What's New in the SAS 9.0 and 9.1 Companion for Windows
New and enhanced features in Base SAS improve
ease of use and SAS performance under the Windows environment:
SAS now runs under 32- and 64-bit Windows XP and
Windows Server 2003 operating environments.
SAS servers and PCs can use memory-based SAS libraries to process
SAS data.
Network security is enhanced by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
SAS is now able to sort data using the
high-performance sorting
tool SyncSort for Windows, by Syncsort, Incorporated, if you have SyncSort
installed at your site.
Sharing files between UNIX and Windows has been simplified.
You can start SAS with the same
destination printer that was specified
when you ended your last SAS session.
During initialization, SAS looks in the Windows user profile directory
for a configuration file if you do not specify a configuration file at SAS
The Enhanced Editor autosave files are now saved to the Application
Data folder.
Accessibility aids can now access many of the SAS windows and
dialog boxes.
This section describes the features of SAS Companion for Windows
that are new or enhanced since SAS 8.2.
z/OS is the successor to the OS/390 operating system. Throughout
this document, any reference to z/OS also applies to OS/390, unless otherwise
Basic Operation of SAS
The basic operation of SAS has been enhanced as follows:
can store a customized configuration
file in the Windows user profile folder. During invocation, SAS searches
this folder for a configuration file named either SASV9.CFG or .SASV9.CFG.
Performance can be improved by processing
SAS data in memory-based SAS libraries.
Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for
networks. For information about SSL, see the
SAS/CONNECT User's Guide.
SAS can now sort data by using
for Windows if you have Syncsort installed at your site.
To use the same
destination printer (not the
default printer) from one SAS session to the next, use the PRTPERSISTDEFAULT system option
when you start SAS.
To send an e-mail attachment
with records that contain more than 256 characters, the ATTACH email-option
in the FILENAME, EMAIL statement now supports the LRECL and RECFM options.
When you
attach the contents of the Results
Viewer to an e-mail message, the file is attached according to its
file type of either .html or .rtf.
In 64-bit operating environments,
the V6 engine is a read-only
New keyboard shortcuts are available for resizing
the docking view and displaying property sheets from a window that contains
a Tree view or a List view.
If a fatal error occurs during
SAS initialization or termination and the MSG dialog box
is not available or the SAS log
is not open, error messages are written to the SAS console log.
The following features are new:
Many of the
SAS windows and dialog boxes can be read by accessibility aids.
ACCESSIBILITY system option enables access
to the Customize Tools dialog box Customize tab and some
SAS Properties dialog
Text can be enlarged by using the SYSGUIFONT
system option.
Accessibility aids might have fewer problems
reading menus if you exclude menu icons.
You can use the keyboard to resize
the docking view.
When a window (such as SAS Explorer)
contains a List view, you can use the Sort Columns dialog box to sort the list by the detail
You can resize the details columns
in a List view by using the Column Settings dialog box.
Enhanced Editor
The following features are new:
open new or existing files in an Enhanced
Editor window, you can select New Program and Open Program from the File menu.
The Enhanced Editor now recognizes
XML files that have the .xml file extension.
When you open a file in the
Enhanced Editor, the tabs can be converted to spaces.
The full path
and the filename of the last submitted program or catalog entry is available
by using environment variables.
Submit one or
more lines of code without submitting your complete program by using the SUBTOP
Line numbers
can be turned on and off by using the NUMS command.
following features have been enhanced:
The Enhanced
Editor accepts lines of data in a DATALINES statement that are longer than 256 characters into one observation
without using FILENAME statement options.
Autosave files are
saved to the Application Data folder.
The default
value for the Enhanced Editor Script appearance option is determined by the Windows regional
The following feature has been removed:
The Enhanced Editor no longer prompts you to
reload a file on
a disk that has been updated.
Graphical User Interface
The following features are new in the SAS main window:
Universal Printing commands are available
from the File menu when you specify the UPRINTMENUSWITCH system option.
More windowing environment workspace
is available by minimizing the docking view.
A maximum of 20
customized help files can be added to the Help
The Print and Copy toolbar buttons are always
enabled if they are commands in a customized toolbar.
To print line numbers, page
numbers, and to print in
color, select the Options button in the Print dialog box.
The About SAS System dialog
box includes information about the SAS version and the Windows operating environment that you are currently
SAS Language Elements
The following SAS commands are new:
When a SAS window (such as the
SAS Explorer window) contains a List view, you can resize the columns by
using the DLGCOLUMNSIZE command.
Sort the columns in a List
by using the DLGCOLUMNSORT command.
Three new docking view
WDOCKVIEWRESIZE, enable the docking view to be minimized, restored,
and resized.
To change the active window
to the editor window that was last edited, use the WPGM command.
The following have specific functionality in the Windows operating environment:
DINFO Function, the DOPTNAME
Function, and the DOPTNUM Function return directory
To delete an external file,
use the FDELETE Function.
Verify the existence of an external
file by using either the FEXIST Function or the
To assign or clear a fileref,
use the FILENAME Function.
Verify that a filref has been
assigned by using the FILEREF Function.
Obtain information about a file
by using the FINFO Function, the
FOPTNAME Function, and the
FOPTNUM Function.
To assign or clear a libref,
use the LIBNAME Function.
The following statements have been enhanced:
Share files between the UNIX
and Windows operating environments by using the TERMSTR host option in the FILE and
INFILE statements.
^Z is interpreted as character
data and not as an end-of-file marker when you specify the IGNOREDOSEOF host
option in the %INCLUDE,
INFILE statements.
System Options
The following system options are new:
Accessibility features are extended
for the Customize Tools dialog box and for some Properties dialog boxes by
using the ACCESSIBILITY system option.
If you create a
customized table
of contents and index for the SAS Help and Documentation, use the HELPTOC and
HELPINDEX system options to specify the file location.
memory-based SAS libraries
to improve SAS performance by using the MEMBLKSZ and
Improve the access to menus by accessibility
aids when you use the NOMENUICONS system option.
The same destination printer
can persist from one SAS session to another by using the PRTPERSISTDEFAULT system
Stop the SLEEP window from
displaying when you use the SLEEP function or the WAKEUP function by specifying
the NOSLEEPWINDOW system option.
If you have SyncSort for
Windows installed at your site, use these
system option to specify sort options:
SORTPGM system option
to sort by using SyncSort for Windows.
The SORTANOM system option
you to specify options for SyncSort for Windows.
SORTCUTP system options to specify the number of observations and bytes above which
SyncSort for Windows is used instead of the SAS sort.
system option to specify a temporary directory for files that are created
by SyncSort for Windows.
The SORTPARM system option enables
you to specify SyncSort
SSLCRLCHECK are new system options that support Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) authentication.
To enlarge text for easier readability,
use the SYSGUIFONT system option.
The Universal Print commands
are available from the File menu when you specify the UPRINTMENUSWITCH system
The following system option has been enhanced:
The new default value for the
SORTSIZE system option is MAX.
EMAILPW options, which were previously available only
in the Windows environment, are now available in all operating environments.
SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.
The SYSSCPL automatic macro variable returns
a value for the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating environments.