Plotting Subsets of Data

Changing Marker Properties

The following steps select observations where Count=1 and change the shape and color of those observations.

Select Edit \blacktriangleright\,Find from the main menu.

Fill out the dialog box to find observations where Count equals 1, as shown in Figure 12.11. Click OK.

ugplotbyfinddlg.png (6118 bytes)

Figure 12.11: The Find Dialog Box

Select Edit \blacktriangleright\,Observations \blacktriangleright\,Marker Properties from the main menu.

The Marker Properties dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 12.12.

ugplotbymarkerdlg.png (4769 bytes)

Figure 12.12: The Marker Properties Dialog Box

Change Shape to a star ( \ast). Change the Outline and Fill to blue. Click OK.

The observations with Count=1 are now selected and represented by blue star-shaped markers.

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