What's New in the SAS 9.0, 9.1, and 9.1.3 XML LIBNAME Engine
The SAS 9.1 (and later) XML engine imports and exports
a broader variety of XML documents. The XMLMAP= option specifies a separate
XML document that contains specific XMLMap syntax. The XMLMap syntax tells
the XML engine how to interpret the XML markup in order to successfully import
an XML document.
Note: This section describes the features
of the XML LIBNAME engine in SAS that are new or enhanced since SAS 8.2.
The LIBNAME Statement Syntax contains the following new
- The ODSRECSEP= option controls the generation of a record separator
that marks the end of a line in the output XML document.
The XMLCONCATENATE= option enables you to import
an XML document that contains multiple XML documents, which are concatenated
into one file.
The XMLFILEREF= option enables you to specify
a fileref for the XML document that is different from the libref. If the fileref
and the libref are the same, you do not need to specify the XMLFILEREF= option
or the name of the XML document.
Beginning in SAS 9.1, the option name XMLSCHEMA=
specifies an external file that contains separate schema output.
The XMLPROCESS= option determines how the XML
engine processes character data that does not conform to W3C specifications.
- The
LIBNAME Statement Syntax contains the following enhancements:
In the XMLMap Syntax Version 1.2, the content for the
DATATYPE element (which
specifies the type of data being read from the XML document for the variable)
is changed to conform directly to the XML Schema data types specification.
For example, in earlier versions of the DATATYPE element, the form <DATATYPE>DT-8601</DATATYPE>
was accepted. In version 1.2, the form <DATATYPE>dateTime</DATATYPE>
is accepted.
- Several ISO 8601 SAS formats and informats now support the international standard for
the representation of dates
and times.
Using the LABEL= data set option no longer results
in a warning message. However, the XML engine does not persist the information.
Mapper (previously
named XML Atlas) is a graphical interface that generates or modifies the XML
markup for an XMLMap.
The new XMLMap Manager (a plug-in used with SAS Management
Console) provides centralized
management of XMLMaps as metadata objects in a SAS Metadata Repository.