
Vector AR(1) Estimation


                    SAS Sample Library

 Description: Example program from SAS/ETS User's Guide,
              The MODEL Procedure
       Title: Vector AR(1) Estimation
     Product: SAS/ETS Software
        Keys: nonlinear simultaneous equation models
        PROC: MODEL


data grunfeld;
   input year gei gef gec whi whf whc;
   label gei = 'Gross Investment GE'
         gec = 'Capital Stock Lagged GE'
         gef = 'Value of Outstanding Shares GE Lagged'
         whi = 'Gross Investment WH'
         whc = 'Capital Stock Lagged WH'
         whf = 'Value of Outstanding Shares Lagged WH';
1935     33.1      1170.6    97.8      12.93     191.5     1.8
1936     45.0      2015.8    104.4     25.90     516.0     .8
1937     77.2      2803.3    118.0     35.05     729.0     7.4
1938     44.6      2039.7    156.2     22.89     560.4     18.1
1939     48.1      2256.2    172.6     18.84     519.9     23.5
1940     74.4      2132.2    186.6     28.57     628.5     26.5
1941     113.0     1834.1    220.9     48.51     537.1     36.2
1942     91.9      1588.0    287.8     43.34     561.2     60.8
1943     61.3      1749.4    319.9     37.02     617.2     84.4
1944     56.8      1687.2    321.3     37.81     626.7     91.2
1945     93.6      2007.7    319.6     39.27     737.2     92.4
1946     159.9     2208.3    346.0     53.46     760.5     86.0
1947     147.2     1656.7    456.4     55.56     581.4     111.1
1948     146.3     1604.4    543.4     49.56     662.3     130.6
1949     98.3      1431.8    618.3     32.04     583.8     141.8
1950     93.5      1610.5    647.4     32.24     635.2     136.7
1951     135.2     1819.4    671.3     54.38     723.8     129.7
1952     157.3     2079.7    726.1     71.78     864.1     145.5
1953     179.5     2371.6    800.3     90.08     1193.5    174.8
1954     189.6     2759.9    888.9     68.60     1188.9    213.5

title1 'Example of Vector AR(1) Error Process Using Grunfeld''s Model';
/* Note: GE stands for General Electric
         WH stands for Westinghouse     */

proc model outmodel=grunmod;
   var gei whi gef gec whf whc;
   parms ge_int ge_f ge_c wh_int wh_f wh_c;
   label ge_int = 'GE Intercept'
         ge_f   = 'GE Lagged Share Value Coef'
         ge_c   = 'GE Lagged Capital Stock Coef'
         wh_int = 'WH Intercept'
         wh_f   = 'WH Lagged Share Value Coef'
         wh_c   = 'WH Lagged Capital Stock Coef';
   gei = ge_int + ge_f * gef + ge_c * gec;
   whi = wh_int + wh_f * whf + wh_c * whc;

title2 'With Unrestricted Vector AR(1) Error Process';

proc model data=grunfeld model=grunmod;
   %ar( ar, 1, gei whi )
   fit gei whi / sur;

title2 'With restricted AR(1) Error Process';

proc model data=grunfeld model=grunmod;
   %ar( gei, 1 )
   %ar( whi, 1)
   fit gei whi / sur;