SAS/STAT 9.3 User's Guide

What's New in SAS/STAT 9.3
Introduction to Statistical Modeling with SAS/STAT Software
Introduction to Regression Procedures
Introduction to Analysis of Variance Procedures
Introduction to Mixed Modeling Procedures
Introduction to Bayesian Analysis Procedures
Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis Procedures
Introduction to Multivariate Procedures
Introduction to Discriminant Procedures
Introduction to Clustering Procedures
Introduction to Scoring, Standardization, and Ranking Procedures
Introduction to Survival Analysis Procedures
Introduction to Survey Sampling and Analysis Procedures
The Four Types of Estimable Functions
Introduction to Nonparametric Analysis
Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling with Latent Variables
Introduction to Power and Sample Size Analysis
Shared Concepts and Topics
Using the Output Delivery System
Statistical Graphics Using ODS
ODS Graphics Template Modification
The ACECLUS Procedure
The ANOVA Procedure
The BOXPLOT Procedure
The CALIS Procedure
The CANCORR Procedure
The CANDISC Procedure
The CATMOD Procedure
The CLUSTER Procedure
The CORRESP Procedure
The DISCRIM Procedure
The DISTANCE Procedure
The FACTOR Procedure
The FASTCLUS Procedure
The FREQ Procedure
The FMM Procedure
The GAM Procedure
The GENMOD Procedure
The GLIMMIX Procedure
The GLM Procedure
The GLMMOD Procedure
The GLMPOWER Procedure
The GLMSELECT Procedure
The HPMIXED Procedure
The INBREED Procedure
The KDE Procedure
The KRIGE2D Procedure
The LATTICE Procedure
The LIFEREG Procedure
The LIFETEST Procedure
The LOESS Procedure
The LOGISTIC Procedure
The MCMC Procedure
The MDS Procedure
The MI Procedure
The MIANALYZE Procedure
The MIXED Procedure
The MODECLUS Procedure
The MULTTEST Procedure
The NESTED Procedure
The NLIN Procedure
The NLMIXED Procedure
The NPAR1WAY Procedure
The ORTHOREG Procedure
The PHREG Procedure
The PLAN Procedure
The PLM Procedure
The PLS Procedure
The POWER Procedure
The Power and Sample Size Application
The PRINCOMP Procedure
The PRINQUAL Procedure
The PROBIT Procedure
The QUANTREG Procedure
The REG Procedure
The ROBUSTREG Procedure
The RSREG Procedure
The SCORE Procedure
The SEQDESIGN Procedure
The SEQTEST Procedure
The SIM2D Procedure
The SIMNORMAL Procedure
The STDIZE Procedure
The STEPDISC Procedure
The SURVEYFREQ Procedure
The SURVEYREG Procedure
The TPSPLINE Procedure
The TRANSREG Procedure
The TREE Procedure
The TTEST Procedure
The VARCLUS Procedure
The VARCOMP Procedure
The VARIOGRAM Procedure
Special SAS Data Sets
Sashelp Data Sets