
Creating Weibull Q-Q Plots

/*          S A S   S A M P L E   L I B R A R Y                 */
/*                                                              */
/*    NAME: CAPQQ3                                              */
/*   TITLE: Creating Weibull Q-Q Plots                          */
/* PRODUCT: QC                                                  */
/*  SYSTEM: ALL                                                 */
/*    KEYS: Capability Analysis, Quantile-Quantile Plots,       */
/*   PROCS: CAPABILITY                                          */
/*    DATA:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/* SUPPORT: saswgr                                              */
/*     REF: SAS/QC Software:  Usage and Reference, Version 6,   */
/*          First Edition, Volume 1 and Volume 2                */
/*    MISC:                                                     */
/*                                                              */
/*  Examples in the documentation were created using the        */
/*    statement:  ods listing style=statistical;                */
/*                                                              */

data Failures;
   input Time @@;
   label Time='Time in Months';
29.42 32.14 30.58 27.50 26.08 29.06 25.10 31.34
29.14 33.96 30.64 27.32 29.86 26.28 29.68 33.76
29.32 30.82 27.26 27.92 30.92 24.64 32.90 35.46
30.28 28.36 25.86 31.36 25.26 36.32 28.58 28.88
26.72 27.42 29.02 27.54 31.60 33.46 26.78 27.82
29.18 27.94 27.66 26.42 31.00 26.64 31.44 32.52

title 'Three-Parameter Weibull Q-Q Plot for Failure Times';
proc capability data=Failures noprint;
   qqplot Time / weibull(c=est theta=est sigma=est)
                 href=0.5 1 1.5 2
                 vref=25 27.5 30 32.5 35

title 'Two-Parameter Weibull Q-Q Plot for Failure Times';
proc capability data=Failures noprint;
   qqplot Time / weibull2(theta=24 c=est sigma=est) square
                 href= -4 to 1
                 vref= 0 to 2.5 by 0.5