
Problem Note 62264: You cannot programmatically extract campaign documentation PDF files and save them to the file system

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SAS® Customer Intelligence utilities do not provide the functionality to export campaign documentation PDF files to the file system.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

After you apply the hot fix, a new utility (-useraction ExportCampaignDocuments)is introduced. To run the utility, locate the folder where the utilities are stored.

(Typically, that location is SASHOME\SASCustomerIntelligenceUtilities\6.5).

Then run the following command:

prompt> ./sasciutils_console -useraction ExportCampaignDocuments -userid {user-with-access} -password {your-password} -bcname "your-business-context" -bclocation / -output /tmp/document_root/ -force
Note: The -force option is required in order to find documentation that is created by program execution.

Note: A PDF document must first exist in the campaign before you can extract it. You can create a PDF document in one of two ways:

  • Create the PDF file by using the Create PDF document button in the menu, as shown below:

  • You can create a PDF file by enabling the campaign property Create and attach a summary document which each execution,as shown below:


Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Customer Intelligence UtilitiesSolaris for x646.56.69.4 TS1M6
Linux for x646.56.69.4 TS1M6
HP-UX IPF6.56.69.4 TS1M6
64-bit Enabled Solaris6.56.69.4 TS1M6
64-bit Enabled AIX6.56.69.4 TS1M6
Microsoft® Windows® for x646.56.69.4 TS1M6
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.