Implement a binary search tree by using lists
/* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y */
/* */
/* NAME: */
/* TITLE: Implement a binary search tree by using lists */
/* */
/* SUPPORT: Rick Wicklin UPDATE: July 2016 */
/* REF: */
/* MISC: */
/* Modules: BSTNewNode, BSTCreate, BSTInsert, BSTLookup, */
/* BSTGetKeyDepth, BSTDepth, BSTGetEdges, BSTPlot, */
/* BSTNewNode, BSTLookup, BSTCreate, BSTInsert */
%include sampsrc(;
proc iml;
load module=(QueueCreate QueuePush QueuePop);
/* A node is a three-item list:
node[1] contains the KEY value
node[2] contains the LEFT value (or empty if null)
node[3] contains the RIGHT value (or empty if null) */
start BSTNewNode(value);
node = ListCreate(3); /* create list with 3 null items */
call ListSetItem(node, 1, value); /* set KEY value */
return node;
/* pass a vector of key values to this routine to create a BST
that has those values as keys */
start BSTCreate(x);
bst = BSTNewNode( x[1] );
do i = 2 to nrow(colvec(x));
run BSTInsert(bst, x[i]);
return bst;
/* Insert a new branch for a key value in a BST. If the value
already exists, do nothing (so there are never duplicates) */
start BSTInsert(root, value);
if ListLen(root)=0 then do; /* List empty. Set root node */
root = BSTNewNode(value);
/* otherwise, search tree to find value */
found = BSTLookup(path, root, value); /* if found, return */
if ^found then /* else add to sub-path */
call ListSetSubItem(root, path, BSTNewNode(value));
/* Search for a target value in a binary search tree.
Input: root is the root node of a BST
value is the target value
Output: path contains the path to the node that contains the target
value or the node where the target value can be inserted.
Return: 1 if the target value is in the tree; 0 otherwise */
start BSTLookup(path, root, value);
KEY = 1; LEFT = 2; RIGHT = 3;
path = {};
T = root;
do while (1);
if value = T$KEY then
return 1; /* found it: return path to subitem */
else if value < T$KEY then do;
path = path || LEFT; /* add to path */
T = T$LEFT; /* new root is left child */
else do;
path = path || RIGHT; /* add to path */
T = T$RIGHT; /* new root is right child */
if type(T)='U' then
return 0; /* not found: return path to subitem */
/* iterative algorithm to find depth of a binary tree */
start BSTGetKeyDepth(root);
KEY = 1; LEFT = 2; RIGHT = 3;
v = {}; /* vector of key values (assume conformal matrices) */
if ListLen(root)=0 then return v;
Q = QueueCreate(root);
depth = 0;
do while (1);
/* nodeCount (queue size) = number of nodes at current level */
nodeCount = ListLen(Q);
if nodeCount = 0 then return v;
depth = depth + 1;
/* pop all nodes of current level and push all nodes of next level */
do while (nodeCount > 0);
node = QueuePop(Q);
v = v // (node$KEY || depth);
child = node$LEFT;
if type(child)^='U' then
call QueuePush(Q, child);
child = node$RIGHT;
if type(child)^='U' then
call QueuePush(Q, child);
nodeCount = nodeCount - 1;
/* find depth of a binary tree */
start BSTDepth(root);
v = BSTGetKeyDepth(root); /* (key, depth) */
return max(v[,2]);
/* iterative algorithm to find edges that connect the nodes of a binary tree.
Return edges as a two-column matrix (from, to) of nodes.
The nodes are enumerated from top to bottom and from left to right. */
start BSTGetEdges(root);
KEY = 1; LEFT = 2; RIGHT = 3;
v = {}; /* vector of key values (assume conformal matrices) */
if ListLen(root)=0 then return v;
Q = QueueCreate(root);
do while (1);
/* nodeCount (queue size) = number of nodes at current level */
nodeCount = ListLen(Q);
if nodeCount = 0 then return v;
/* pop all nodes of current level and push all nodes of next level */
do while (nodeCount > 0);
node = QueuePop(Q);
parentID = node$KEY;
child = node$LEFT;
if type(child)^='U' then do;
call QueuePush(Q, child);
childID = child$KEY;
v = v // (parentID || childID);
child = node$RIGHT;
if type(child)^='U' then do;
call QueuePush(Q, child);
childID = child$KEY;
v = v // (parentID || childID);
nodeCount = nodeCount - 1;
/* plot a binary search tree */
start BSTPlot(bst);
v = BSTGetKeyDepth(bst);
NodeID = v[,1];
x = rank(NodeID);
y = v[,2];
create nodes var {"NodeID" "x" "y"}; append; close;
edges = BSTGetEdges(bst);
FromNode = edges[,1];
ToNode = edges[,2];
LinkID = T(1:nrow(FromNode));
N = 2*nrow(FromNode);
LX = j(N,1,.);
LY = j(N,1,.);
do i = 1 to nrow(FromNode);
j = loc(NodeID = FromNode[i]); /* index into NodeID */
k = 2*i - 1;
LX[k,] = X[j];
LY[k,] = Y[j];
j = loc(NodeId = ToNode[i]);
LX[k+1,] = X[j];
LY[k+1,] = Y[j];
*print i (LX || LY);
LinkId = LinkId || LinkID;
create LinkCoords var {"LinkID" "LX" "LY"}; append; close;
data All;
set nodes LinkCoords;
proc sgplot data=All noautolegend nocycleattrs;
format nodeID 3.;
series x=LX y=LY / group=LinkID lineattrs=(color=black pattern=solid);
scatter x=x y=y / markerattrs=(symbol=circlefilled size=32)
filledoutlinedmarkers markerfillattrs=(color=white)
scatter x=x y=y / markerchar=nodeID;
yaxis reverse display=none;
xaxis display=none;
call delete({Nodes LinkCoords All});
store module=_all_;