
Problem Note 56854: Creating a dashboard in SAS® Model Manager fails, and the SAS® log displays "java.lang.NumberFormatException ..."

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If you use SAS Model Manager on a platform other than Windows, and your SAS locale is not en_US, then creating a dashboard report might fail. The following information is displayed in the corresponding SAS log files.

MPRINT(_MDLMGR_DRAW_LIFT_CHART_):   proc gplot data=mm_view;
MPRINT(_MDLMGR_DRAW_LIFT_CHART_):   symbol interpol=join;
MPRINT(_MDLMGR_DRAW_LIFT_CHART_):   plot culift*time=percent;
SYMBOLGEN:  Makrovariable MSGDATASET wird in sashelp.mdlmgr aufgel?st
MPRINT(_MDLMGR_DRAW_LIFT_CHART_):   title4 "Lift Trend Chart";
MPRINT(_MDLMGR_DRAW_LIFT_CHART_):   format time timeord.;

NOTE: 6 observation(s) contained a MISSING value for the cuLift * time = percent
NOTE: DEV=ACTXIMG not available on this host, defaulting to DEV=JAVAIMG.
ERROR: Java class generated an exception.
ERROR: Physische Datei existiert nicht,

NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: SAS set option OBS=0 and will continue to check statements. This might
cause NOTE: No observations in data set.
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "4,9999964967865"
     at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(
     at java.lang.Double.valueOf(

To work around this problem, use locale en_US when you invoke SAS Model Manager.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Model ManagerMicrosoft® Windows® for x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Std13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R213.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 200813.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Enterprise x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Home Premium x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Professional x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Windows 7 Ultimate x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
64-bit Enabled AIX13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
64-bit Enabled Solaris13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
HP-UX IPF13.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Linux for x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
Solaris for x6413.114.29.4 TS1M29.4 TS1M4
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.