Section 1, Task 1: Start IT Service Vision
Action 4: Do basic MXG customization.
Step C: Customize collector - specific members. (TMON)

  1. Customize the MXG IMACTMON/IMACMONI member.

    If you are using Landmark's The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 you need to make the following changes to member IMACTMON. If you are using a version older than that, make the changes to member IMACMONI. The changes are the same for both members.

    This member defines the default data set names for the staging datasets created by the MXG code. It also enables you to specify whether the logs have been created in compressed format.

    If, after having read the rest of these instructions, you need to make any modifications, first copy the member from your MXG.MXG.SOURCLIB to your MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB and make the changes to your copy. You should not modify any of the macro definitions whose macro names are prefixed "_L".

    You should only change the macro definitions whose macro names are prefixed "_K" if you have customized MXG code to create new MXG variables. The _K macros enable you to specify their names so that they are kept in the staging data. See also article "How to Cause %CMPROCES to Revise the MXG Keep List" in the Administration document.

    You should find out if the logged records have been written in compressed format. If they are, follow the instructions in the comment section at the top. They will tell you how to compile an infile exit which will enable you to read the compressed records.

    You should also note that activation of the infile exit also allows you to read uncompressed records. Once you have activated the exit you need to modify the INFILE statement specified in the _MONI macro, as described in the comments.

  2. Customize the MXG IMACTMDB member.

    This member defines the default data set names for the staging datasets created by the MXG code. It also enables you to specify the version of Landmark's The Monitor for DB2 in use at your site and whether the logs have been created in compressed format.

    If, after having read the rest of these instructions, you need to make any modifications, first copy the member from your MXG.MXG.SOURCLIB to your MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB and make the changes to your copy.

    You should not modify any of the macro definitions whose macro names are prefixed "_L".

    You should only change the macro definitions whose macro names are prefixed "_K" if you have customized MXG code to create new MXG variables. The _K macros enable you to specify their names so that they are kept in the staging data. See also article "How to Cause %CMPROCES to Revise the MXG Keep List" in the Administration document.

    You should only change the _TMDBVER macro definition if you are not running the latest version of the Monitor product. If you are not, overwrite the version number.

    You should find out if the logged records have been written in compressed format. If they are, follow the instructions in the comment section at the top. They will tell you how to compile an infile exit which will enable you to read the compressed records.

    Note that activation of the infile exit also allows you to read uncompressed records. Once you have activated the exit you need to modify the INFILE statement specified in the _TMDB macro, as described in the comments.