
Problem Note 64357: Printing a SAS® Visual Analytics report fails with "TransportWarning::SERVER_UNAVAILABLE" and the sas-report-renderer log contains font errors

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Printing a SAS Visual Analytics report might fail with the following exception:

When you click Close in the message, you see this:

When this problem occurs, the sas-report-renderer log might contain one or more errors that are similar to these.

2019-06-07 11:24:47.261  INFO 62615 --- [      Thread-17]   : service Starting forced fonts update.
2019-06-07 11:24:47.294 ERROR 62615 --- [      Thread-17]   : service Exception. e=404 Not Found
2019-06-07 11:24:47.294 ERROR 62615 --- [      Thread-17]   : service Error installing fonts. null

This problem can occur if the Fonts service is not running when the Report Renderer service is restarted. To resolve this issue, ensure that the Fonts service is running, and then restart the Report Renderer service.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note for a link to instructions about accessing and applying the software update.

Other Causes for "TransportWarning::SERVER_UNAVAILABLE"

If you do not see the font errors in the sas-report-renderer log, then you might be encountering a different problem that causes the TransportWarning::SERVER_UNAVAILABLE error.

  • If you are printing with Expand clipped and non-visible content enabled, then see SAS Note 64320.
  • If you are printing a report that includes a geo map, then see SAS Note 62160.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Report ViewerMicrosoft® Windows® for x648.38.4ViyaViya
Linux for x648.38.4ViyaViya
SAS SystemSAS Visual AnalyticsLinux for x648.38.4ViyaViya
Microsoft® Windows® for x648.38.4ViyaViya
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.