
Documentation Example 2 for PROC GLMPOWER

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: gmpex02                                             */
/*   TITLE: Documentation Example 2 for PROC GLMPOWER           */
/*          (Two-Way ANOVA with Covariates)                     */
/* PRODUCT: STAT                                                */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: power                                               */
/*          power analysis                                      */
/*          sample size                                         */
/*          graphs                                              */
/*          general linear models                               */
/*          analysis of variance                                */
/*          ANCOVA                                              */
/*          analysis of covariance                              */
/*   PROCS: GLMPOWER                                            */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: John Castelloe                                      */
/*     REF:                                                     */
/*    MISC: Graphs produced by ODS Graphics in PROC GLMPOWER    */
/*          require a style that distinguishes curves based     */
/*          on a combination of color, line style, and symbol   */
/*          marker.  Styles that are well-suited for use in     */
/*          PROC GLMPOWER include: STATISTICAL, ANALYSIS,       */
/*          DEFAULT, LISTING, and HTMLBLUECML.                  */

data Fluids2;
   input Altitude $ Fluid $ LacticAcid CellWgt;
         High       Water      36.9       4
         High       EZD1       35.0       2
         High       EZD2       31.5       2
         High       LZ1        30         2
         High       LZ2        27.1       2
         Low        Water      34.3       6
         Low        EZD1       32.4       3
         Low        EZD2       28.9       3
         Low        LZ1        27         3
         Low        LZ2        24.7       3
proc glmpower data=Fluids2;
   class Altitude Fluid;
   model LacticAcid = Altitude Fluid;
   weight CellWgt;
   contrast "Water vs. others" Fluid  -1 -1 -1 -1 4;
   contrast "EZD vs. LZ"       Fluid   1  1 -1 -1 0;
   contrast "EZD1 vs. EZD2"    Fluid   1 -1  0  0 0;
   contrast "LZ1 vs. LZ2"      Fluid   0  0  1 -1 0;
      stddev      = 3.5
      ncovariates = 1
      corrxy      = 0.2 0.3 0
      alpha       = 0.025
      ntotal      = .
      power       = 0.9;
ods listing style=htmlbluecml;
ods graphics on;

proc glmpower data=Fluids2 plotonly;
   class Altitude Fluid;
   model LacticAcid = Altitude Fluid;
   weight CellWgt;
   contrast "Water vs. others" Fluid  -1 -1 -1 -1 4;
   contrast "EZD vs. LZ"       Fluid   1  1 -1 -1 0;
   contrast "EZD1 vs. EZD2"    Fluid   1 -1  0  0 0;
   contrast "LZ1 vs. LZ2"      Fluid   0  0  1 -1 0;
      stddev      = 3.5
      ncovariates = 1
      corrxy      = 0.2 0.3 0
      alpha       = 0.025
      ntotal      = .
      power       = 0.9;
   plot x=power min=.5 max=.95;
proc glmpower data=Fluids2 plotonly;
   class Altitude Fluid;
   model LacticAcid = Altitude Fluid;
   weight CellWgt;
   contrast "Water vs. others" Fluid  -1 -1 -1 -1 4;
   contrast "EZD vs. LZ"       Fluid   1  1 -1 -1 0;
   contrast "EZD1 vs. EZD2"    Fluid   1 -1  0  0 0;
   contrast "LZ1 vs. LZ2"      Fluid   0  0  1 -1 0;
      stddev      = 3.5
      ncovariates = 1
      corrxy      = 0.2 0.3 0
      alpha       = 0.025
      ntotal      = 21
      power       = .;
   plot x=n min=21 max=275;

ods graphics off;