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Contents: | Purpose / History / Requirements / Usage / Limitations |
%inc "<location of your file containing the ITEM macro>";
Following this statement, you may call the %ITEM macro. See the Results tab for an example.
The following arguments may be listed within parentheses in any order, separated by commas:
DATA= SAS data set to analyze. The default is _LAST_. Data set options may be used. VAR= List of variables representing items. Only the first character of the formatted value of each variable is used to compare with the answer key. The variables may be numeric or character or a mixture of both. The usual forms of abbreviated lists (e.g., X1-X100, ABC--XYZ, ABC:) may be used. The default is _ALL_; BY variables and ID variables are not automatically removed from the default list. FORMAT= An optional SAS format to be applied to all the VAR variables. If FORMAT= is not specified and if formats have been assigned to the VAR variables in a previous DATA step, then those formats are used. ID= List of variables to be copied to the OUT= and OUTBIN= data sets and printed in the grade report. These variables are not used in the analysis. The usual forms of abbreviated lists (e.g., X1-X100, ABC--XYZ, ABC:) may be used. If you specify ID=, you must also specify VAR=. COPY= List of additional variables to be copied to the OUT= and OUTBIN= data sets. The usual forms of abbreviated lists (e.g., X1-X100, ABC--XYZ, ABC:) may be used. If you specify COPY=, you must also specify VAR=. BY= List of variables for BY groups. Abbreviated variable lists (e.g., X1-X100, ABC--XYZ, ABC:) may NOT be used. If you specify BY=, you must also specify VAR=. SUBTEST= Series of one or more subtest specifications separated by one of the characters given in the SUBSEP= argument. Each subtest specification contains either a variable list that is a subset of the variables in the VAR= list, or the keyword _ALL_ indicating all of the variables in the VAR= list. A separate analysis is performed for each of these variable lists. Each subtest specification may also contain a quoted string of up to 40 characters providing a title to identify the subtest on the printout. This title is also written to the output data sets in a variable named by the SUBNAME= argument. This string may not contain any of the characters in the SUBSEP= argument, nor may it contain two consecutive quotation marks. If no subtests are specified, only one analysis is performed using all the variables in the VAR= list. SUBSEP= One or more characters used to separate subtest specifications in the SUBTEST= argument. The default is a /. Do not use blanks or commas. SUBNAME= Name of the variable in the output data sets containing the subtest title. The default is _SUBTEST. RESPONSE= Quoted string containing all the valid single-character responses to all the items. Any answer not in this list is declared invalid. There cannot be more than 200 valid responses because of the limit on the length of quoted strings in the SAS system. The default is RESPONSE='12345' KEY= Quoted string specifying the correct single-character answers for each item in the same order as specified in the VAR= argument. If you specify a quoted string for the KEY= argument, then there cannot be more than 200 items because of the limit on the length of character strings in the SAS system. You may specify several quoted strings separated by the concatenation operator || as long as the total length does not exceed 200. If you do not specify KEY=, or if you specify KEY=_FIRST_, then the first observation read from the data set is assumed to contain the answer key, and this observation is omitted from other computations. This method of specifying the answer key must be used when there are more than 200 items. If there are BY groups, they are assumed all to have the same key, so only the first BY group should have a record giving the answer key. OUT= SAS data set containing the ID variables, the score for each subject, the number of missing and invalid answers, and the score as a percentage. Data set options may NOT be used. OUTBIN= SAS data set containing the ID variables, the score for each subject, and one variable for each item coded as 1 for a correct answer or 0 for an incorrect answer. The variable names are BIN1, BIN2, ..., BINn, where n is the number of items. Data set options may NOT be used. OUTITEM= SAS data set containing item statistics. Data set options may NOT be used. SCORE= Name of the score variable in the OUT= and OUTBIN= data sets. The default is SCORE=SCORE. The name should not begin with an underscore. MISSING= Name of the variable giving the number of missing values in the OUT= data set. The default is MISSING=MISSING. The name should not begin with an underscore. INVALID= Name of the variable giving the number of invalid values in the OUT= data set. The default is INVALID=INVALID. The name should not begin with an underscore. PERCENT= Name of the variable giving the percentage score in the OUT= data set. The default is PERCENT=PERCENT. The name should not begin with an underscore. PROPHECY= The desired reliability level to be used in the Spearman-Brown prophecy formula. The default is PROPHECY=.9. UPLO= The proportion of subjects to be included in each of the two subsets of subjects when comparing the percentage of occurrence of each response in the highest-scoring subset and the lowest-scoring subset. The default is UPLO=.3334. OPTIONS= List of additional options separated by blanks: NOGRADE Suppress printing the grade report. NOG NG NOHISTOGRAM Suppress printing the bar chart of NOHIST score frequencies. NOITEM Suppress printing statistics for each item. NOTES Do not suppress notes in the SAS log for various preliminary procedure and data steps. This option can be useful for diagnosing mysterious error messages. NOTOTAL Suppress computation of item-total correlations. NOUPLO Suppresses computation of percentage of responses by subjects in the highest-scoring and lowest-scoring subsets. NOX Suppress printing extra columns for omitted and invalid responses for each item.
These sample files and code examples are provided by SAS Institute Inc. "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Recipients acknowledge and agree that SAS Institute shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of their use of this material. In addition, SAS Institute will provide no support for the materials contained herein.