
Problem Note 59260: Querying SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server dictionary tables might result in server disconnect errors

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Querying SPD Server dictionary tables from a domain that contains a view might cause a server disconnect error or a LIBNAME socket error and a dropped server connection.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SPDSSAS Scalable Peformance Data ServerMicrosoft® Windows® for x645.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x645.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x645.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x645.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
64-bit Enabled AIX5.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
64-bit Enabled Solaris5.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
HP-UX IPF5.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
Linux for x645.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
Solaris for x645.25.2 HF29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M3
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.