
Problem Note 48626: The macro %aml_get_observation_count generates an error when counting table observations

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The macro %aml_get_observation_count generates an error similar to the following when counting table observations:

NOTE: AML: The data set SEG_KC.FSK_LOV has 150 observations.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition
       where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &num_obs eq -1
ERROR: The macro LOV_REPORT will stop executing.

The macro is used by the following SAS® Anti-Money Laundering programs:;;;;; and

The problem occurs because the macro %aml_get_observation_count executes a PROC SQL, which is invalid with macro variable assignment.

Here is an example:

%let num_obs = %aml_get_observation_count(table=seg_kc.fsk_lov);

To fix this problem, associate the macro variable to the global variable aml_obs_count that is created by %aml_get_observation_count, as follows:

%aml_get_observation_count(table=seg_kc.fsk_lov); %let num_obs = &aml_obs_count;

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Anti-Money LaunderingMicrosoft® Windows® for x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Microsoft Windows Server 20085.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Microsoft Windows XP Professional5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Enterprise x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Home Premium x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Professional x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows 7 Ultimate x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows Vista5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Windows Vista for x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
64-bit Enabled AIX5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
64-bit Enabled Solaris5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
HP-UX IPF5.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Linux for x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
Solaris for x645.15.29.3 TS1M29.3 TS1M2
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.