
Usage Note 42831: GREATER THAN, LESS THAN, and NOT EQUAL symbols are mapped to ? when importing Excel files using the Excel engine

DetailsAboutRate It

GREATER THAN (≥), LESS THAN symbols (≤), and NOT EQUAL (≠) characters are mapped to ? characters when using the IMPORT procedure or LIBNAME statement to read Excel files.

This problem occurs because these character symbols are not found in the ANSI WLATIN1 character set.

To circumvent the problem use the UTF-8 version of the SAS® system. This typically can be invoked using the U8 version of the config file like this

"C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\sas.exe" -CONFIG "C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\nls\u8\SASV9.CFG"

The UTF-8 character set includes symbols of this type.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS/ACCESS Interface to PC FilesMicrosoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition9.2 TS2M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition9.2 TS2M0
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition9.2 TS2M0
Microsoft Windows XP Professional9.2 TS2M0
Windows Vista9.2 TS2M0
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.