
Usage Note 50305: Enabling verbose garbage collection (verboseGC) in your web application server (JBoss, Oracle WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, and Apache Tomcat)

DetailsAboutRate It

Enabling verbose garbage collection (verboseGC output) is often required when you diagnose issues with your web application server. This note explains how to enable verboseGC output for web application servers (Apache Tomcat, JBoss, IBM WebSphere, and Oracle WebLogic) as well as for SAS Remote Services.

Apache Tomcat

This section explains how to enable verbose garbage collecting for Tomcat in Windows and UNIX operating environments/

Windows Operating Environments


  1. Navigate to the SAS-configuration-directory\Levn\Web\WebAppServer\SASServern\conf directory and open the wrapper.conf file.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).
    • SASServern specifies your particular server (for SAS 9.3: SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on / for SAS 9.4: SASServer1_1, SASServer2_1, and so on).
  2. In the wrapper.conf file, add the following Java parameters to the # Java Additional Parameters section:\Levn\Web\WebAppServer\SASServern\logs\tomcatgc.log NOTE: This must be used with -Xloggc:<filename> NOTE: Must be >=1, default is 1 NOTE: Default will be set to 512K. You can set it in MB.


    • In the parameter, N specifies the actual number of your wrapper parameter.
    • SAS-configuration-directory specifies the actual path to the SAS configuration directory on your machine.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for SAS 9.3: SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on / for SAS 9.4: SASServer1_1, SASServer2_1, and so on)..
  3. Restart your Tomcat application server.

UNIX Operating Environments Using a SUN JDK or JRE

  1. For SAS 9.3: Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/WebAppServer/SASServern/bin and open the start-up script file.

    For SAS 9.4: Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/WebAppServer/SASServern/bin and open the start-up script file.


    • Levn specifies your configuration level.
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for SAS 9.3: SASServer1, SASServer2,and so on / for SAS 9.4: SASServer1_1, SASServer2_1, and so on).
  2. In the or script, locate the following JAVA_OPTS= environment variable:
    JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx3096m -XX:PermSize=768m -XX:MaxPermSize=768m,,,,,,"
  3. Append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing JAVA_OPTS= parameters. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -verbose:gc -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xloggc:SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/WebAppServer/SASServern/logs/tomcatgc.log -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation NOTE: This must be used with -Xoggc:filename -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=number-of-files NOTE: Must be >=1, default is 1 -XX:GCLogFileSize=50M NOTE: Default will be set to 512K. You can set it in MB.
  4. Restart the Tomcat application server.

UNIX Operating Environments Using an IBM JDK or JRE

  1. For SAS 9.3: Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/WebAppServer/SASServern/bin and open the start-up script file.

    For SAS 9.4: Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/WebAppServer/SASServern/bin and open the start-up script file.


    • Levn specifies your configuration level.
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for SAS 9.3: SASServer1, SASServer2,and so on / for SAS 9.4: SASServer1_1, SASServer2_1, and so on).
  2. In the or script, locate the following JAVA_OPTS= environment variable:
    JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx3096m -XX:PermSize=768m -XX:MaxPermSize=768m,,,,,,"
  3. Append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing JAVA_OPTS= parameters. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -verbosegc -Xverbosegclog:SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/WebAppServer/SASServern/logs/tomcatgc.log
  4. Restart the Tomcat application server.

JBoss 4.2.3 and 5.1.0

Windows Operating Environments Using a SUN JDK or JRE

  1. Navigate to the JBoss-home-directory\server\SASServern directory and open the wrapper.conf file.

    Note: SASServern specifies your particular server (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on).

  2. In the wrapper.conf file, add the following parameters to the # Java Additional Parameters section:\server\SASServern\log\jbossgc.log NOTE: This must be used with -Xloggc:<filename> NOTE: Must be >=1, default is 1 NOTE: Default will be set to 512K. You can set it in MB.


    • In the parameter, N specifies the actual number of your wrapper parameter.
    • JBoss-home-directory specifies the actual path to the JBoss directory on your machine.
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on).
  3. Restart the JBoss application server (in this case, SASServern).

Windows Operating Environments Using an IBM JDK or JRE

  1. Navigate to the JBoss-home-directory\server\SASServern directory and open the wrapper.conf file.

    Note: SASServern specifies your particular server (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on).

  2. In the wrapper.conf file, add the following parameters to the # Java Additional Parameters section:\server\SASServern\log\jbossgc.log


    • In the parameter, N specifies the actual number of your wrapper parameter.
    • JBoss-home-directory specifies the actual path to the JBoss directory on your machine.
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on).
  3. Restart the JBoss application server (in this case, SASServern).

UNIX Operating Environments Using a SUN JDK or JRE

  1. Navigate to JBoss-home-directory/bin/ and open the JBoss server start-up script file that is named
  2. In the SASServern file, locate the following JAVA_OPTS= environment variable:
    JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx3096m -XX:PermSize=768m -XX:MaxPermSize=768m,,,,,,"


    • JBoss-home-directory specifies the actual path to the JBoss directory on your machine.
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on).
  3. Append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing JAVA_OPTS= parameters. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xloggc:JBoss-home-directory/server/SASServern/log/jbossgc.log -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation NOTE: This must be used with -Xloggc:<filename> -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=number-of-files NOTE: Must be >=1, default is 1 -XX:GCLogFileSize=50M NOTE: Default will be set to 512K. You can set it in MB.
  4. Restart the JBoss Server (in this case, SASServern).

UNIX Operating Environments Using an IBM JDK or JRE

  1. Navigate to JBoss-home-directory/bin/ and open the JBoss server start-up script file that is named


    • JBoss-home-directory specifies the actual path to the JBoss directory on your machine.
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on).
  2. In the SASServern file, locate the following JAVA_OPTS= environment variable:
    JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx3096m -XX:PermSize=768m -XX:MaxPermSize=768m,,,,,,"
  3. Append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing JAVA_OPTS= parameters. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -verbosegc -Xverbosegclog:JBoss-home-directory/server/SASServern/log/jbossgc.log
  4. Restart the JBoss Server (in this case, SASServern).

IBM WebSphere

WebSphere 8.5, 8.0, and 7.0

  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Servers ► Server Types ► WebSphere Application Servers ► server-name. In this case, server-name specifies the server with which you want to work (for example, SASServer1)
  2. Under Server Infrastructure on the Configuration tab, select Java and Process Management ► Process Definition.
  3. Under the Additional Properties section, click Java Virtual Machine.
  4. Select the Verbose Garbage Collection check box. (** See Important Note below before you perform steps 5 and 6.)
  5. Apply and save the changes.
  6. Restart the application server for the changes to take effect.

**Important Note:

For Solaris or HP-UX operating environments on WebSphere Application Server 7.0 (Java 6) or later, you also need to complete the following additional steps before you save your changes and restart the application server:

  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Servers ► Application Servers ► server-name. In this case, server-name specifies the server with which you want to work (for example, SASServer1).
  2. Under Server Infrastructure on the Configuration tab, select Java and Process Management ► Process Definition.
  3. Under the Additional Properties section, click Java Virtual Machine.
  4. Locate the Generic JVM arguments section.
  5. In that section, append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing JVM parameters. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC

    Note: The -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC parameter generates a large amount of logging to the native_stdout.log file. Therefore, you need to ensure that you have adequate file-system space when you enable this parameter. All of the information that is produced by this parameter is known to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Therefore, enabling the parameter does not require any extra processing. However, a slight amount of additional I/O overhead (amounting to less than 3%) does occur.

  6. Return to the previous instructions and complete steps 5 and 6.

WebSphere 6.1 and 6.0

  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Servers ► Application Servers ► server-name. In this case, server-name specifies the server with which you want to work (for example, SASServer1).
  2. Under Server Infrastructure on the Configuration tab, under Server Infrastructure, select Java and Process Management ► Process Definition.
  3. Under the Additional Properties section, click Java Virtual Machine.
  4. Select the Verbose Garbage Collection check box. (** See Important Note below before you perform steps 5 and 6.)
  5. Apply and save the changes.
  6. Restart the application server for the changes to take effect.

**Important Note:

For Solaris or HP-UX operating environments on WebSphere Application Server 7.0 (Java 6) or later, you also need to complete the following additional steps before you save your changes and restart the application server:

  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Servers ► Application Servers ► server-name. In this case, server-name specifies the server with which you want to work (for example, SASServer1).
  2. Under Server Infrastructure on the Configuration tab, select Java and Process Management ► Process Definition.
  3. Under the Additional Properties section, click Java Virtual Machine.
  4. Locate the Generic JVM arguments section.
  5. In that section, append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing JVM parameters. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC

    Note: The -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC parameter generates a large amount of logging to the native_stdout.log file. Therefore, you need to ensure that you have adequate file-system space when you enable this parameter. All of the information that is produced by this parameter is known to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Therefore, enabling the parameter does not require any extra processing. However, a slight amount of additional I/O overhead (amounting to less than 3%) does occur.

  6. Return to the previous instructions and complete steps 5 and 6.

Oracle WebLogic

WebLogic 10.x Using a SUN JDK/JRE

Perform the following steps for any problematic SAS servers (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, . . .SASServern) that you have configured in your environment.

  1. In the WeLogic Administrative Console, select Environment ► Servers ► server-name. In this case, server-name specifies the server with which you want to work (for example, SASServer1).
  2. On the Server Start tab, click the Lock & Edit button in the top left corner of the console.
  3. Append the following JVM parameters to the Argument field. Do NOT remove the existing configuration. Just append these additional parameters to the end of existing, configured parameters.
    -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:EBIServer-home-directory/Levn/Web/Logs/SASServern_gc.log -XX:+PrintClassHistogram -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation NOTE: This must be used with -Xloggc:<filename> -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=number-of-files NOTE: Must be >=1, default is 1 -XX:GCLogFileSize=50M NOTE: Default will be set to 512K. You can set it in MB.


    • EBIServer-home-directory specifies the actual path to the SAS® Enterprise BI Server home directory on your machine.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on)
  4. Click Save to save your changes.
  5. Apply the changes by clicking Activate Changes.
  6. Restart WebLogic in order for the changes to take effect.

Oracle WebLogic 10.x Using an IBM JDK or JRE

Perform the following steps for any problematic SAS servers (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, . . .SASServern) that you have configured in your environment.

  1. In the WeLogic Administrative Console, select Environment ► Servers ► server-name. In this case, server-name specifies the server with which you want to work (for example, SASServer1).
  2. On the Server Start tab, click the Lock & Edit button in the top left corner of the console.
  3. Append the following JVM parameters to the Argument field. Do NOT remove the existing configuration. Just append these additional parameters to the end of existing, configured parameters.
    -verbosegc -Xverbosegclog:EBIServer-home-directory/Levn/Web/Logs/SASServern_gc.log


    • EBIServer-home-directory specifies the actual path to the SAS® Enterprise BI Server home directory on your machine.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).
    • SASServern specifies your particular server number (for example, SASServer1, SASServer2, and so on)
  4. Click Save to save your changes.
  5. Apply the changes by clicking Activate Changes.
  6. Restart WebLogic in order for the changes to take effect.

SAS® Remote Services

Windows Operating Environments Using a SUN JDK or JRE

  1. Stop SAS Remote Services.
  2. Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory\Levn\Web\Applications\RemoteServices\.


    • SAS-configuration-directory specifies the actual path to the SAS configuration directory on your machine.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).


  3. In the wrapper.conf file, locate the section named # This numbering starts at the endpoint of the including wrapper.conf and add the following Java parameters:\Levn\Web\Logs\remoteServicesGC.log NOTE: This must be used with -Xloggc:<filename> NOTE: Must be >=1, default is 1 NOTE: Default will be set to 512K. You can set it in MB.

    Note: In the parameter, N specifies the actual number of your wrapper parameter.

  4. Start SAS Remote Services.

Windows Operating Environments Using an IBM JDK or JRE

  1. Stop SAS Remote Services.
  2. Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory\Levn\Web\Applications\RemoteServices\.


    • SAS-configuration-directory specifies the actual path to the SAS configuration directory on your machine.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).
  3. In the wrapper.conf file, locate the section named # This numbering starts at the endpoint of the including wrapper.conf and add the following Java parameters:\Levn\Web\Logs\remoteServicesGC.log

    Note: In the parameter, N specifies the actual number of your wrapper parameter.

  4. Start SAS Remote Services.


UNIX Operating Environments Using a SUN JDK or JRE

  1. Stop SAS Remote Services.
  2. Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/Applications/RemoteServices/bin/.


    • SAS-configuration-directory specifies the actual path to the SAS configuration directory on your machine.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).
  3. In the start-up script file, locate the start2) section shown below.
    start2) "$JAVA_JRE_COMMAND" -Dsas.ext.config="/opt/sas93/install/" \ -classpath "CLASSPATH" \"$MERGER_PICKLIST" \"$SASVJR_REPOSITORYPATH" \"$REMOTESERVICESDIR" \ \ -primary "$PRIMARY_PICKLIST" \ "$PICKLIST" \ "$SECONDARY_PICKLIST1" \ "$SECONDARY_PICKLIST2" cd $REMOTESERVICESLOGSDIR nohup "$JAVA_JRE_COMMAND" -Dsas.ext.config="/opt/sas93/install/" \ -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:////opt/sas93/config/Lev1/Web/Applications/RemoteServices/log4j.xml \ \"$PICKLIST" \"$SASVJR_REPOSITORYPATH" \"$REMOTESERVICESDIR" \ -Dmulticast_udp_ip_ttl=1 \ -Dsas.vjr.dir="$SASVJR_REPOSITORYPATH" -Dsas.lev.dir="$LEVEL_ROOT" -Dsas.home.dir="$SAS_HOME" \"/opt/sas93/install/SASPlatformObjectFramework/9.3/plugins" \ -Dsas.vm.identifier=Lev1:5091 \ -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xdisableexplicitgc -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xss256k -Xmso256k -Xmn16m \ > \ $REMOTESERVICESLOGSDIR/RemoteServices_console.log
  4. Append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing start2) sections. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -verbose:gc -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xloggc:SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/Logs/remoteServicesGC.log -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation NOTE: This must be used with -Xloggc:<filename> -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=number-of-files NOTE: Must be >=1, default is 1 -XX:GCLogFileSize=50M NOTE: Default will be set to 512K. You can set it in MB.
  5. Start SAS Remote Services.

UNIX Operating Environments Using an IBM JDK or JRE

  1. Stop SAS Remote Services.
  2. Navigate to SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/Applications/RemoteServices/bin/.


    • SAS-configuration-directory specifies the actual path to the SAS configuration directory on your machine.
    • Levn specifies your configuration level (for example, Lev1, Lev2, and so on).
  3. In the start-up script file, locate the start2) section shown below.
    start2) "$JAVA_JRE_COMMAND" -Dsas.ext.config="/opt/sas93/install/" \ -classpath "CLASSPATH" \"$MERGER_PICKLIST" \"$SASVJR_REPOSITORYPATH" \"$REMOTESERVICESDIR" \ \ -primary "$PRIMARY_PICKLIST" \ "$PICKLIST" \ "$SECONDARY_PICKLIST1" \ "$SECONDARY_PICKLIST2" cd $REMOTESERVICESLOGSDIR nohup "$JAVA_JRE_COMMAND" -Dsas.ext.config="/opt/sas93/install/" \ -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:////opt/sas93/config/Lev1/Web/Applications/RemoteServices/log4j.xml \ \"$PICKLIST" \"$SASVJR_REPOSITORYPATH" \"$REMOTESERVICESDIR" \ -Dmulticast_udp_ip_ttl=1 \ -Dsas.vjr.dir="$SASVJR_REPOSITORYPATH" -Dsas.lev.dir="$LEVEL_ROOT" -Dsas.home.dir="$SAS_HOME" \"/opt/sas93/install/SASPlatformObjectFramework/9.3/plugins" \ -Dsas.vm.identifier=Lev1:5091 \ -Xms256m -Xmx256m -Xgcpolicy:gencon -Xdisableexplicitgc -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xss256k -Xmso256k -Xmn16m \ > \ $REMOTESERVICESLOGSDIR/RemoteServices_console.log
  4. Append the following parameters, in a continuous line, to the end of the existing start2) sections. Do NOT remove any of the existing parameters, and leave a space between each parameter.
    -verbosegc -Xverbosegclog:SAS-configuration-directory/Levn/Web/Logs/remoteServicesGC.log
  5. Start SAS Remote Services.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemBI Server TierSolaris for x649.39.3 TS1M0
Linux for x649.39.3 TS1M0
Linux9.39.3 TS1M0
HP-UX IPF9.39.3 TS1M0
64-bit Enabled Solaris9.39.3 TS1M0
64-bit Enabled HP-UX9.39.3 TS1M0
64-bit Enabled AIX9.39.3 TS1M0
Windows Vista for x649.39.3 TS1M0
Windows Vista9.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Ultimate x649.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit9.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Professional x649.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit9.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Home Premium x649.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit9.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Enterprise x649.39.3 TS1M0
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit9.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows XP Professional9.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x649.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R29.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 20089.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for x649.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition9.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition9.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition9.39.3 TS1M0
Microsoft® Windows® for x649.39.3 TS1M0
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.