
Problem Note 62178: %TKMI_JOB_RO fcst_export generates 'ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)'

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The SAS® Revenue Optimization %TKMI_JOB_RO fcst_export task might generate the following error in the MerchIntelGridSvr.log file:

<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: WARNING: No model groups found for partition <PARTITION_ID>
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT:
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: ERROR: consumer thread 'c_fcst_export_input' encountered a fatal error
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT:
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #4  0x00002af2dacb720c in tkmi_exception_handler (thread=0xe22, ctxt=0x2af306806e9c, code=TKTE_UnknownException) at /sas/dev/mva-f4ro52/di/src/tkmi_exception.c:88
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #5  0x00002af2d187f196 in bktExcept () from <SAS_INSTALL_DIR>/930/SASFoundation/9.3/sasexe/
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #6  0x00002af2d188219b in bkt_segv () from <SAS_INSTALL_DIR>/930/SASFoundation/9.3/sasexe/
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #7  0x00002af2d187f764 in bkt_signal_handler () from <SAS_INSTALL_DIR>/930/SASFoundation/9.3/sasexe/
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #8  <signal handler called>
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #9  0x00002af2dadf5bd0 in fcst_export_input_cb (context=0x2af41186a1e0, a=0x2af3cd5529c0) at /sas/dev/mva-f4ro52/di/src/fcst_export_service.c:630
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #10 0x00002af2dacb0622 in process_rows (context=0x2af2daa13588) at /sas/dev/mva-f4ro52/di/src/input_adapter.c:856
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #11 0x00002af2d187d9a6 in sktMain () from <SAS_INSTALL_DIR>/930/SASFoundation/9.3/sasexe/
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #12 0x00002af2d187effb in bktMain () from <SAS_INSTALL_DIR>/930/SASFoundation/9.3/sasexe/
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #13 0x0000003612607aa1 in start_thread () from /li
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: 20180413: b64/
<YYYY-MM-DD> <HH:MM:SS,sss> [pool-<n>-thread-<n>] DEBUG - STDOUT: #14 0x00000036122e8aad in clone () from /lib64/

This issue occurs because there are no model groups enabled for partition <PARTITION_ID>.

The workaround for this issue is to ensure that at least one model group is defined and enabled for each partition. Estimation automatically disables model groups that have no geo-prods. In order for a model group to remain enabled, it must have geo-prods in it.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Markdown OptimizationMicrosoft® Windows® for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
Linux for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
SAS SystemSAS Promotion OptimizationMicrosoft® Windows® for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
Linux for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
SAS SystemSAS Regular Price OptimizationMicrosoft® Windows® for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
Linux for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
SAS SystemSAS Retail ForecastingMicrosoft® Windows® for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
Linux for x645.2_M49.3 TS1M2
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.