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The Wald-Wolfowitz test, also known as the Runs test for randomness, is used to test the hypothesis that a series of numbers is random. A run is a set of sequential values that are either all above or below the mean. To simplify computations, the data are first centered about their mean. To carry out the test, the total number of runs is computed along with the number of positive and negative values. A positive run is then a sequence of values greater than zero, and a negative run is a sequence of values less than zero. We can then test if the number of positive and negative runs are distributed equally in time.
The test statistic is asymptotically normally distributed, so this program computes Z, the large sample test statistic, as follows:
Z = (R – E(R)) / sqrt(V(R))
where R is number of runs. The expected value and variance of R are:
E(R) = ( 2nm / (n + m) ) + 1
V(R) = ( 2nm(2nm – n – m )) / ((n + m)2 (n + m – 1))
where n is the number of positive values and m is the number of negative values.
The following statements create an example data set using the random number generator RANNOR. The Wald-Wolfowitz test will be performed on the variable D.
data one; drop i; do i=1 to 75; d=rannor(123); output; end; run;
The MEAN=0 option in the PROC STANDARD step below centers the variable D about its mean.
proc standard data=one out=two mean=0; var d; run;
The following DATA step computes the total number of runs (RUNS), the number of positive values (NUMPOS), and the number of negative values (NUMNEG).
data runcount; set two nobs=nobs; if d=0 then delete; if d>0 then n+1; if d<0 then m+1; retain runs 0 numpos 0 numneg 0; previous=lag(d); if _n_=1 then do; runs=1; prevpos=.; currpos=.; prevneg=.; currneg=.; end; else do; prevpos=( previous > 0 ); currpos=( d > 0 ); prevneg=( previous < 0 ); currneg=( d < 0 ); if _n_=2 and (currpos and prevpos) then numpos+1; else if _n_=2 and (currpos and prevneg) then numneg+1; else if _n_=2 and (currneg and prevpos) then numpos+1; else if _n_=2 and (currneg and prevneg) then numneg+1; if currpos and prevneg then do; runs+1; numpos+1; end; if currneg and prevpos then do; runs+1; numneg+1; end; end; run; data runcount; set runcount end=last; if last; run;
Finally, these steps compute and display the Wald-Wolfowitz (or Runs) test statistic and its p-value.
data waldwolf; label z='Wald-Wolfowitz Z' pvalue='Pr > |Z|'; set runcount; mu = ( (2*n*m) / (n + m) ) + 1; sigmasq = ( (2*n*m) * (2*n*m-(n+m)) ) / ( ((n+m)**2) * (n+m-1) ); sigma=sqrt(sigmasq); drop sigmasq; if N GE 50 then Z = (Runs - mu) / sigma; else if Runs-mu LT 0 then Z = (Runs-mu+0.5)/sigma; else Z = (Runs-mu-0.5)/sigma; pvalue=2*(1-probnorm(abs(Z))); run; title 'Wald-Wolfowitz Test for Randomness'; title2 'H0: The data are random'; proc print data=waldwolf label noobs; var z pvalue; format pvalue pvalue.; run;
As you would expect of values from a random number generator, the test fails to reject the null hypothesis that the data are random (p=0.9988).
Mendenhall, Scheaffer, and Wackerly (1986), Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 3rd Ed., Duxbury Press, CA.
Wald, A. and Wolfowitz, J. (1940), "On a test whether two samples are from the same population," Ann. Math Statist. 11, 147-162.
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