
Problem Note 59399: Running a scoring task with the %mm_getModelFileByURL macro gives an "ERROR: Undetermined I/O failure" message

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In SAS® Model Manager, when you run a scoring task using a random forest model that is produced by SAS® Enterprise Miner™, the task might fail. This error is displayed in the corresponding SAS log file:

NOTE: UNBUFFERED is the default with RECFM=N. NOTE: The file MDLOUT is: Filename=/nas/scratch/SCA/SAS_work42A8000042DF_rdcesx15211/SAS_work07EA000042DF_rdcesx15211/miningresult.spk, Owner Name=edmdev,Group Name=r&d, Access Permission=-rw-rw-r--, Last Modified=31Oct2016:11:58:04 ERROR: Undetermined I/O failure. FATAL: Unrecoverable I/O error detected in the execution of the DATA step program. Aborted during the EXECUTION phase. NOTE: 0 records were read from the infile MMFILE.

The problem occurs when a binary file is specified in the %mm_getModelFileByURL macro invocation.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Model ManagerMicrosoft® Windows® for x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 1014.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 200814.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R214.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter14.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter14.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Std14.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std14.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Enterprise x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Home Premium x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Professional x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Ultimate x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
64-bit Enabled AIX14.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
64-bit Enabled Solaris14.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
HP-UX IPF14.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Linux for x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
Solaris for x6414.114.29.4 TS1M39.4 TS1M4
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.