
SAS® Enterprise Miner and SAS® Text Miner Procedures: Reference for SAS 9.1.3

SAS Institute provides no support for the use of Enterprise Miner and Text Miner Procedures when they are invoked directly, outside of the Enterprise Miner graphical user interface.

This documentation is a preliminary draft and is provided by SAS Institute Inc. on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties or merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. The Institute does not warrant that this documentation is complete, accurate, similar to that which may be released to the general public, or that any such documentation will be released. The Institute shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages arising out o f the use of this documentation, including any direct, indirect, or consequential damages. The Institute reserves the right to alter or abandon use of this documentation at any time.

NOTICE: This documentation contains information that is proprietary and confidential to the Institute. It is provided to you on the condition that you agree not to reveal its contents to any person or entity except employees of your organization or Institute employees. This obligation of confidentiality shall apply until such time as the Institute makes the documentation available to the general public, if ever.

The SAS Enterprise Miner and SAS Text Miner Procedures: Reference for SAS 9.1.3, can be downloaded here. This documentation provides an overview, procedure syntax, details, and introductory examples for each of the twenty three procedures.

The following list contains links that enable you to download each of the Enterprise Miner procedures as a PDF file. At the bottom of the list is one PDF file that contains all of the procedures.

Enterprise Miner Procedures
Text Miner Procedures
ALL Procedures (3.43MB)