
Problem Note 62455: Corrupted Excel files might be generated when you use either the ODS destination for Excel or the ExcelXP tagset

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Corrupted Excel files might be created with either the ODS destination for Excel or the ExcelXP tagset.  This is most likely to occur when the files are created in a Unicode (also called UTF-8) SAS® session in the fifth maintenance release of SAS® 9.4 (TS1M5).  When these corrupted files are generated, they cannot be opened because of an incorrect tagging structure in the resulting XML file.  The ODS destination for Excel generates a native Excel file (.xlsx) and the ExcelXP tagset generates an XML file.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemSAS Release
SAS SystemBase SASSolaris for x649.4 TS1M5
Linux for x649.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 32-bit9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft® Windows® for x649.4 TS1M5
z/OS 64-bit9.4 TS1M5
64-bit Enabled Solaris9.4 TS1M5
64-bit Enabled AIX9.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Ultimate x649.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit9.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Professional x649.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit9.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Home Premium x649.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit9.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Enterprise x649.4 TS1M5
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 20169.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Std9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x649.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R29.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows Server 20089.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 109.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x649.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 32-bit9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x649.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise 32-bit9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x649.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 32-bit9.4 TS1M5
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x649.4 TS1M5
z/OS9.4 TS1M5
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.