
Problem Note 50622: Changing the order of parameters in a treatment set event triggers "Event definition _TS_XXXX ...does not exist" when executing a parent campaign

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SAS® Real-Time Decision Manager enables you to use a treatment set with your decision campaign. If you change the order of parameters in the event that triggers the treatment set, you get the following error when you attempt to execute your decision campaign:

Event definition _TS_SOME-GENERATED-HASH ...does not exist

There is no workaround for this problem.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

After you apply the hot fix, you can use either of two added options to control the generated hash that is in the names of treatment events and flows. To use one of these options, add the argument below to the web application server JVM arguments for SASCustomerIntelligenceCore (MACore):

  • –
    This option causes the hash values that are normally appended on the name of (arbitration) treatment events and flows to be replaced with XXXXXX. This replacement essentially renders one hash for all combinations of variables for the name of a given event or flow: XXXXX.
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    This option causes the hash generation algorithm to use an alphabetically sorted list of the input variables for events. If you change the order of the event variables, then the hash value will remain the same as before. This option prevents simple re-ordering of the event variables from changing the generated hash and thus changing the name of the treatment event.

Both of these options are switched off by default.

Whenever you enable or disable the options above, you must again mark for deployment all design repository assets that are from campaigns. Deploying new assets after enabling one of these options might change the event signature for a treatment campaign. This change can incapacitate existing deployed assets.

New sites are recommended to use the sorted hash option. This option avoids creation of orphaned treatment campaigns and events if you re-arrange variables in treatment campaigns. This option also minimizes problems that are created when treatment campaigns change. Parent campaigns do not need to be redeployed immediately if the orphans are left in place and activated.

If you want the most flexibility to add, remove and reorder treatment campaign start variables, use the skip hash option. This option uses the same flow or event names as previous versions. However, if new variables are added, parent campaigns might fail to activate or run subflow (sub-diagram) calls. This problem occurs because there might be missing inputs if you do not deploy the entire tree of interdependent campaigns and sub-diagrams together.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Real-Time Decision ManagerMicrosoft® Windows® for x645.4_M16.39.2 TS2M0
64-bit Enabled AIX5.4_M16.39.2 TS2M0
64-bit Enabled Solaris5.4_M16.39.2 TS2M0
HP-UX IPF5.4_M16.39.2 TS2M0
Linux for x645.4_M16.39.2 TS2M0
Solaris for x645.4_M16.39.2 TS2M0
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.