
Multiple Components of Variation

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: SHWMULTC                                            */
/*   TITLE: Multiple Components of Variation                    */
/* PRODUCT: QC                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: Shewhart Charts, Variance Components Analysis,      */
/*   PROCS: SHEWHART MIXED                                      */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/*     REF: SAS/QC Software:  Usage and Reference, Version 6,   */
/*          First Edition, Volume 1 and Volume 2                */
/*                                                              */

data Film;
   drop i;
   length Lane $1;
   label Lane    = 'Lane';
   label Testval = 'Test Value';
   label Sample  = 'Sample';
   input date @;
   do i=1 to 4;
      input Testval @@;
      if i=1 then Lane='A';
      if i=2 then Lane='B';
      if i=3 then Lane='C';
      if i=4 then Lane='D';
3252    93    87    92    78
3252    87    83    79    77
3262    88    88    73    79
3262    80    83    76    72
3269    91    99    90    79
3269    89    89    92    83
3272    92    93    93    85
3272    83    95    80    87
3272    79    85    91    85
3272    84    96    91    83
3273    89    95    90    93
3274    90    94    93    91
3274   102   104   103    89
3274    93    98    88    83
3279    85    99    91    83
3280    83    95    90    80
3280    92    98    88    84
3280    88    98    91    86
3280    88    95    94    84
3281    89    83    90    76
3281    82    91    96    82
3288    83    88    89    85
3288    88    98    85    85
3288    88   101    93    88
3293    93   103   103    85
3293   101    99    96    84
3293    88    97    97    87
3293    86    90    90    78
3294    91    93    90    86
3294    85    98    93    86
3295    75    76    82    72
3295    76    80    78    75
3296    78    85    71    72
3296    74    84    87    83
3300    90    99    93    89
3301    87    83    94    88
3301    94    92    89    90
3301   158   174   187    90
3302    88    88    93    98
3303    87   108   104    85
3304   107    83    76    81
3304    93    99    94    83
3304    84   103    91    88
3305    97    95    88    81
3305    94   105    98    98
3310    94   102   100    95
3310    96   110   101    95
3311    92    88    90    95
3311    93    97    95    93
3315    76    93    84    75
3315    78    97    97    89
3316    85    97    86    82
3316    88    80    92    94
3317    87    88    94    78
3317    89    83    80    91
3317    88    95    78    75

proc print data=Film(obs=5) noobs;
   var Sample Lane Testval;

ods graphics off;
proc sort data=Film;
   by Lane;
symbol v = dot h = 2.0 pct;
title 'Outlier Analysis';
proc shewhart data=Film;
   boxchart Testval*Lane / boxstyle = schematicid
                           idsymbol = dot
                           vref     = 130
                           vreflab  = 'Outlier Cutoff'
                           hoffset  = 5
                           nolimits ;
   id Sample;

data Film1;
   set Film;

data Film2;
   set Film;
   if Testval < 130;
symbol h = 2.0 pct;
title 'Variation Within Lane';
proc shewhart data=Film2;
   boxchart Testval*Lane / boxstyle = schematicid
                           boxwidth = 5
                           idsymbol = dot
                           hoffset  = 5
                           nolimits ;
   id Sample;

proc sort data=Film2;
   by Sample;
symbol h=2.0 pct;
title 'Shewhart Chart for Means and Ranges';
proc shewhart data=Film2;
   xrchart Testval*Sample /
      split     = '/'
      npanelpos = 60
      limitn    = 4
      outlimits = RLimits
   label Testval='Average Test Value/Range';

proc mixed data=Film2;
   class Sample;
   model Testval = / s;
   random Sample;
   ods output solutionf=sf;
   ods output covparms=cp;

data cp;
   set cp sf;
   keep Estimate;

proc transpose data=cp out=Newlim;

data Newlim (keep=_lclx_ _mean_ _uclx_);
   set Newlim;
   _limitn_ = 4;
   _mean_   = col3;
   _stddev_ = sqrt(4*col1 + col2);
   _lclx_   = _mean_ - 3*_stddev_ / sqrt(_limitn_);
   _uclx_   = _mean_ + 3*_stddev_ / sqrt(_limitn_);

data Newlim2;
   merge Newlim RLimits (drop=_lclx_ _mean_ _uclx_);

title 'Control Chart with Adjusted Limits';
symbol h = 2.0 pct;
proc shewhart data=Film2 limits=Newlim2;
   xrchart Testval*Sample / npanelpos = 60;
   label Testval='Average Test Value';

proc sort data=Film;
   by Sample;
symbol h = 2.0 pct;
title 'Adjusted Control Chart For Raw Data';
proc shewhart data=Film limits=Newlim2;
   xrchart Testval*Sample / npanelpos = 60;
   label Testval='Average Test Value';