
Documentation Example 2 for PROC KRIGE2D

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: KRI2DEX2                                            */
/*   TITLE: Documentation Example 2 for PROC KRIGE2D            */
/* PRODUCT: STAT                                                */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: spatial analysis, kriging, covariance models        */
/*   PROCS: KRIGE2D                                             */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: alkolo                                              */
/*     REF: PROC KRIGE2D, EXAMPLE 2                             */
/*    MISC:                                                     */

title 'Effect of Model Specification on Prediction';

data thick;
   input East North Thick @@;
   label Thick='Coal Seam Thickness';
    0.7  59.6  34.1   2.1  82.7  42.2   4.7  75.1  39.5
    4.8  52.8  34.3   5.9  67.1  37.0   6.0  35.7  35.9
    6.4  33.7  36.4   7.0  46.7  34.6   8.2  40.1  35.4
   13.3   0.6  44.7  13.3  68.2  37.8  13.4  31.3  37.8
   17.8   6.9  43.9  20.1  66.3  37.7  22.7  87.6  42.8
   23.0  93.9  43.6  24.3  73.0  39.3  24.8  15.1  42.3
   24.8  26.3  39.7  26.4  58.0  36.9  26.9  65.0  37.8
   27.7  83.3  41.8  27.9  90.8  43.3  29.1  47.9  36.7
   29.5  89.4  43.0  30.1   6.1  43.6  30.8  12.1  42.8
   32.7  40.2  37.5  34.8   8.1  43.3  35.3  32.0  38.8
   37.0  70.3  39.2  38.2  77.9  40.7  38.9  23.3  40.5
   39.4  82.5  41.4  43.0   4.7  43.3  43.7   7.6  43.1
   46.4  84.1  41.5  46.7  10.6  42.6  49.9  22.1  40.7
   51.0  88.8  42.0  52.8  68.9  39.3  52.9  32.7  39.2
   55.5  92.9  42.2  56.0   1.6  42.7  60.6  75.2  40.1
   62.1  26.6  40.1  63.0  12.7  41.8  69.0  75.6  40.1
   70.5  83.7  40.9  70.9  11.0  41.7  71.5  29.5  39.8
   78.1  45.5  38.7  78.2   9.1  41.7  78.4  20.0  40.8
   80.5  55.9  38.7  81.1  51.0  38.6  83.8   7.9  41.6
   84.5  11.0  41.5  85.2  67.3  39.4  85.5  73.0  39.8
   86.7  70.4  39.6  87.2  55.7  38.8  88.1   0.0  41.6
   88.4  12.1  41.3  88.4  99.6  41.2  88.8  82.9  40.5
   88.9   6.2  41.5  90.6   7.0  41.5  90.7  49.6  38.9
   91.5  55.4  39.0  92.9  46.8  39.1  93.4  70.9  39.7
   55.8  50.5  38.1  96.2  84.3  40.3  98.2  58.2  39.5

ods graphics on;

/* Fit a Gaussian semivariance model in PROC VARIOGRAM ---------*/

proc variogram data=thick noprint;
   store out=SemivStoreGau / label='Thickness Gaussian Model';
   compute lagd=7 maxlag=10;
   coord xc=East yc=North;
   model form=gau;
   var Thick;

/* Run ordinary kriging using a Gaussian covariance model ------*/

proc krige2d data=thick outest=pred1 noprint;
   restore in=SemivStoreGau;
   coordinates xc=East yc=North;
   predict var=Thick r=60;
   model storeselect;
   grid x=0 to 100 by 10 y=0 to 100 by 10;

proc variogram data=thick plots(only)=fit;
   store out=SemivStoreSph / label='Thickness Sph Model';
   compute lagd=7 maxlag=10;
   coord xc=East yc=North;
   model form=sph;
   var Thick;

/* Run ordinary kriging using a spherical covariance model -----*/

proc krige2d data=thick outest=pred2 noprint;
   restore in=SemivStoreSph;
   coordinates xc=East yc=North;
   predict var=Thick r=60;
   model storeselect;
   grid x=0 to 100 by 10 y=0 to 100 by 10;

/* Compare the predictions and the standard errors -------------*/

data compare;
   merge pred1(rename=(estimate=g_prd stderr=g_std))
         pred2(rename=(estimate=s_prd stderr=s_std));
   prdRelDif = ((g_prd-s_prd) / s_prd) * 100;
   stdRelDif = ((g_std-s_std) / s_std) * 100;

proc means data=compare;
   var prdRelDif stdRelDif;

ods graphics off;