
Usage Note 13526: Clarification of MIXED=YES in SAS 9.x SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files

DetailsAboutRate It
When using MIXED=YES as an option on the LIBNAME statement with the
excel engine or as an optional statement in PROC IMPORT with the
parameter DBMS=Excel when reading an Excel file that contains mixed
data into SAS 9.x, the MIXED=  is handled by the MS Jet/Excel engine.

It's behavior is constrained by the setting in the PC's Registry for the
number of rows scanned/evaluated to determine column types.  The default
setting for the number of rows scanned/evaluated is 8.

If there is mixed data in those 8 rows and the SAS code includes
MIXED=YES, a character data type is assigned and the numeric data is
automatically converted to character data.

Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS/ACCESS Interface to PC FilesMicrosoft Windows NT Workstation9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows XP Professional9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition9.1 TS1M3
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional9.1 TS1M3
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.