
Problem Note 55945: A SAS Metadata Server backup with the "Reorganize repositories" option enabled might damage the Foundation repository

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By default, SAS 9.4 Metadata Server is configured to run a scheduled metadata backup daily at 1:00 AM. The backup that is scheduled for Mondays at 1:00 AM is configured to be a backup with the Reorganize repositories option enabled. This option reclaims unused disk space that is left from previously deleted metadata objects.

If a certain sequence of events occurs before a metadata backup with the Reorganize repositories option enabled, then the metadata server's Foundation repository might become corrupted. This problem can occur in that scenario (with Reorganize repositories enabled for a scheduled metadata backup) or with an ad hoc metadata backup. The corruption that is described in this note does not occur when you take a metadata backup without Reorganize repositories enabled.

The following sections describe the corruption problem for SAS® in general and also for SAS® Enterprise Guide®.

Corruption Problem in the Foundation Repository

This section describes a series of steps that can lead to a corrupted Foundation repository.

  1. The problem can occur when you do either of the following for a first step:
    • You start the metadata server.
    • You pause and then resume a running metadata server.
    • You run a metadata backup that has the Reorganize repositories option enabled.
  2. Attempt to add a new login for a current user who already has login credentials for the same user ID configured in that authentication domain. For example, you try to add new credentials with the user ID sasdemo for the SAS Demo User in the DefaultAuth domain. This action results in an error similar to the following being reported in the metadata-server log:
    2015-05-14T15:53:32,870 ERROR [00000206] 4:sasdemo - A Login for UserID SASDEMO on Identity sasdemo is already associated to AuthenticationDomain DefaultAuth.

    Note: You need to complete this step with a client other than SAS® Management Console. For example, the message that is shown above was generated using the Login Manager feature of SAS Enterprise Guide. You access Login Manager in SAS Enterprise Guide by selecting Tools ► SAS Enterprise Guide Explorer ► File ► Manage Logins ►Add. Select an authentication domain and enter a user ID (which already exists for the user). In this example, those values are DefaultAuth and sasdemo.

    Login Manager

  3. Create a new, unique login for any current user or you create a new user with an associated login. The key is to successfully create a new login that does not currently exist for the user role that you are modifying.

    Note: You can perform this action from any client (including SAS Management Console) that enables you to update SAS identities.

  4. At any time later, you run a metadata backup with Reorganize repositories enabled. This action results in the following messages being logged to the metadata-server log:
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,070 WARN  [00001249] :sas - The ID registry appears to be out of sync with the current ID cache contents.  Used IDs (34383) don't match expected (33383) during reclaim.               
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,070 WARN  [00001249] :sas - The ID registry appears to be out of sync with the current ID cache contents.  Used IDs (9) don't match expected (-991) during reclaim.                    
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,070 INFO  [00001249] :sas - NOTE: This transaction has been journalled but will not be applied to the permanent repository until the in progress backup is completed and journal reload is performed.  Journal entry number 2238.    
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,213 ERROR [00001249] :sas - The mdassoc container in the Foundation repository has an error in its ID registry entry, because the highest container ID is A3000QJ3 which exceeds the ID registry value of A3000QIV.  An administrator should analyze and repair this repository. 
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,215 ERROR [00001249] :sas - Repository Foundation is not properly initialized.  Look for details earlier in the server log.  An administrator should analyze and repair this repository.                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,215 WARN  [00001249] :sas - The Foundation repository could not be opened.
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,409 WARN  [00001249] :sas - Repository Foundation is not properly initialized.  Look for details earlier in the server log.  An administrator should analyze and repair this repository.
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,410 INFO  [00001249] :sas - *** FOMSworkunitReloadJournal: Errors encountered while replaying  of journal entry 2238 have terminated the replay.
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,410 INFO  [00001249] :sas - Journal Reload complete. 0 entries with entry numbers from 0 to 0.
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,410 INFO  [00001249] :sas - The journal could not be fully reloaded because of errors noted above.
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,410 INFO  [00001249] :sas - Correct any conditions that you can and attempt to start the server again.
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,410 ERROR [00001249] :sas - Journal reload has failed
    2015-05-14T16:10:09,490 INFO  [00001249] :sas - The Backup has completed successfully.

Corruption Problem in the Foundation Repository - Details That Are Specific to SAS® Enterprise Guide®

This section lists details and steps, specific to SAS Enterprise Guide, that can lead to a corrupted Foundation repository.


  1. Your SAS Workspace Server is configured to use an authentication domain (for example, SampleAuth) other than the DefaultAuth authentication domain.
  2. SAS Enterprise Guide users do have a UNIX account and do not use a shared login to launch workspace servers.
  3. SAS user IDs in metadata are configured to have only one login in the SampleAuth authentication domain.
  4. No login is configured for users in the DefaultAuth authentication domain.

Reproducing the Problem

  1. Start the SAS Metadata Server, pause it, and then resume the metadata-server activity. Or run a metadata backup with the Reorganize repositories option enabled.
  2. From SAS Enterprise Guide, create a connection profile with values for the associated fields shown below:
    • User: my-user-ID
    • Password: my-password
    • Authentication Domain: SampleAuth
  3. Connect to metadata with the new profile.
  4. Select Server List ► Servers ► SASApp.
  5. Enter your credentials when you are prompted. Then SASApp should expand and list the libraries that are available. When you perform this step, the metadata-server log displays the following message:
    2015-05-14T15:53:32,870 INFO  [00000206] 4:myuserid - AddMetadata return code=807fe99d....
    2015-05-14T15:53:32,870 ERROR [00000206] 4:myuserid - A Login for UserID MYUSERID on Identity myuser is already associated to AuthenticationDomain SampleAuth.
  6. Use SAS Management Console to create a new user with a login or just create a new, unique login for an existing user. You can also use the Manage Logins tool in the SAS Enterprise Guide Explorer to create a new login.
  7. Run a metadata backup with the Reorganize repositories option enabled.

When you complete these steps, the metadata-server log displays the same messages as those in step 4 of the first section, Corruption Problem in the Foundation Repository.


Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Metadata ServerMicrosoft® Windows® for x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise 32-bit9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 32-bit9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R29.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Std9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Windows 7 Enterprise x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Windows 7 Professional x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
64-bit Enabled AIX9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
64-bit Enabled Solaris9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
HP-UX IPF9.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Linux for x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
Solaris for x649.49.49.4 TS1M09.4 TS1M3
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.