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What's New in SAS Information Map Studio 3.1


SAS Information Map Studio has been updated with new functionality and usability enhancements that make the application more flexible and easier to use.

Redesigned Relationship Interfaces

The redesigned relationship interfaces include the following enhancements:

Redesigned Filter Interfaces

The redesigned filter definition dialog boxes include the following enhancements:

Support for Required Tables

Relational data sources can now be designated as required so that they are used in every query that is generated from an information map.

Security Enhancements

The application's security features include the following enhancements:

Support Changes for Prompt Values

Support has changed for the following types of prompt values:

New User Options

New options have been added for hiding join type and cardinality notation.

Redesigned Administrative Tools Interface

The Administrative Tools dialog box has been renamed, redesigned, and now includes a new custom properties viewer.

Improved Access to Diagnostic Settings

The Log On dialog box has been redesigned to provide faster access to your diagnostic settings. Also, the new default location of the log file is the Windows Profiles directory for your user ID.