
Problem Note 64379: The file does not allow enough characters for a host name, causing the ETL job in SAS® Model Risk Management to fail

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When you run the ETL job in SAS Model Risk Management to load data into the SAS® LASR™ Analytic Server, the job might fail with the following error:

ERROR: A connection to the LASR Analytic Server on 'host_name', port port_number, could not be made. Make sure that the host and port are correctly specified, that you are attempting to connect to a LASR Analytic Server of the correct vintage, and that the server is still running.
ERROR: Libref MRMLASR is not assigned.

The problem might also occur in a content release on the SAS® Risk Governance Framework.

The problem occurs when the host name is longer than 30 characters in length. The length of the host name property is set to 30 characters in the file, and the job truncates a host name longer than the default length.

To work around the problem, edit the file. Change the length property of the Grid_Pro_DefVal column from 30 to 1024, as shown below:

 <COLUMN name="Grid_Prop_DefVal">
        <PATH syntax="XPath">/GetMetadataObjects/Objects/Property/@DefaultValue</PATH>
        <DESCRIPTION>Grid Mode Default Value</DESCRIPTION>

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Model Risk ManagementLinux for x647.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Ultimate x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Professional x647.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Home Premium x647.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Enterprise x647.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 20167.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Std7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R27.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 20087.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 107.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft® Windows® for x647.39.4 TS1M5
SAS SystemSAS Risk Governance FrameworkMicrosoft® Windows® for x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 32-bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 107.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 20087.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R27.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x647.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Std7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std7.39.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 20167.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Enterprise x647.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Home Premium x647.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Professional x647.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit7.39.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Ultimate x647.39.4 TS1M5
Linux for x647.39.4 TS1M5
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.