Service Packs for the SAS9 Platform." />
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This sample uses the GCHART procedure in conjunction with the Annotate facility in the SAS/GRAPH software to create a single bar chart indicator for use in a dashboard. For a sample of a complete dashboard, see Create a dashboard with multiple bar chart indicators.
This sample contains the macro %DO_CHART, which draws a bar chart that shows one value as the bar and another value as a triangular marker. In this sample, the bar height is sales and the triangular marker is the sales target. The bar and marker colors are based on the difference between the actual sales and the target. You can reuse the %DO_CHART macro to create a similar chart of your own. To use the macro, create a SAS data set that contains four observations of the following variables:
Here is an example of a data set for the %DO_CHART macro:
data data1; length value_format $15; input title_text $ 1-20 quarter $ 22-23 actual target value_format poor_pct good_pct y_max y_by; datalines; Market Share Q1 .23 .24 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10 Market Share Q2 .20 .25 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10 Market Share Q3 .19 .26 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10 Market Share Q4 .17 .27 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10 ;
To draw your chart, call the %DO_CHART macro and pass to it as macro parameters the name of your SAS data set and the name of the GRSEG in which the chart is to be stored. Here is an example:
The %DO_CHART macro takes your data values and plots them as a bar chart. It colors the bars based on their performance and annotates a marker that shows what the target value is in relation to the actual (bar) value. It then stores the chart in GRSEG MARKET1.
For additional information about creating dashboard applications with SAS/GRAPH software, see SAS/GRAPH Dashboard Samples.
These sample files and code examples are provided by SAS Institute Inc. "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Recipients acknowledge and agree that SAS Institute shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of their use of this material. In addition, SAS Institute will provide no support for the materials contained herein.
/* Specify the name for the output file. */
%let name=barChartInd;
/* Set output options. */
filename odsout '.';
goptions reset=all;
goptions device=gif;
/* Set colors for indicator features. */
%let gray=gray;
%let crefgray=graycc;
%let backcolor=grayee;
/* Set colors and patterns for the bars. */
%let green=cxC2E699;
%let pink=cxFA9FB5;
%let red=cxFF0000;
pattern1 v=s c=&green;
pattern2 v=s c=&red;
pattern3 v=s c=&pink;
/* Define fonts for indicator title and text. */
%let ftitle='swissb';
%let ftext='swissl';
/* Define the location of the HTML page that supplies drill-down details
for the indicator. If you don't have Internet access, you must put
the target HTML file where your browser can access it, then change the
following URL to point to your location. */
%let hardcoded_drilldown=;
/* The do_chart macro creates an individual bar chart indicator with a
target value marker.
The do_chart macro accepts the following list of parameters:
data_name = name of the data set that contains indicator values
pltname = name of GRSEG to store the graph
%macro do_chart(data_name, pltname);
%local data_name pltname;
/* Extract values from the data set into macro variables. */
proc sql noprint;
select unique title_text into :title_text from &data_name;
select unique value_format into :value_format from &data_name;
select unique y_max into :y_max from &data_name;
select unique y_by into :y_by from &data_name;
/* Trim blank spaces from the macro variable values. */
%let title_text=%trim(&title_text);
%let value_format=%trim(&value_format);
%let y_max=%trim(&y_max);
%let y_by=%trim(&y_by);
data temp_data; set &data_name;
format actual &value_format;
/* Evaluate the actual value as a percent of the target value and assign colors. */
length evaluation $12;
if (percent_of_target < poor_pct) then evaluation='Poor';
else if (percent_of_target < good_pct) then evaluation='Satisfactory';
else evaluation='Good';
/* Set the 'tool tip' for the chart to provide a link to an
HTML page with drill-down details. */
length htmlvar $200;
'Quarter: '|| trim(left(quarter)) ||'0D'x||
'Target: '|| trim(left(put(target,&value_format))) ||'0D'x||
'Actual: '|| trim(left(put(actual,&value_format))) ||'0D'x||
'Actual as Percent of Target: '|| trim(left(put(percent_of_target,percent6.0)))
) || ' '||
/* Annotate a custom target marker for each bar. */
data target_anno; set temp_data;
length function $ 8 style $ 20 color $ 12;
hsys='3'; when='a'; position='5';
/* Draw the triangular pointer (using character 'A' of the MARKER
software font provided with SAS/GRAPH software). */
function='label'; style='marker'; text='A';
if (evaluation eq 'Good') then color="&green";
else if (evaluation eq 'Poor') then color="&red";
else if (evaluation eq 'Satisfactory') then color="&pink";
else color='white';
xsys='2'; ysys='2'; midpoint=quarter; y=target; size=.01;
xsys='7'; x=9; size=4;
/* Draw an outline around the triangle using the MARKERE font
(empty/outline of the triangle marker). */
style='markere'; color="&gray";
xsys='2'; ysys='2'; midpoint=quarter; y=target; size=.01;
/* Reposition the cursor and draw a line from the point of the
triangle, across the bar. */
xsys='7'; x=9; size=4;
hsys='3'; position='5'; xsys='2'; ysys='2'; hsys='3'; position='5'; size=1; color="&gray";
function='move'; midpoint=quarter; y=target;
function='draw'; xsys='7'; x=6;
function='draw'; xsys='7'; x=-12;
/* Add dummy data values to guarantee that all three possible
colors are accounted for, so that poor is always red,
satisfactory is always pink, and good is always green. Otherwise
the colors will be assigned in alphabetic order, and if the particular
graph is missing any of the three categories then that will affect which
color goes to which category. */
data levels_guarantee;
length evaluation $12;
quarter='Q1'; evaluation="Poor";
quarter='Q1'; evaluation="Satisfactory";
quarter='Q1'; evaluation="Good";
data temp_data;
set temp_data levels_guarantee;
/* Draw the chart and save it with the specified name so it can later be
replayed into the desired location of a dashboard. */
goptions gunit=pct htitle=10 ftitle=&ftitle htext=8.0 ftext=&ftext;
goptions xpixels=275 ypixels=200;
axis1 label=none order=(0 to &y_max by &y_by) minor=none major=(h=2) offset=(0,0);
axis2 label=none offset=(8,10);
title "&title_text";
proc gchart data=temp_data anno=target_anno;
vbar quarter / discrete
autoref cref=&crefgray clipref
%mend do_chart;
/* Create an example data set with the variables required by the
do_chart macro. */
data data1;
length value_format $15;
input title_text $ 1-20 quarter $ 22-23 actual target value_format poor_pct good_pct y_max y_by;
Market Share Q1 .23 .24 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10
Market Share Q2 .20 .25 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10
Market Share Q3 .19 .26 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10
Market Share Q4 .17 .27 percentn6.0 .65 .90 .30 .10
ODS HTML path=odsout body="&name..htm"
(title="Sales Dashboard (DM Review Contest - Scenario 3)")
goptions border;
/* Call the macro with specified data values to draw a bar chart indicator. */
These sample files and code examples are provided by SAS Institute Inc. "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Recipients acknowledge and agree that SAS Institute shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of their use of this material. In addition, SAS Institute will provide no support for the materials contained herein.
Type: | Sample |
Date Modified: | 2009-01-07 14:35:34 |
Date Created: | 2006-12-22 03:03:26 |
Product Family | Product | Host | SAS Release | |
Starting | Ending | |||
SAS System | SAS/GRAPH | All | 9.1 TS1M3 | 9.1 TS1M3 |