: deadlock detected
EDTDETAIL: Process xx waits for ShareLock on transaction zz; blocked by process yy.
Process yy waits for ShareLock on transaction zz; blocked by process xx.
Process xx: update dcb_decision_rule_set_node set rule_set_nm=$1 where (decision_node_id) IN (select decision_node_id from HT_dcb_decision_rule_set_node)
Process yy: delete from dcb_decision_rule_set_node where decision_node_id=$1

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note for a link to instructions about accessing and applying the software update.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Intelligent DecisioningLinux for x645.55.5ViyaViya
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.