
Problem Note 62292: Running SAS® Marketing Optimization in batch mode fails

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When you execute SAS Marketing Optimization in batch mode, you might encounter the following error in the mo_optimize_batch.log file:

ERROR: The length of the value of the macro variable LIST_NUM_VARS (65540) exceeds the maximum length (65534). The value has been truncated to 65534 characters.
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
ERROR: The column name  exists as a value in the moinput.mo_control table, but not as a column in the mocust.mo_customer table.
STATUS: Validation found errors in batch tables.

This problem can happen when you use a large number of communications, where each communication is mapped to a different column in the Customer table. When you run the optimization in batch, an extra validation step is used to check the batch tables.

As a workaround, you can switch off the validation step using the following property in the file:

%let do_batch_validation=0;  

Add this property prior to the %MO_MAIN call. The batch program files appear in a batch folder in your scenarios directory.

Note: Running the optimization in SAS® Customer Intelligence Studio works successfully.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Marketing OptimizationMicrosoft® Windows® for x646.56.69.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M6
64-bit Enabled AIX6.56.69.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M6
64-bit Enabled Solaris6.56.69.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M6
HP-UX IPF6.56.69.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M6
Linux for x646.56.69.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M6
Solaris for x646.56.69.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M6
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.