
Problem Note 44904: Results working with events in a project are not consistent in SAS®Forecast Studio

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Some results working with events in a project are not consistent.

Level Shift events:

Adding a Level Shift event in project might not be consistent when you add a Level Shift event to a project using:

Project -> Event Repository -> New… 

Original changes made to Level Shift events in SAS Forecast Studio 4.1, specified slope and duration of the event explicitly instead of relying on the HPFEVENT procedure's default values.

The same event type can be created in more than one way using different syntax.

For example, event duration=0 with a Level Shift event type creates the equivalent of a Point event since the Level Shift goes away after one period.

To handle situations like the above when using automatic processes, all options will be specified explicitly and default values will be adjusted.

For example, duration=ALL will be the default for Level Shift events.

Combination Events:

When working with combination events:

Project –> Event Repository -> Combine…

Currently, a user cannot unselect or remove a simple event which was automatically selected while creating a combination event.

Simple events will no longer be static.

Click the Hot Fix tab in this note to access the hot fix for this issue.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Forecast StudioMicrosoft® Windows® for x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Microsoft Windows Server 20084.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Microsoft Windows XP Professional4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Enterprise x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Home Premium x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Professional x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows 7 Ultimate x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows Vista4.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
Windows Vista for x644.14.1_M19.3 TS1M19.3 TS1M1
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.