Problem Note 66066: SASĀ® High-Performance Risk returns "ERROR: There was not enough available memory to continue position pricing..." when accessing IBM Spectrum Scale
When you run SAS High-Performance Risk and access IBM Spectrum Scale (formerly General Parallel File System, or GPFS), the HPRISK procedure with the TASK=STRESS option intermittently returns the following error messages:
ERROR: There was not enough available memory to continue position pricing on worker 0. Consider using the USEPRCFILE argument to force all threads to use utility files during pricing to conserve memory for other activities.
ERROR: There is not enough memory for scenario pricing.
ERROR: There is not enough memory for scenario pricing.
To circumvent this issue, apply the hot fix that is provided with this note, and add the argument USE_DISK_CACHE=NO to the PROC HPRISK TASK=STRESS procedure, as shown here:
proc hprisk
task = stress
cube = "&MI_SOURCE_CUBE"
maxhorizon = &NUM_HORIZONS
progress = miplogs.runstatus
expprojlib = miprslt
currentdata = mipdata.econdata_current
hist_econ_data = mipdata.econdata_history
currency = USD
align = same
value_zero_holding = NO
Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.
Note: SAS High-Performance Risk supports only local file systems (such as EXT4 and XFS) as the utility file location when disk caching is enabled. It does not support network file systems, such as GPFS, as the utility file location when disk caching is enabled. Set the USE_DISK_CACHE=NO argument to disable SAS High-Performance Risk disk caching when using a GPFS file system. Ensure that you have the latest hot fix installed to use the USE_DISK_CACHE argument.
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | SAS High-Performance Risk | 64-bit Enabled AIX | 4.2 | | 9.4 TS1M6 | |
Linux for x64 | 4.2 | | 9.4 TS1M6 | |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be
When SAS High-Performance Risk accesses IBM Spectrum Scale, PROC HPRISK TASK=STRESS intermittently returns "ERROR: There was not enough available memory to continue position pricing on worker 0. Consider using the USEPRCFILE argument to force all threads to use utility files during pricing to ..."
Type: | Problem Note |
Priority: | high |
Date Modified: | 2020-07-31 14:11:30 |
Date Created: | 2020-06-02 10:31:10 |