
Usage Note 13799: SAS ABM 6.2 client installation does not proceed normally on Windows XP Service Pack 2

DetailsAboutRate It
While attempting to install the SAS ABM 6.2 client, your install might
loop and continuously prompt you to install MDAC, a system requirement.
The SAS ABM 6.2 client install uses an ActiveX component to determine
which of the ABM client prerequisites are needed, MDAC 2.8 being one.
Because Windows XP SP2 includes a later version of MDAC, the ActiveX
component does not recognize the current version of MDAC as valid and
continues to prompt for the installation of MDAC. Note that the install
will not install a previous version of MDAC over a later version.

To workaround this situation, install hot fix 62AB01 on the SAS
Activity-Based Management 6.2 server. Then proceed with the client
installation.  The installation will correctly identify the updated MDAC
included with Windows XP SP2 and will not insist on installing MDAC 2.8.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS Activity-Based ManagementMicrosoft Windows XP Professional6.2
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.