
Usage Note 22930: Accessing SAS® documentation

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On the Internet

You can access and browse SAS® documentation for your release of SAS at:

Using the SAS command line in SAS® Display Manager

You can quickly open documentation on a SAS procedure or language element by entering the help command in the command line at the top of the SAS Display Manager workspace. The following opens the SAS Help and Documentation window displaying documentation on either the logistic function or procedure.

SAS command line

Using the SAS Help menu in SAS Display Manager

You can display the "SAS Help and Documentation" window where you can browse SAS documentation by clicking Help ► SAS Help and Documentation at the top of the SAS Display Manager workspace or the SAS Studio interface.

SAS Help menu

SAS Help and Documentation

Using the SAS Help menu in SAS® Studio

You can access SAS documentation on the internet by clicking the circled question mark (?), letter, or image icon at the top of the SAS Studio interface and selecting SAS Product Documentation or Help Center. If the Welcome to SAS Studio page appears, click SAS Documentation at the top to access product documentation.

SAS Studio Help menu


SAS Studio Help menu2



SAS Studio Welcome menu


Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemSAS Release
SAS SystemN/AAlln/a
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.