The TRANSREG Procedure

Displayed Output

The display options control the amount of displayed output. The displayed output can contain the following:

  • an iteration history and convergence status table (by default when there are iterations)

  • an ANOVA table when the TEST , SS2 , or UTILITIES a-option is specified

  • a regression table when the SS2 a-option is specified

  • conjoint analysis part-worth utilities when the UTILITIES a-option is specified

  • model details when the DETAIL a-option is specified

  • a multivariate ANOVA table when the dependent variable is transformed and the TEST or SS2 a-option is specified

  • a multivariate regression table when the dependent variable is transformed and it is specified

  • liberal and conservative ANOVA, multivariate ANOVA, regression, and multivariate regression tables when there is a MONOTONE , UNTIE , or MSPLINE transformation and the TEST or SS2 a-option is specified