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SAS IT Resource Management

Demand Technology Performance Sentry

Demand Technology Performance Sentry Data Collection Sets

Demand Technology Performance Sentry (formerly, NTSMF) logs performance data based on data collection sets that specify what data elements to collect and how frequently to collect them.

This Web page provides data collection sets for ITRM Windows Server and ITRM Exchange. These data collection sets correspond to the SAS IT Resource Management aggregations for the DT Perf Sentry adapter. You can use these data collection sets and modify them as needed for your business requirements.

For instructions about how to use data collection sets for DT Perf Sentry data, see the "Accessing Raw Data for Demand Technology Performance Sentry" topic in Appendix 2, "Data Sources Supported by SAS IT Resource Management Adapters," in the SAS IT Resource Management Administrator's Guide [PDF] (6.88MB).

This Web page provides data collection sets for ITRM Windows Server and ITRM Exchange. These data collection sets correspond to the SAS IT Resource Management aggregations for the Demand Technology Performance Sentry adapter. You can use these data collection sets and modify them as needed for your business requirements.

For instructions about how to use data collection sets for Demand Technology Performance Sentry data, see the "Accessing Raw Data for Demand Technology Performance Sentry" topic in Appendix 2, "Data Sources Supported by SAS IT Resource Management Adapters," in the SAS IT Resource Management Administrator's Guide.

ITRM Windows Server

The ITRM Windows Server data collection set for Demand Technology Performance Sentry [ZIP] specifies the Windows Server data elements to collect and how frequently to collect them. This data collection set corresponds to aggregations and reports for SAS IT Resource Management 3.1 and later. For more information about the objects and counters that are included in this data collection set as well as the specific parameter settings for this data collection set, see the corresponding text file [TXT].

ITRM Exchange

The ITRM Exchange data collection set for Demand Technology Performance Sentry [ZIP] specifies the Exchange data elements to collect and how frequently to collect them. This data collection set corresponds to aggregations and reports for SAS IT Resource Management 3.1 and later. For more information about the objects and counters that are included in this data collection set, as well as the specific parameter settings for this data collection set, see the corresponding text file [TXT].